PowerMate USB Controller

Saturday June 21, 2003 9:51 PM PDT by
A curious device - with a cult following... the Griffin PowerMate USB Controller is an aluminum USB knob/wheel that sits on your desk -- drawing the oohs and aahs of your friends. The knob can be programmed to control various aspects of Mac OS X applications. Mangoman writes: You're only limited by the number of ways you can click + turn the knob. So, within any given app', you've ...

Mac-Life.de - PowerMac Boxes Opened?

Wednesday June 18, 2003 6:11 AM PDT by
dietsoda reports on a story which was briefly on Mac-Life.de that claims to have knowledge of upcoming PowerMacs based on the contents of the mysterious boxes. This Spymac thread claims to contain the original text on the site. There is no "G5" shown on the outer hull, just PowerMacintosh 970. The Computers are there is two versions. Grey plastic with Aluminium or white...

New Desktops on Monday?

Tuesday June 17, 2003 10:04 AM PDT by
Several readers note that German retailer Cancom are advertising for new Desktops come Monday. Their graphic also shows a Tower under brown wrapping labeled...

Boxes Arriving?

Saturday June 14, 2003 4:03 PM PDT by
MacBidouille links a post in their forums claiming that boxes have arrived at one store with warnings not to open (presumably before WWDC). ...

Logic Control from Apple?

Wednesday June 11, 2003 7:38 PM PDT by
One anonymous report claims that Apple will be creating a new Control Surface (hardware) for both Final Cut Pro and eMagic's Logic. (example)...

iTunes for Windows Soon? [Correction]

Wednesday June 11, 2003 10:00 AM PDT by
The New York Post claims Apple's iTunes for Windows project is due sooner than previous expected: Apple is developoing [sic] a PC/Windows Media version of iTunes, which the company plans to have ready by the end of the month. iTunes for Windows was said to be due by year's end according to Steve Jobs at the April 28th Special Event introducing the iTunes Music Service. C...

Apple to Buy Roxio?

Sunday June 8, 2003 9:08 PM PDT by
LoopRumors claims that reliable sources indicate that Apple is looking to purchase Roxio. Roxio currently produces Toast for the Mac as well as CD-R software for the PC. In addition, Roxio has recently acquired Napster as well as Pressplay. ...

Low PowerMac 1.42 Stock

Friday June 6, 2003 11:08 PM PDT by
Distributers have very low to no stock of PowerMac 1.42GHz machines. Restock dates rate from late June to early July. ...

PowerBooks Updates?

Thursday June 5, 2003 10:09 PM PDT by
And unconfirmed/anonymous submission claims that the Powerbook line will see speed bumps on June 24th @ 9am at North Beach (@ WWDC). That timeslot is available and scheduled as 'To Be Announced", but would be an unusual time for such an event... as Jobs' keynote is the day before at...

RealPC vs Microsoft?

Wednesday June 4, 2003 6:02 PM PDT by
This MacNN thread from FWB notes that RealPC is scheduled for July... and that Microsoft has sent them a Cease and Desist letter. No other details...

Adjustable Displays?

Wednesday June 4, 2003 10:54 AM PDT by
LoopRumors claims that the displays may be redesigned in the future for more adjustability. ...

iPhone in Magazine?

Tuesday June 3, 2003 3:04 PM PDT by
To add to the whirlwind of rumors... A Macintouch reader claims to have seen an advertisement for an Apple/Sony-Ericcson phone in a "new" Mac Magazine called "iCreate" in the U.K. (inside back page, Issue 1) According to the blurb, the full-page add depicts the device, and was "in a local newsagent" today. This should be easily verifiable (or discounted) by our U.K. readers. Upda...

PowerBook 15inch in June?

Sunday June 1, 2003 10:06 PM PDT by
Kodawarisan claims that the revised 15" PowerBook G4 will be released at a special event in...

970 PPC's Cheaper?

Sunday June 1, 2003 10:02 PM PDT by
MacWhispers indicates that PowerPC 970's will be approximately 25-35% cheaper than current...

Motorola at 0.09?

Sunday June 1, 2003 10:18 AM PDT by
MacBidouille's latest report provides some potential Motorola information. ZeeOwl again provides translation: According to an internal source (thank-you Superced) Motorola has started producing 0.09 m chips in their Crolles 1 plant. The go on to speculate the implications of this... That's all we know, but if Motorola manages to produce G4s this...

Odd 970 Photos

Friday May 30, 2003 7:12 PM PDT by
Linked from AppleTurns.com, it appears IBM has posted, what can only be described as pseudo-erotic photos, of the PowerPC 970. The photos (1, 2, 3) depict the PowerPC 970 in various compromising positions posing with...

iPod <-> iPod Cable?

Friday May 30, 2003 1:15 PM PDT by
MacWhispers reports that a new iPod dock cable -- one with a full-dock connector on each end -- is to go into production over the next 30days. According to the site, the other iPod cables in production limit the actual wires to the functions being utilized, while this one has all 32 wires in...

PowerPC 970 Predictions

Friday May 30, 2003 4:34 AM PDT by
MacOSRumors posts a laundry list of predictions that they feel may be in the coming machines... but remain sufficiently uncertain: Keep in mind that the first 970-based Macs may not be PowerMacs, but rather Xserves or quite possibly, an entirely new model popularly dubbed the Xstation.... and of course this is the Year of the Powerbook, so a surprise such as the 970 premiering first in a ...