15% off Dell LCD's (til 7/2/03)

Tuesday July 1, 2003 3:22 AM PDT by
Dell is offering 15% off select LCD's until July 2, 2003 Dell 15-inch Flat Panel LCD - $279.65 (was $329.00) Dell Ultrasharp 15-inch LCD - $322.15 (was $379.00) Dell Ultrasharp 2000FP 20-inch LCD - $934.15 (was $1099.00) Dell Ultrasharp 19-inch LCD - $636.65 (was $749.00) Dell? Yes... people seem to like their Ultrasharp monitors... and if you wanted to pick up a...

You Save. They Rave. ($99 Rebate)

Tuesday July 1, 2003 2:21 AM PDT by
Apple's You Save. They Rave. rebate offers $99 back with purchase of a Mac and an HP Printer. Offer is only available at participating stores and lasts until September 27,...

iMic for iChat

Tuesday July 1, 2003 12:20 AM PDT by
Griffin Technology's iMic provides Mac users without audio in capabilties, the ability to plug in a microphone or other audio in source into their Macs. With iChat AV, there's one more reason to need such a device -- the iMic, along with a headset/mic combo, lets you talk to others in a more familiar headset mode, rather than in speakerphone mode by using your built in speakers. The...

Best Buy to Carry...

Monday June 30, 2003 11:47 AM PDT by
Early reports indicate that BestBuy will carry (almost) a full line of hardware, including 17" LCD, 12" PowerBook, 15" PowerBook, 17" iMac, 15" iMac, eMac, 12" iBook, PowerMac G4 1.25. Notably absent are the high end configurations of the 17" PowerBook and G5 PowerMacs. Obviously, stock/inventories may change by launch day. ...

PowerMac G5 and Sales Tax

Saturday June 28, 2003 1:59 PM PDT by
A reminder that Apple's online store automatically charges local sales tax on your purchases -- which on a $3000 PowerMac can add up. The following MailOrder vendors only charge sales tax in states in which they hold a presense: MacWarehouse: CT, NJ, OH and TN MacMall: CA, TN, WI ClubMac: CA, TN, WI These vendors are also offering "Free" Printers and other discounts...

Unreal Tournament 2003

Saturday June 28, 2003 12:41 PM PDT by
Unreal Tournament 2003 is now shipping for Mac. Unreal Tournament 2003 uses the very latest Unreal Engine technology - where graphics, sound and gameplay are taken beyond the bleeding edge. Unreal Tournament 2003 is a lightning-fast, no-holds-barred sport of the future, where warriors face off like the Gladiators...

$10 off $100 at TechDepot(OfficeDepot)

Friday June 27, 2003 7:21 PM PDT by
TechDepot/Office Depot has a special coupon valid until June 30, 2003 which gives you $10 off when you spend $100 or more. $10 off any $100 purchase at Tech Depot....

New PowerBook Model ID's?

Thursday June 26, 2003 10:17 PM PDT by
One user notes the following PowerBook model names PowerBook6,2 PowerBook5,2 PowerBook6,3 PowerBook5,3 In Panther Preview (/System/Library/Extensions/ AppleMacRISC2PE.kext/Contents/PlugIns/Portable2003_PlatformMonitor.kext/Contents/MacOS/Portable2003_PlatformMonitor) The current PowerBooks carry the following designations: 12" PowerBook ->...

G5 PowerMacs Ship Dates in September

Thursday June 26, 2003 8:21 PM PDT by
Ship dates for PowerMac G5 orders are set for early September as of last...

Xserve Discounts - Clearance?

Thursday June 26, 2003 8:16 PM PDT by
rjstanford notes that Apple is running a special for registered ADC developers (Select or above) for 25% off the purchase of two or more Xserve / Xserve RAID systems. These discounts don't count against your normal hardware discounts. This special runs until the end of July. Due to the recent introduction of the G5 PowerMac, many have speculated that Xserve's are next. ...

More Benchmarks with After Effects

Thursday June 26, 2003 5:21 PM PDT by
xlr8yourmac.com posted some user submitted benchmarks comparing a short After Effects benchmarking test on the new G5: Here are my results for this test on the three computers I have available to me: 1 x 1.0 GHz G4 PowerBook 17" - ~30 minutes (3 min/frame) 2 x 2.66 GHz Pentium Xeon from Boxx - 11 min, 39 sec (1.2 min/frame) 2 x 2.0 GHz PowerMac G5 - 6 min, 1 sec...

Not Understanding SPEC Scores?

Thursday June 26, 2003 5:16 PM PDT by
Charles White demonstrates his (lack of?) knowledge of SPEC Scores in an editorial for DigitalVideoEditing: Xnet's response: Mr. Charlie White, I feel that I should point out an error in the table calculations at the end of your article. B/c SPEC scores are 100% dependant on the compiler used the data from Apple and AMD cannot be compared. AMD and Intel use the...

Free Shipping on White iBooks (G3/500)

Thursday June 26, 2003 12:09 PM PDT by
Free ground shipping when you order this white iBook by 7/2. Part #P008067 Use Q-Pon code "DRIP" when ordering and get free ground shipping. iBook G3/500 128/10gb/CD/56k/12" $699.99 ...

G5 Altivec Carbon Fractal Benchmark

Thursday June 26, 2003 9:13 AM PDT by
One reader submits the AltiVec Fractal Carbon benchmark for the 2.0GHz G5 PowerMac with SMP and Altivec enabled: 14055.2 MFLOPS For reference, a G4/450 is 1.5 GigaFlops (~1500...

Apple iSight Web Cam

Monday June 23, 2003 10:48 PM PDT by
Apple just released the iSight webcam for iChat AV. iSight is a state-of-the-art video camera thats the easiest way to video conference with your colleagues, friends and family over broadband. Featuring an autofocusing autoexposure F/2.8 lens which captures high-quality pictures even in low lighting, iSight also includes a dual-element microphone in its stylish compact aluminum body. P...

Final Cut Pro 4.0

Sunday June 22, 2003 8:11 PM PDT by
Final Cut Pro 4.0 was announced at the National Association of Broadcasters conference in April, but has only bee shipping recently. The new upgrade provides numerous new features: Packed with more than 300 new features, Final Cut Pro 4 introduces RT Extreme, for real-time composting and effects, powerful new interface customization tools, new high-quality 8- and 10-bit uncompressed...

Web Publishing Manager wanted at Apple?

Sunday June 22, 2003 2:10 AM PDT by
Several have pointed to this job listing as a consequence of the specs leaked from Apple thursday evening. It's unclear when this job posting appeared (pre or post leak) ...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Saturday June 21, 2003 11:00 PM PDT by
Love it or hate it, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is now available for order. As his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry approaches, 15-year-old Harry Potter is in full-blown adolescence, complete with regular outbursts of rage, a nearly debilitating crush, and the blooming of a powerful sense of rebellion Caveman_uk, apparently, will not be buying ...