15GB iPod $364.99

Tuesday July 15, 2003 9:21 AM PDT by
Expiring today is a Buy.com coupon that lets you take off $20 from orders of $250 or more in select categories. Buy.com has a $384.99 price on the 15GB iPod. $384.99 - $20 = $364.99 for the 15GB iPod and free shipping. $20 off $250 or more in Computers, Software, Electronics, Games & Bags Stores. Plus, Free Shipping on select items. (Valid 7/1/03 - 7/15/03) ...

Resellers Removing 12" and 17" PowerBook ads

Tuesday July 15, 2003 8:37 AM PDT by
Resellers are being asked to remove the 12" and 17" PowerBook ads by...

$300 off Bundle for Educational Purchases

Sunday July 13, 2003 11:10 PM PDT by
Apple is offering a new bundle deal for educational buyers. By a Mac laptop together with any iPod, and any eligible HP printer, and they'll take off $300 from the already-discounted educational price. Link: Buy a Bundle, get a bundle back....

New Adjustable Displays - Concept Designs?

Sunday July 13, 2003 10:11 PM PDT by
LoopRumors has posted a design which it claims is a new "adjustable displays coming from Apple". These images have been floating around the web over the weekend and appear simply to be concept shots posted to...

PowerMac G5 Keyboard, Displays, an Other Rumors

Saturday July 12, 2003 11:58 AM PDT by
MacBidouille posts the following: Here are some informations we have just received concerning the G5 : - Keyboard and mouse will not be ones from eMac, they will be specially dedicated for G5 - Displays will have a slight change, there will no longer be horizontal stripes (as shown on Mac4ever) - Mono-Processor G5 will be ready for the 1st week of August and the 3rd for the...

15GB iPod Giveaway

Thursday July 10, 2003 9:13 PM PDT by
Subscribe to eCost's newsletter, and enter to win a 15 GB iPod. They are having a weekly giveaway which ends on July 31, 03. You have to be a US Resident and 21yrs old (at least). To enter, you have to sign up for their newsletter (there is also a mail in option). They are also offering specials on Digital Media w/ various types of media cards for discounts and/or rebate. Link: eCOST...

10% off Digital Cameras + $40 off

Thursday July 10, 2003 12:15 PM PDT by
Dell continues to have 10% off certain accessories: 10% off All Digital Cameras 10% off All Memory Free Ground Shipping Also, they are offering another 1 day only coupon: "D8C26FF4CEC1" which gives you $40 off orders $350 or more, excluding some Dell peripherals. Coupon good only for today (7/10/03) until 11:00pm CST. They have a broad range of digital cameras, and...

More Bluetooth Accessory Confirmation?

Thursday July 10, 2003 11:44 AM PDT by
LoopRumors.com claims that Bluetooth accessories are ready to go. ...

15% Off Batteries

Wednesday July 9, 2003 6:32 AM PDT by
Batteries.com is having a summer promotion which gives you 15% off any product. They carry, well, batteries, of course. Anything from AA's to Digital Camera and Cell Phone batteries. Coupon Code: "summer03" Good through September 2003. Link: Batteries.com...

Apple Displays Changed?

Tuesday July 8, 2003 7:23 PM PDT by
An Appleinsider thread claims that certain photos at Apple's site depict Displays without the horizontal stripes. A later post in that same thread then claims that this was confirmed after speaking with someone at Apple...

10% + $35 Off Peripherals (Palm, Digital Cams)

Monday July 7, 2003 6:16 AM PDT by
Certain stars have aligned at Dell's online store -- allowing you to combine discounts: 10% off Digital Camera, PDAs, Printers, Scanners and more. 5% off Monitors & Projectors ...and with a coupon... Coupon Code: "59342DCCE914" $35 off a Purchase of $300 or More You can come up with some interesting discounts on perhipherals. Canon PowerShot S400 => $499 -...

Pro Video Card Support in Panther? G5's Delivered?

Monday July 7, 2003 3:26 AM PDT by
MacBidouille claims that Apple will be supporting some professional video cards in Panther. The list includes NVidia's Quadro 2, Quadro 4 and ATI's Fire GL 8700, GL 8800, GL2, and GL4. Of additional note, they claim that certain Select and Premier developers have started receiving PowerMac G5 orders. Being so far ahead of the general population, it's unclear how accurate this report is....

Aluminum Displays?

Sunday July 6, 2003 12:28 AM PDT by
Kodawarisan claims that Apple's Displays will get a revamp with an aluminum/mesh look -- as well as preparation for a 30"...

More G5 Benchmarks (NASA)

Friday July 4, 2003 9:17 PM PDT by
Several have noted these benchmarks from an individual who works at...

Future of PowerMacG5

Thursday July 3, 2003 2:20 PM PDT by
MacBidouille reports on some rumors of upcoming technologies coming in the PowerMac G5 line. According to the site, PCI-X is only the beginning, and to expect technologies such as PCI-X 2.0, a 1.7GHz Bus "in the beginning of 2004", 3GIO/PCI-Express in 2004/2005. Macbidouille also claims that plans for 2GHz and 2.5GHz speeds are for the end of the year. Few details of these rumors are ...

Free Shipping on $25 or More

Thursday July 3, 2003 2:59 AM PDT by
For items that you don't need next-day'd over to you, Amazon offers "Super Saver Shipping" -- which is free shipping for orders over $25. Some restrictions apply. Amazon.com...

Free MS Office for OS X w/ Purchase of G5

Tuesday July 1, 2003 7:03 PM PDT by
MacConnection is offering the new PowerMac G5's with Microsoft Office v.X included for "free". These prices are pre-rebate: $2094 - 1.6GHz G5 PowerMac w/ Office $2494- 1.8GHz G5 PowerMac w/ Office $3094- Dual 2.0GHz G5 PowerMac w/ Office A MacConnection sales representative stated that these bundles come with a $100 rebate, bringing actual costs down slighty below retail...

Xserve Specs?

Tuesday July 1, 2003 4:26 PM PDT by
One unconfirmed source claims that the Xserve G5 is due in just a few weeks, and the configurations should include a Dual 2GHz G5, a single 2GHz G5, and a Dual 2GHz Cluster Configuration. Edit: Typo Corrected (2GHz, not...