DVD Player Update 4.6.1

Friday July 8, 2005 11:50 AM PDT by
Apple has posted a small DVD Player update in your Mac OS X Software Update: DVD Playback Update 4.6.1 addresses a disc validation issue some users may encounter when attempting to play a disc for the first time with DVD Player 4.6. This update is recommended for all users of DVD Player 4.6....

Apple clearing out iPods with Overstock?

Wednesday July 6, 2005 8:17 AM PDT by
Appleinsider posted a small blurb indicating that Apple may be in talks with Overstock.com to clear out remaining monochrome iPods and excess iPod...

Mac mini update?

Wednesday June 29, 2005 2:10 PM PDT by
Rumors are circulating, based on a MacBidouille message (translation) that a Mac mini order showed a status of "Replaced with new product". If true, this could indicate that a new low-end Mac model was to be released. There has been no confirmation of this rumor and others with Mac minis on order claim not to have this order...

iTunes Phone Revealed?

Tuesday June 28, 2005 5:35 PM PDT by
Appleinsider posts what it claims to be a prototype or official mockup of the Motorola iTunes Phone. It's unclear if the image is an accurate representation of the iTunes phone as it will be released from Motorola, but reliable sources have been able to confirm the largely-unedited image as originating from Motorola company documents dated June, 2005....

Widescreen iBook?

Monday June 20, 2005 9:31 AM PDT by
China's Economic Daily News reports (The Register | Engadget) that Asustek has again secured the iBook manufacturing contract from Apple. Asustek currently manufactures Apple's 12.1 inch iBook and PowerBook models. Mentioned in the report is upcoming 14 inch and 15.4 inch widescreen iBooks set to debut sometime in 2006. Currently only the Powerbook has a widescreen (16x10) model, leaving the...

Mac OS X Intel Leaked?

Monday June 13, 2005 11:41 AM PDT by
Over the weekend there were unverified reports that Apple's developer Mac OS X for Intel had been leaked. Thus far, there is no real evidence that this is actually the case. One fake OS X has been spotted on the file-trading networks but no actual reports of legitimate seeds. It's not known if the developer Mac OS X Intel will install on a standard PC with the same...

Is Apple using BIOS?

Thursday June 9, 2005 9:01 PM PDT by
One dev mailing list post leaves the BIOS/Firmware question for upcoming Intel-Macs open: We realize there are lots of folks that need to know what is going to be in the ROMs on these new machines, and what partition scheme will be used. Unfortunately, we are not yet in a position to make that information available, but we will communicate it as soon as we reasonably can. Don't assume that what...

Apple Expanding Online Commerce?

Tuesday June 7, 2005 4:33 PM PDT by
Apple is advertising for a new finance manager for "new online commerce business": Finance manager for new online commerce business. Work with marketing and management team to develop the business model, including updating pro-forma P&Ls, resource plans, and NPV of the new business opportunity over time as development continues. Provide ongoing support (post-launch) to track profitability and...

Fake PowerBook G5 Press Release

Friday June 3, 2005 4:33 AM PDT by
A fake PowerBook G5 press release is making the rounds, which has been engineered to appear to have been posted at Apple's site, but is not. The fake url page begins with making it appear to be a Google cache address, but uses a form of url masking to redirect the user to a different site. Similar fakes have appeared in the...

Apple Overstocked on iPods and Macs?

Thursday June 2, 2005 5:49 PM PDT by
Appleinsider cites analyst reports indicating that iPod and Mac stocks are the highest they've been in a year. In fact, for the first time in over a year, there is enough stock of all of Apple's major products -- both Mac and iPod -- that even the company's often-neglected value added retailers can get most products on demand. The only exceptions appear to be the new iMac G5 and the Special...

2GB iPod with LCD Display?

Thursday June 2, 2005 4:43 AM PDT by
MacOSXRumors cites anonymous sources who claim that Apple is planning to introduce a new iPod shuffle with 2GB of storage and display. Meanwhile the 1GB iPod shuffle would remain without display. According to the rumor site, the display would be a 3inch by .7inch grayscale LCD with backlight. Pricing would come in at $149 (2GB) and $99 (1GB). No word on the fate of the 512MB iPod shuffle, ...

iTunes 4.8 iPod Phone Support

Monday May 30, 2005 3:52 PM PDT by
One reader notes that iTunes 4.8 already seems to have localization for Motorola's iTunes compatible phone. iTunes.app -> Contents -> Resources -> English.lproj -> Localized.rsrc contains the "Eject Phone" phrase as well as later references to "Phone". Motorola's iTunes compatible phone has been long awaited, with a number of delays reported. Last comments from Motorola claimed that it...

Mac OS X 10.4.2 8C21

Saturday May 28, 2005 11:16 AM PDT by
Apple has seeded Mac OS X 10.4.2 8C21 to developers. Seed notes mention fixes in Mac Notification Client, Automator, AddressBook, AppleScript, CoreGraphics, Display Preferences, Finder Search files, iCal, iDisk Syncing, iWork, JavaScriptCore, Mail, AirPort networking, Printing, Safari, Spotlight. Final version reportedly expected in mid...

Apple Store Paris in 2007

Wednesday May 25, 2005 10:43 AM PDT by
MacPlus.net notes that Apple is planning to continue its expansion of official Apple retail stores with a store in Paris in 2007, based on a comment from Steve...

AirPort Remote?

Monday May 16, 2005 2:39 PM PDT by
Hyponoticnet reports on a new error message that pops up in iTunes 4.8 which suggests there is an upcoming Airport remote coming from Apple. The error message displays: Your computer is using a firewall software that prevents you from sharing music or using a remote control for AirTunes...

Messenger 5 for Mac

Sunday May 15, 2005 1:08 PM PDT by
According to MessagerForMac.com, Microsoft is releasing Messenger 5 for Mac on Monday, May 16th. New features are reported to include: Brushed Metal look and feel Display pictures Improved File Transfers and...

Sony-iTunes Link?

Saturday May 14, 2005 4:11 PM PDT by
In the internet-game-of-telephone, several sites are reposting rumors of a Sony/Apple collaboration on the upcoming Playstation 3. The source of all of these is a single forum post. Claims include iTunes/PS3 interoperability, and iPod/PS3...

Apple Seeds Mac OS X 10.4.1 (8B15)

Saturday May 14, 2005 9:28 AM PDT by
Apple has seeded Mac OS X 10.4.1 8B15 according to ThinkSecret. ThinkSecret speculates that the frequency of new builds suggests an imminent final release. "Problem syncing the Address Book to .Mac" is the only known remaining...