Google Cofounder On Lack of Mac Chrome Browser: 'It's Embarrassing'

Thursday September 4, 2008 10:00 AM PDT by
Valleywag excerpts a Kara Swisher interview with Google cofounder Sergey Brin. At one point, the Swisher asks about a Mac version: Google cofounder Sergey Brin asked BoomTown's Kara Swisher if she'd try it out. "But you don't have a Mac version, baby, so no," Swisher tells him in this clip, excerpted from Swisher's longer interview. "I know, I know, it's embarrassing," says Brin.Brin states he...

Apple Releases Final Cut Express Update 4.0.1

Thursday August 28, 2008 10:48 PM PDT by
Apple today released Final Cut Express Update 4.0.1 via Software Update for existing Final Cut Express 4 users. This update addresses compatibility issues with AVCHD camcorders, improves stability when using third-party FxPlug plug-ins, and addresses a number of other minor issues. For more information about this software update, see the Release Notes. Changes detailed in the Release Notes...

iPod Nano Photos? Or Just an iPod Clone?

Thursday August 28, 2008 12:40 PM PDT by
One reader points us to a comment post that links to a number of photos from a Chinese website which appear to depict the new iPod nano. The photos look convincing enough to represent a photos of a true object, however, a number of details make us believe this is simply an iPod clone and not the future iPod Nano. The photos depict a widescreen Nano as rumored, but have no Apple logo, no iPod...

Steve Jobs Obituary Accidentally Published by Bloomberg

Thursday August 28, 2008 7:52 AM PDT by
Gawker publishes (via SetteB.IT) what appears to be a draft of Steve Jobs' obituary that was accidentally released to the newswire yesterday. Gawker explains that pre-writing obituaries is relatively common: But news organizations routinely prepare obituaries in advance, even for the healthy. And if Bloomberg readers had seen the internal story slug, "testjobs," their jitters might have abated....

More 4th Gen iPod Nano and 2nd Gen iPod Touch Cases

Monday August 25, 2008 12:03 PM PDT by
Alibaba has a few more images of cases for the rumored 2nd generation iPod Touch and 4th generation iPod nano. Images link to the individual product...

iTunes 8 and iPod Nanos on Sept 9th?

Monday August 25, 2008 11:40 AM PDT by
Electronista reports on a few more comments made by Kevin Rose during this week's Twit podcast. Coloring in details left out of his controversial blog entry, Rose alleges early on in the episode that the new devices and their companion jukebox software should be unveiled on September 9th, or just two weeks from...

'Leaked' MacBook Pro Ad is Just a Mockup

Sunday August 24, 2008 4:50 PM PDT by
An ad image purporting to be a leaked ad for an upcoming MacBook Pro has been circulating. The image is a mockup made by one of our forum members and not a real...

September Apple Event Rumor: 'iTunes Unlimited', iPhone iDisk Access?

Wednesday August 20, 2008 4:09 PM PDT by
Update: This is believed to be fake. A number of Apple rumor sites, including MacRumors, have received an anonymous tip purporting to describe details of a "Late September Apple Event". The source describes MobileMe upgrades that will allow the iPhone and iPod touch to access a user's iDisk storage, as well as the introduction of "iTunes Unlimited", a yearly subscription model for digital...

Apple Retail Store Opening in Fort Worth, Texas

Tuesday August 19, 2008 9:36 AM PDT by
The Apple Store University Park Village will open to the public on Saturday, August 23, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. CDT. The new store is in Fort Worth, Texas and represents the 15th Apple Store in Texas but the first in Fort Worth. More information at Apple's retail site....

New Mac TV Ads: Pizza Box, Throne and Calming Teas [Updated]

Monday August 18, 2008 7:01 PM PDT by
Apple has started televising three new 'Get a Mac' ads which have been posted to their site. - Pizza Box - PC tries to attract college students with free Pizza - Throne - Mac explains switching from PC to Mac is easy by bringing your PC to an Apple Store - Calming Teas - PC has a new line of calming teas for frustrated Vista users Update: Apple has posted a fourth new ad to its site,...

Adobe To Drop PowerPC Support For After Effects CS4

Saturday August 16, 2008 7:53 PM PDT by
Adobe has announced its intention to drop PowerPC support from After Effects CS4. By focusing on Intel Macs, we save a huge amount of engineering and testing time. This means that we will be able to complete more features for a larger group of customers and deliver the best release possible. Plus, some CS4 technology is so new that it never existed on PowerPC Macs. Adobe believes that by removing ...

Fire at Apple Headquarters Tuesday Night

Tuesday August 12, 2008 11:45 PM PDT by
CBS5 has video from a fire that broke out at the Valley Green 6 building on Apple campus in Cupertino, California. No injuries were reported. One reader provides this Google map which pinpoints the building (above the "B"...

Microsoft Updates Office 2008 and Office 2004

Tuesday August 12, 2008 3:39 PM PDT by
Microsoft today issued updates for both Office 2008 and Office 2004. The updates provide improvements to "stability and performance" and "address vulnerabilities that an attacker can use to overwrite the contents of a computer's memory by using malicious code." Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.1.2 Update weighs in at 159.6 MB and addresses security vulnerabilities and AppleScript reliability...

Nehalem Officially Named 'Core i7'?

Friday August 8, 2008 6:01 PM PDT by
Expreview clams that Intel will be officially announcing that the Nehalem processors will be known as the "Core i7" on August 11th. Nehalem is Intel's next generation processor that is expected to launch in Q4...

Apple Offering Free Year to Affected MobileMe Customers

Wednesday August 6, 2008 2:23 PM PDT by
We've heard multiple reports that affected individuals who have asked for some form of compensation from Apple's customer service have been offered a free year of service. Apple's MobileMe email outage affected approximately 1% of .Mac/MobileMe customers and involved some loss of email data surrounding the...

Touch Screen iPod Nanos?

Tuesday August 5, 2008 11:14 PM PDT by
Businessweek's Cliff Edwards speculates that Apple may introduce a touch-screen iPod nano in time for the holidays. He bases this prediction on analyst expectations and other recent whispers, but also reports that he saw a similar device in the wild: Out in the wild the other day in San Francisco, I saw a guy whip out and change his music on a black touch-screen device that looked suspiciously...

U.K. 'Back to School' Promo Starts on Monday?

Friday August 1, 2008 8:25 AM PDT by
U.K. Apple customers may want to wait until Monday to buy a new Mac or iPod. According to one source, Apple is said to be launching the U.K. version of their Back to School promo which typically offers customers a free iPod with purchase of a new Mac. We haven't yet gotten additional confirmation on this, however. Apple's U.S. version of the promotion is presently offering students and...

Intel Chipsets To Stay, Larrabee GPU In Apple's Future?

Thursday July 31, 2008 4:44 PM PDT by
Arstechnica is refuting recent claims that Apple may be considering dropping Intel chipsets for those made by competitors AMD or VIA or perhaps their own custom chipset. In a mix of speculation and rumor, Ars believes that Apple will stick with Intel chipsets due to upcoming Intel-unique technologies such as Nehalem and its upcoming QuickPath interconnect and Larrabee, a forthcoming...