NVIDIA MacBook Air Benchmarks

Monday November 10, 2008 10:57 AM PST by
Macworld provides benchmarks for the new NVIDIA-based MacBook Air that was introduced in October. Macworld found that benchmarks improved up to 39%, when comparing the new 1.86GHz MacBook Air (SSD) to the first generation 1.8GHz MacBook Air (HDD). The new high-end Air posted a 39 percent higher Speedmark 5 score than that old CTO Air. It was also 28 percent faster in our Photoshop tests and...

Apple Releases Digital Camera Raw Compatibility 2.3

Tuesday November 4, 2008 1:40 PM PST by
Apple today released Digital Camera Raw Compatibility 2.3, bringing RAW support for several digital cameras to iPhoto '08 and Aperture 2. This update extends RAW file compatibility for Aperture 2 and iPhoto 08 for the following cameras: Canon EOS 50D Nikon D90 Sony DSLR-A900 Nikon Coolpix P6000 It also addresses issues related to specific cameras and overall stability.The update weighs in ...

Apple Decides Against 34th Street Apple Store in NYC

Tuesday November 4, 2008 8:38 AM PST by
NYPost reports that despite Apple having leased a spot diagonally across from the Empire State Building on 34th street in New York City, they have decided against building an Apple Store at that location. Small buildings on the site were demolished. Merchants on West 34th Street - where stores like Banana Republic and Victoria's Secret have been replacing schlocky discounters - looked forward to...

Microsoft Releases Office 2008 12.1.4 Update to Fix Entourage Bug

Thursday October 30, 2008 1:35 PM PDT by
Microsoft announced the release of a 12.1.4 update to Mac Office 2008 that fixes an Entourage bug introduced with the last update: Weve been working hard for the last week and a half to bring Entourage users todays 12.1.4 update. Its incredibly frustrating when we get through a release process and a new issue is introduced by an update. When we start to hear feedback and customer reports about...

Psystar Mac Notebook Clone in the Works

Wednesday October 29, 2008 9:23 AM PDT by
One reader wrote Psystar asking about the possibility of a Mac notebook clone. Psystar responded confirming that one was in the works: Thank you for your interest in Open Computing. Although there is no mobile open computer at the moment, I can tell you that it is something that is in development. Once we release a final product, it will be posted on our website along with an automatic...

CodeWeavers Offers CrossOver for Free Today Only

Tuesday October 28, 2008 5:49 AM PDT by
Codeweavers is offering their applications for free today only (Tuesday, October 28th). The software and registration keys can be obtained from http://lameduck.codeweavers.com/free/. We are giving away all of our software for free on Tuesday, October 28th, 2008. This is a fully working, fully supported copy of either CrossOver Mac Professional, or CrossOver Linux Professional. No hooks, tricks, ...

Apple Releases Airport Extreme Update 2008-004

Saturday October 25, 2008 3:47 PM PDT by
Apple has released Airport Extreme Update 2008-004 via Software Update. This update is recommended for all Intel-based Macintosh computers running Mac OS 10.5.5 and resolves some issues with AirPort connections when roaming in large Wi-Fi networks. The update appears to be Apple's replacement for the recently pulled Airport Extreme 2008-003 update....

Apple Releases Another New 'Get a Mac' Ad: 'Bake Sale'

Tuesday October 21, 2008 7:21 PM PDT by
Following on the heels of two new "Get a Mac" ads released just days ago, Apple has released a third ad in the series, Bake Sale. The commercial, available on Apple's site, shows "PC" holding a bake sale in order to raise money to fix Vista. The ad continues the theme introduced in Bean Counter of poking fun at Microsoft's new $300 million advertising campaign under the premise that the...

Apple Releases AirPort Extreme Update 2008-003 [Updated]

Tuesday October 21, 2008 2:51 PM PDT by
Apple today released AirPort Extreme Update 2008-003. About AirPort Extreme Update 2008-003 This update is recommended for all Intel-based Macintosh computers running Mac OS 10.5.5 and resolves some issues with AirPort connections when roaming in large Wi-Fi networks.The update weighs in at 2.2 MB and requires OS X 10.5.5. Update: Apple has pulled the update for unknown...

Apple Releases Aperture 2.1.2

Monday October 20, 2008 6:40 PM PDT by
Apple today released Aperture 2.1.2, a minor update to their professional photography software. Aperture 2.1.2 "improves the printing quality of books, cards and calendars ordered through the Aperture printing service." The update weighs in at 48 MB and requires Aperture 2 and OS X 10.4.11 or 10.5.3 or...

New Mac Ads: V Word and Bean Counter

Sunday October 19, 2008 12:12 PM PDT by
Apple has started televising two new 'Get a Mac' ads which have been posted to their site. - V Word - In order to avoid the bad connotations now associated with Vista, PC buzzes Mac everytime he says the word Vista. - Bean Counters - Mac notes that PC spends more on advertising than on fixing...

Apple Releases Migration and DVD/CD Sharing Update

Thursday October 16, 2008 9:03 PM PDT by
Apple today released Migration and DVD/CD Sharing Update, which is "recommended for all users and provides enhanced customization capabilities and improved performance for migration over FireWire, ethernet, and wireless networks." According to the accompanying support article, the update installs several utilities: This update includes the previously released DVD or CD Sharing Setup Update 1.0...

Apple Releases Xsan 2.1.1 Updates

Wednesday October 15, 2008 6:09 PM PDT by
Apple today released a pair of updates for Xsan, their enterprise-class storage area network (SAN) solution. Xsan 2.1.1 FileSystem Update (26 MB) The 2.1.1 update is recommended for all systems running Xsan 2. This update includes general file system fixes, as well as specific fixes for: - file system performance and reliability - Access Control List verification and correction - volume...

Microsoft Releases Office 2008 12.1.3 and Office 2004 11.5.2 Updates

Wednesday October 15, 2008 1:41 AM PDT by
Microsoft has released updates for both Office 2008 (12.1.3) and Office 2004 (11.5.2). The updates provide a number of security, stability, and performance-related fixes. The security fixes primarily address file format and formula parsing vulnerabilities in Excel. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.1.3 Update weighs in at 154.4 MB and addresses security vulnerabilities and increases stability...

Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Flash Player 10 Now Available

Tuesday October 14, 2008 10:26 PM PDT by
Adobe has announced that Creative Suite 4 (PDF) and Flash Player 10 (PDF) are now available. Creative Suite 4 (CS4), unveiled on September 23rd, is available in six versions: Design Premium, Design Standard, Web Premium, Web Standard, Production Premium and Master Collection. Prices range from $399 to $899 for upgrades and $999 to $2499 for full versions. Complete package and pricing details...

Apple Releases Software Update 1.2 for New MacBooks and MacBook Pros

Tuesday October 14, 2008 5:01 PM PDT by
Apple has already released a software update for the new aluminum MacBook and MacBook Pro models announced at today's special event. About MacBook, MacBook Pro Software Update 1.2 This update contains software bug fixes for precision aluminum unibody enclosure MacBook and MacBook Pro notebook computers introduced in October 2008. The update improves compatibility with external displays and...

Notebook Event Spoiler Free Keynote Stream [Video]

Monday October 13, 2008 1:14 AM PDT by
Video Available: direct link (no spoilers) Apple will kick off it's "Notebook" media event on October 14th, 2008. News sites across the web will cover every announcement in detail, while Apple's site will be updated with any new products announced. Some readers prefer watching the keynote themselves without knowing the outcome. Unfortunately, there is no live video feed for the keynote. ...

Apple Releases Security Update 2008-007

Thursday October 9, 2008 2:27 PM PDT by
Apple today released Security Update 2008-007. Full details are available in Apple's release notes, but the updates contains fixes for a variety of issues including OS X-specific vulnerabilities as well as issues with other scripting and database tools such as Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Updates are available in the following versions: - Leopard Client (31.1 MB) - Tiger Client - Intel (161 MB) ...