Apple Confirms September 15 Opening for First Swedish Store

Nuance Announces Update to its Dragon Dictate Voice Recognition Software

Apple Releases iMovie 9.0.8

Apple Releases Updates Java for OS X 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8

Craig Federighi and Dan Riccio Receive Stock Grants Worth $50 Million Each

Apogee Officially Introduces 'Quartet' Desktop Audio Interface for Mac

Open Source Image Editor GIMP Now Available as a Native OS X App

Apogee Preparing to Launch 'Quartet' Portable Audio Interface for Mac Music Professionals

OS X Lion 10.7.5 Build 11G45 Seeded to Developers

Tweetbot for Mac Alpha Program Ended Over Twitter API Restrictions

Unibox - A New Take on the OS X Mail Client

Apple Online Stores Nearing Immediate Availability of Retina MacBook Pro Models

Apple Seeds Safari 6.0.1 for OS X Lion to Developers

Apple Seeds First Developer Build of OS X 10.8.2

Apple's Former Keynote Address Producer Files Suit Claiming Steve Jobs Promised Lifetime Position

Apple Preparing to Begin Direct Sales in Russia?

Apple Seeds New Beta of OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.1 to Developers