Google Releases Blogger App for iOS

Thursday September 8, 2011 11:38 am PDT by
Google has released an iOS app for its popular Blogger blogging service. With the Blogger app, you can write a new blog post and publish it immediately or save it as a draft right from your iOS device. You can also open a blog post you've been working on from your computer and continue editing it while you're on-the-go. Your blog posts are automatically synced across devices, so you’ll...

San Francisco Police Launch Investigation into Missing iPhone 5 Search

Thursday September 8, 2011 8:25 am PDT by
CNET reports that the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) has launch an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the search for a prototype iPhone that went missing from a San Francisco bar in late July. The case resulted in a significant amount of publicity after the SFPD initially reported that it had no record of any investigation into the disappearance or participation in a...

Apple Sues Samsung in Japan over iPad and iPhone Patents

Thursday September 8, 2011 12:35 am PDT by
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 For those keeping up with the back and forth lawsuits between Samsung and Apple, Reuters reports that Apple has now filed suit against Samsung in Japan over patent violations related to the iPad and iPhone.California-based Apple is seeking the suspension of sales of Samsung's handsets in Japan, as well as 100 million yen ($1.3 million) in damages, Kyodo added, citing...

Adobe Carousel Brings Cloud Photo Storage and Editing to Mac and iOS

Wednesday September 7, 2011 2:15 pm PDT by
Adobe today announced Carousel, a cloud-based photo storage and editing service. Carousel allows users to store unlimited JPGs in the cloud, edit and enhance them on the go, and makes it easy for users to share their photos as well. Adobe will be releasing apps for iPad and iPhone on the App Store, as well as an app on the Mac App Store. Android and Windows apps will be coming eventually....

Saks Window Display Features 64 iPads and 18 Apple Monitors

Wednesday September 7, 2011 12:07 pm PDT by
Apple isn't the only retailer to put iPads in its window displays. Saks Fifth Avenue also has a window full of iPads, though not to advertise the tablet. Instead, the company is using iPads and Apple Cinema Displays to promote haute couture. Saks has partnered with to celebrate Fashion's Night Out with the unique window display at its flagship Fifth Avenue location, just up the...

Verizon Releases iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G TV Commercial

Wednesday September 7, 2011 7:51 am PDT by
Verizon yesterday released a new television commercial advertising the iPad 2 (via 9to5Mac). The ad, which utilizes a portion of Bow Wow Wow's "I Want Candy" as the soundtrack, unsurprisingly touts the 3G capabilities of the iPad 2 models offered for Verizon's network.It's faster, thinner, and lighter, and with the power of Verizon, you can stay connected almost anywhere. Let's say you want ...

Deutsche Telekom Thinks Something's Happening on September 7th

Tuesday September 6, 2011 10:23 pm PDT by
Back in August, Japanese site Kodawarisan claimed that Apple would be holding their usual fall media event on September 7th. The report was quickly refuted by The Loop who said "Apple will not have an event or launch the next iPhone on September 7th." But on Tuesday, had heard from two Deutsche Telekom sources that the company is expecting some sort of "press conference" from...

Facebook's iOS App Updated to v3.5, No iPad Support Yet

Tuesday September 6, 2011 6:08 pm PDT by
Facebook has updated their free Facebook App for iPhone tonight. Version 3.5 includes the following new features and improvements:Made it easier to share with who you want - Added the ability to tag friends and places in posts - Added the ability to share external links from a web view - Added new design for Profile and Group Walls ...

Best Buy's October 21st 'Apple Fixture Installation' Debunked as iPhone Launch

Tuesday September 6, 2011 6:23 am PDT by
Over the weekend, several Best Buy-related tips surfaced in connection with Apple. One of those tips came in the form of a new "Apple Fixture Installation" scheduled for October 21st that some have speculated could be related to the launch of the new iPhone. We have heard from several of our Best Buy sources, however, that this is not the case. The "C2 end display" cited in the calendar...

Atari to Release an Official Atari Arcade Joystick for iPad

Monday September 5, 2011 1:59 pm PDT by
Atari has recently updated their Atari's Greatest Hits iOS app to include support for an upcoming "Atari Arcade -- Duo Powered" joystick. The description links to this image and desciption:Relive the fast-action excitement of all your arcade favorites, like Asteroids, Centipede, and Missile Command. Simply connect your iPad to Atari's Greatest Hits app for Duo, and you're ready to share the...

Sprint Installing Signal Boosting Hardware in Apple Stores?

Monday September 5, 2011 12:05 pm PDT by
BeatWeek claims to have heard that at least one Apple Retail store location seems to be getting Sprint signal repeaters installed.According to the source, who resides in Austin, Texas: “One thing I can tell you is that the electrical contractor that I work for is contracted to install Sprint “repeaters” at The Domain. There is a Apple Store at The Domain. One of the “repeaters” is to...

San Francisco Police with No Record of Lost iPhone 5 Investigation

Thursday September 1, 2011 7:56 pm PDT by
SFWeekly has cast some serious doubts about the lost iPhone 5 report posted by CNet yesterday. CNet had reported that an Apple employee had lost an iPhone prototype at a San Francisco restaurant and bar in July. Apple and the San Francisco Police reportedly investigated and even tracked down the location to a house which was searched. SFWeekly called the San Francisco Police Department and ...

Doodle Jump Makes the Leap to iPad

Thursday September 1, 2011 2:59 pm PDT by
Doodle Jump, one of the best selling games ever on the iPhone, is finally making the leap to the iPad. The Pusenjak brothers have sold more than 10 million copies of Doodle Jump for iPhone, and hope to sell just as many copies on the iPad. The iPad version will be slightly more expensive, as is typical for iPhone to iPad transitions, selling for $2.99. All the graphics have been redone...

Always Get the Best Seat on the Plane with Jets

Thursday September 1, 2011 2:09 pm PDT by
For frequent flyers, getting just the right seat on a plane is essential. Whether it's aisle or window, exit row, or just making sure you have as much legroom as possible, knowledge is power. has been a great resource for many years but doesn't have a dedicated app. Instead its seat maps are tucked away inside the $4.99 FlightTrack app. Jets - Flight & Seat Advisor is a new app to ...

Bungie Aerospace Releases Crimson: Steam Pirates

Thursday September 1, 2011 1:07 pm PDT by
Rumored earlier this year, Bungie Aerospace, a publishing division of Bungie games, has released Crimson: Steam Pirates by developer Harebrained Schemes. The game is a turn-based strategy game set in a steampunk pirate universe. From the press release: The game includes eight campaign “voyages” set in a swashbuckling Steampunk universe hatched from the mind of Jordan Weisman, founder of...

Suspects Plead Not Guilty in Lost iPhone 4 Prototype Case

Thursday September 1, 2011 10:42 am PDT by
Just as Apple is reportedly dealing with the lose of another iPhone prototype, two suspects in the case of last year's lost iPhone 4 prototype have pleaded not guilty to misdemeanor theft charges, according to CNET. That iPhone prototype was lost in a Redwood City, California bar and later sold to Gizmodo. Gizmodo was officially cleared last month as charges were brought against two suspects...

Foxconn Reportedly Producing 20 Million iPad 2s This Quarter

Thursday September 1, 2011 9:07 am PDT by
DigiTimes briefly reports that Foxconn is apparently set to produce 20 million iPad 2 units during the current quarter, a significant boost over the prior quarter and even over earlier estimates for this quarter.For the third quarter, Foxconn is expected to ship 20 million units of iPad 2 to Apple, a growth of 60% sequentially, and the orders should be the major growth driver for the company in ...

Apple Posts New iPad Ad "Learn"

Wednesday August 31, 2011 10:34 pm PDT by
Apple has posted a new television ad for the iPad on their website and YouTube channel. This ad focuses on the iPad's use as an educational tool. Are you curious about new ideas? Do you want to learn a new language. Or just a new word. Maybe you want to know more about anatomy. Or astronomy. You could master something new or uncover a hidden talent. There's never been a better time to...