Send Real Greeting Cards With Apple's New Cards App

Wednesday October 12, 2011 11:46 am PDT by
Apple's newest app, Cards, was announced last week during the iPhone 4S keynote, and finally went live today. Cards is an iOS version of the greeting card-maker built-in to iPhoto, but with a twist -- instead of printing and shipping cards to the user, who then has to buy stamps, address and mail the cards -- Apple takes care of printing, mailing, and postage and sends the card directly to...

Apple Releases 'iTunes Movie Trailers' App for iOS

Wednesday October 12, 2011 10:58 am PDT by
Amidst the flurry of other software releases today, Apple has also pushed out a new iTunes Movie Trailers app [App Store] for iOS. The new universal app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch offers easy access to Apple's library of movie trailers.iTunes Movie Trailers puts the newest and most exclusive movie previews in HD in your hands. Browse trailers, clips, and featurettes for the biggest...

Apple Updates iMovie and iWork for iOS, Remote, Find My iPhone Apps

Wednesday October 12, 2011 10:56 am PDT by
In concert with the release of iOS 5 today, Apple also released updates for the iOS version of iMovie, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Remote, and Find My iPhone. Find My iPhone was updated with "Find My Mac" functionality and the "option to request an email when an offline device comes online and is located", which is a nice feature for users with lost devices. Remote and iMovie were given...

Apple Launches Store for Text Message/Alert Tones

Wednesday October 12, 2011 10:38 am PDT by
Apple has launched a new store within iTunes specifically for Ringtones and Alert or text message tones. Many of the new alert tones are dialogue clips and sound effects from famous movies including Star Wars and Jaws. The most popular tone at the moment is a beep-boop-beep from R2-D2. The iTunes Store on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch now includes the Tone Store — an incredible spectrum...

Pegatron's iPhone 4S Orders from Apple Increased to 15 Million Units?

Wednesday October 12, 2011 9:05 am PDT by
In what may be a sign of optimism on the part of Apple regarding iPhone 4S uptake, Digitimes reports on an article from the Commercial Times claiming that manufacturing partner Pegatron has now received orders for 15 million units of the iPhone 4S, with at least two million of those coming in the fourth quarter of this year.Pegatron Technology has landed orders for 15 million units of the...

Developers Updating Apps With iCloud Support

Tuesday October 11, 2011 5:31 pm PDT by
iOS developers are beginning to release apps that take advantage of iCloud's storage features. The excellent SketchBook Pro, a painting and drawing program from Autodesk, was updated today boasting an "option to set iCloud as default location to save canvases" and "controls in Gallery to upload or download from iCloud". iCloud, which launches tomorrow, automatically "stores your music, photos, ...

Side By Side Photos of iPhone 4S and iPhone 4

Monday October 10, 2011 9:11 am PDT by
These photos aren't surprising, but for those interested, AppVV has also posted photos of the new iPhone 4S alongside both CDMA and GSM iPhone 4 devices. It's also further proof that AppVV has gotten hold of an iPhone 4S before the official launch. They've already posted a hands on video showing the Siri settings. In these photos, the iPhone 4S is on the left, iPhone 4 GSM middle, and...

Apple's Covent Garden Retail Store Raided in Organized Motorbike Robbery

Monday October 10, 2011 8:54 am PDT by
Police at Covent Garden store following the robbery (Source: Rob Shoesmith) The Indepdent reports that Apple's Covent Garden store in London was the target of an organized smash-and-grab robbery conducted by a group of moped and motorcycle riders last night, and it appears that at least seven vehicles and as many as fourteen individuals were involved.Police were called at around 1am after...

Sprint and Verizon iPhone 4S Pre-Orders Begin

Friday October 7, 2011 12:19 am PDT by
Pre-orders for the new iPhone 4S were supposed to kick off at 12:01 a.m. pacific. Both and websites became available just at that time for preorders, while Apple's and AT&Ts have not yet updated. Apple's website is having some intermittent errors presumably due to the traffic. Sprint's pre-orders also seems to having some troubles while ...

Apple Offering Up to $200 Gift Card for a Used iPhone 4

Wednesday October 5, 2011 11:06 am PDT by
Apple is offering up to $200 (for a 32GB iPhone 4) for used iPhones, depending on condition, via its recycling and trade-in program. The company also takes in iPads, old Mac and PC notebook and desktop machines for recycling. Apple has partnered with California-based PowerON for its recently-expanded recycling service, calling the company "an industry leader in the responsible reuse and...

'Real Racing 2' to Support iPhone 4S's A5 and Split Screen AirPlay

Wednesday October 5, 2011 8:26 am PDT by
Firemint has always been one to quickly jump on any new Apple technology announcements. With the iPhone 4S announcement, the company has announced support for the A5 chip found in the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 to provide enhanced visuals to their games.Real Racing 2 [$4.99] and Real Racing 2 HD [$6.99] are set to receive a free and new update that’ll add an extra layer of graphical goodness on top...

Apple Shutting Down Existing Siri App with iPhone 4S Launch

Wednesday October 5, 2011 7:23 am PDT by
With Apple's Siri personal assistant being integrated into the forthcoming iPhone 4S, the company is moving to shut down the existing standalone Siri Assistant application, with the app already having been removed from the App Store. Existing users of the app are also being greeted with a notice informing them that the service will be shut down as of October 15th, the day after the iPhone 4S...

The Sushi Photo Was Taken with an iPhone 4S

Tuesday October 4, 2011 7:08 pm PDT by
In early September, we saw a photo of sushi that was believed to have been taken with a next-generation iPhone. The photo appeared in the Flickr stream of a known Apple employee and was found to have some unusual characteristics:This (very attractive) photo claims to have been taken by an iPhone 4, but the rest of its EXIF data tells a different story: although the image has been cropped to...

Full Resolution Photos from the New iPhone 4S Camera

Tuesday October 4, 2011 6:41 pm PDT by
As part of their new iPhone 4S promotional web pages, Apple has included several full-resolution sample shots for download. We've included three of the shots here. Clicking on the image will download the full-size 2-3MB 3264x2448 pixel photos to your computer. Several other examples are available to download at the...

Apple Clearing Out the iPhone 4 for $149 (16GB) and $199 (32GB)

Tuesday October 4, 2011 6:11 pm PDT by
If for some reason, you don't want to get the new iPhone 4S, Apple retail stores are selling the remainder of their iPhone 4 16GB and 32GB models while supplies last. The clearance prices for the units are $149 and $199, with the usual 2 year contract. Apple will offer a $99 iPhone 4 model going forward, but that model only has 8GB of storage. The prices are $50 and $100 cheaper than their ...

iPhone 3GS Now Free with Contract

Tuesday October 4, 2011 2:58 pm PDT by
As predicted, Apple also kept the iPhone 3GS around to be a low end "free with contract" device on AT&T. That means Apple is presently selling 3 generations of devices: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPhone 4S. Having a free option will help Apple compete with many of the cheaper Android phones. The 3GS is the oldest iPhone to support iOS...

Apple Offering Micro USB Adapters to European Customers

Tuesday October 4, 2011 2:20 pm PDT by
In 2010, the European Union introduced a new policy to require new phones sold in Europe to support charging via MicroUSB, in an effort to standardize charging systems across all mobile phone makers. Apple has begun offering Micro USB Adapters for the iPhone, shipping October 14 to EU customers. The adapter costs £8 or €9 and should also be included in the iPhone 4S when it ships later this ...

iPhone 4S Supports "Low Energy" Bluetooth 4.0

Tuesday October 4, 2011 2:05 pm PDT by
Earlier this year, Apple introduced new Bluetooth 4.0 chips in the MacBook Air and Mac Mini lines. The chips include support for Bluetooth Low Energy, a specification which opens the door to a number of new kinds of Bluetooth-powered devices. In the specifications for the iPhone 4S, Apple notes Bluetooth 4.0 support is built-in. There haven't been many products built for Bluetooth 4.0 yet, but ...