Apple Caused iPhone 4S Activation Issues?

Saturday October 15, 2011 2:26 pm PDT by
Tales of activation problems on all three U.S. carriers were widespread yesterday. An InformationWeek article claimed that the problem was not with the carriers, but instead was on Apple's end -- specifically with iTunes activation: It was suggested to me by someone with knowledge of the situation that Apple's servers are most likely to blame for the problems. An employee at one of the three...

EA and Gameloft Games On Sale for iPhone 4S Launch

Friday October 14, 2011 11:48 am PDT by
Game studios EA and Gameloft are discounting many of their games in honor of the iPhone 4S launch. EA runs sales every month or two, and this is October's sale. EA is offering up a number of its more technically impressive titles aimed at iPhone 4S buyers, including the lowest price ever for Madden 2012. EA: Madden NFL 12 – $4.99 → $2.99 Dead Space – $6.99 → $.99 The Sims 3 – $6.99 → $.99 B...

Steve Jobs Tribute Haircut At Fifth Avenue iPhone Launch

Friday October 14, 2011 9:59 am PDT by
This young man, in line for the iPhone 4S at Apple's Fifth Avenue flagship store, has a unique tribute haircut to Steve Jobs. On one side, Jonathan Mak's Steve Jobs tribute logo, and Albert Watson's famous photo of Steve Jobs from Fortune in 2006. On the other, he has Apple's famous "Think Different" slogan emblazoned. No word on who actually did the impressive cut. The photos were snapped...

Siri on Android vs. iPhone

Friday October 14, 2011 9:36 am PDT by
Siri stays tactful when responding to questions about Android. But when pressed for which is the best phone, she's not modest: thanks @JonShanny and octatonic....

iPhone 4S Drop Test (Spoiler: It Breaks)

Friday October 14, 2011 7:20 am PDT by
UnitediPhoneRepair posted a clip of a iPhone 4S "drop test". Of course, the iPhone 4S shares the same external design as the iPhone 4, and yes, it still breaks when dropped on its glass screen. ...

Samsung Lawyers Also Struggle to Tell iPad and Galaxy Tab Apart

Friday October 14, 2011 7:09 am PDT by
Developments continue in the wide-ranging patent dispute between Apple and Samsung, with judges in both the United States and the Netherlands making statements in favor of Apple although questions still remain. Reuters reports that U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh yesterday ruled that Samsung's Galaxy Tab devices do infringe upon Apple's iPad patents, but noted that Apple must still show...

Siri Can Make Calls from a Locked iPhone (By Design)

Friday October 14, 2011 7:01 am PDT by
Weng Chin points out something he describes as a security flaw in the iPhone 4S with Siri. In this video, Chin demonstrates that a user can make phone calls from the iPhone 4S even while it is protected by the iPhone: At 1 minute and 5 seconds in the video, Chin shows using Siri to make a phone call despite the iPhone 4S being locked. This seems to be by design, however. Having Siri...

iOS 5 Camera: Volume Shutter, Lock Screen, Remote Triggering

Thursday October 13, 2011 2:47 pm PDT by
Apple added a number of new features to the camera in iOS 5, as more and more users drop their point-and-shoot digital cameras in favor of the increasingly powerful cameras built-in to smartphones. For users looking to take pictures quickly, when the phone is locked, simply press the home button twice -- then press the camera icon that appears to be taken directly to the camera. This works...

How To Put Newsstand In A Folder

Thursday October 13, 2011 1:10 pm PDT by
The Coding Massacre has discovered a trick to force the iOS 5 Newsstand into a folder. The only reason to do this is to tuck Newsstand away and hide it -- users who have performed this trick discovered that opening Newsstand when its in a folder crashes Springboard, the main home screen on the iPhone. Simply follow these steps: - Take two apps and go to create a folder - The second the...

Foxconn Claims Brazilian iPad Production to Begin in December

Thursday October 13, 2011 12:57 pm PDT by
Foxconn's Brazilian expansion plans have been on-again off-again ever since the $12 billion proposal was announced earlier this year. Today, Reuters is reporting that Foxconn will start producing iPads in Brazil this December, but the company is still in negotiations with the Brazilian government about the size of Foxconn's investments in Brazil and the level of government involvement in the...

Griffin's Woogie 2 Makes An iPhone Kidproof

Thursday October 13, 2011 11:53 am PDT by
For iPhone and iPod Touch owners with young children, "can I play with your iPhone?" is a frequent refrain. Accessory maker Griffin has released the Woogie 2, a five-legged fuzzy friend to protect vulnerable devices from damage when children play with them. With thousands of interactive books and games available from the App Store, a parent’s iPhone or iPod is a natural for kids to want to...

iOS 5 Users Can Make Custom Text Tones Too

Thursday October 13, 2011 11:17 am PDT by
One of the new features of iOS 5 is the ability to purchase alert tones from the iTunes Store. Users have long been able to purchase and create custom ringtones, but the ability to customize text tones is new. The process for creating custom alert tones is identical to creating custom ringtones. iOS 5 now offers the ability to select full-length ringtones as a text message alert. To create a...

Grand Theft Auto III Coming to iPad 2 and iPhone 4S

Thursday October 13, 2011 11:01 am PDT by
RockStarGames announced today that they are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the release of Grand Theft Auto III with a new version to be released for both Android and iOS devices.To commemorate the game’s 10th anniversary, we’re proud to announce that Grand Theft Auto III will be coming to select new generation iOS and Android devices later this fallOnly the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 are amongst...

iPhone 4S Pre-Orders Sold Out at All U.S. Carriers

Thursday October 13, 2011 9:48 am PDT by
While shipping estimates for some iPhone 4S orders placed through Apple's U.S. carriers partners did begin to slip quite soon after pre-orders launched late last week, Bloomberg now reports that pre-orders through all three carriers have officially sold out ahead of tomorrow's launch.Sprint and Verizon Wireless showed no remaining iPhone 4S stock available for pre-order on their websites. On...

Apple Not Offering Apple ID Merging

Wednesday October 12, 2011 10:23 pm PDT by
In September, there had been some hope that Apple was working on a solution to allow users to merge multiple Apple IDs into one. The news came from an encouraging phone call from Apple's executive relations team saying that they were aware of the issue and seemingly working on it. Now that iCloud has launched, many have been wondering if anything had come of the previous discussion. One...

Lost iPhone 4 Prototype Finders Sentenced to Probation

Wednesday October 12, 2011 8:36 pm PDT by
Late yesterday, CNET reported that Brian Hogan and Sage Wallower, the two men involved in finding a lost iPhone 4 prototype in a Redwood City, California bar last year and selling it to Gizmodo, have pleaded no contest to the theft charges that had been brought against them. The two men were each sentenced to one year of probation and 40 hours of community service, and were required to pay...

"iPhone 5" Photo Stream Image is Gone

Wednesday October 12, 2011 4:44 pm PDT by
Top: New Photo Stream, Bottom: Old Photo Stream An icon that looked vaguely like a redesigned iPhone, thought to be the iPhone 5, appeared this summer in a Photo Stream image. The final version of Photo Stream reverts to a logo of the iPhone as we know it. Before and after pictures of the Photo Stream welcome screen are presented above. It was first noticed by MacRumors forum user djrod. When ...

Many Seeing "Error 3200" Trying to Upgrade to iOS 5

Wednesday October 12, 2011 1:26 pm PDT by
A growing thread in our forums reveals many users seeing "Error 3200" while attempting to upgrade to iOS 5.  Speculation points to this just being related to Apple's servers being overloaded, and some users are seeing success after multiple attempts. At this point, simply waiting and retrying seems to be the best solution. For other issues or problems, see our iOS 5 discussion forum....