'MLB.com At Bat' Adds Support for Ford SYNC and Social Sharing Options

LG and AU Optronics Once Again Named as Display Suppliers for 'iPad Mini' Coming in October

Sharp's Production of New iPhone Displays Reportedly Behind Schedule

Chinese Firm Makes Knockoff 'iPhone 5' From Mockups

Apple Seeks Sales Bans on Eight Samsung Smartphones

LifeProof Releases Nüüd Waterproof iPad Case

Samsung Promises to Fight on in Internal Memo, Seeks to Overturn Galaxy Tab Injunction

Engineers Detail Extensive Efforts to Rewrite Facebook iOS App

Evernote and Moleskine Partner on 'Smart Notebooks'

Video Shows What an iPhone Game Would Look Like on Taller iPhone Screen

Angry Birds Space Updated With Curiosity Mars Rover Content

Video Comparison of 'iPhone 5' Front Panel and Flex Cables to iPhone 4S Parts

'VOTE!!!' Combines Infinity Blade with the U.S. Presidential Election

PopCap Teases Plants vs. Zombies Sequel Coming Next Year

One-Off Keyboard Prototype Turns iPad Into Typewriter

Steve Jobs' Stolen iPad Ended Up in Hands of Local Clown

Instagram Makes a Big Push Into Location With Version 3.0