Facebook and YouTube Apps Updated With iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Support

Wednesday October 15, 2014 11:48 am PDT by
Facebook for iOS was today updated to version 16, adding support for the larger-screened iPhone 6 and 6 Plus devices. The app's new look introduces a smaller top bar, a slimmer bottom bar, and text that's sized appropriately. With its iPhone 6 redesign, the Facebook app looks much nicer on Apple's big-screen devices. It is unclear what other changes the update brings, as Facebook's release...

Skype for iPhone Now Optimized for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

Wednesday October 15, 2014 7:55 am PDT by
Skype today announced the release of version 5.6 of its iPhone app, bringing with it a user interface that is scaled for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. This is the second significant Skype update in less than a month and follows an iOS 8-optimized version that debuted at the end of September. The latest version of Skype for iPhone now supports all device screen sizes from the 3.5-inches of the...

iPhone 6 Pre-Orders in China Top 20 Million Through Carriers and E-Commerce Site JD

Monday October 13, 2014 3:26 am PDT by
Chinese mobile carriers and Chinese e-commerce site Jingdong Mall (JD.com) have processed a combined total of about 20 million pre-orders for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus since pre-orders began on October 10, reports Tencent (Google Translate, via Digitimes). The report notes that China's three biggest carriers including China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom have processed over 10...

Boost Mobile to Offer iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Starting October 17 With $100 Discount

Friday October 10, 2014 9:36 am PDT by
Boost Mobile confirmed that it would begin selling the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus starting next Friday, October 17, reports CNET. The new iPhones will join the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c in Boost's existing smartphone lineup. Boost Mobile, a division of Sprint, offers a no-contract prepaid service that requires users to purchase their phones at full price and pair them with prepaid mobile cellular...

Chinese Carriers Take One Million iPhone 6 Pre-Orders in First Six Hours

Friday October 10, 2014 8:27 am PDT by
Pre-orders for Apple's iPhone 6 and 6 Plus started today in China, with sales from the country's three carriers hitting one million units, reports Chinese publication Tencent (via Fortune). This figure includes orders processed by China's major wireless carriers and does not account for those orders accepted by Apple or the more than 6,000 resellers that also opened iPhone reservations today. ...

Apple Withheld $139 Million Payment from GT Advanced Ahead of Bankruptcy Filing

Tuesday October 7, 2014 2:24 pm PDT by
Apple withheld a final $139 million payment that it was due to make to GT Advanced, reports The Wall Street Journal, which may have contributed to the company's decision to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. GT also reportedly burned through cash, spending $248 million in one quarter.That may have led to the company's filing, since its cash, at $85 million, was below a $125 million trigger point...

'Plastc' Smart Payment Card Aims to Replace Card-Stuffed Wallets

Tuesday October 7, 2014 9:42 am PDT by
With Apple Pay's launch likely just days or perhaps weeks away, "card tech" startup Plastc today announced its plans for its new digital wallet, replacing credit cards, debit cards, RFID access cards, gift cards and more. On paper, Plastc promises to go above and beyond competitor Coin, offering an expanded set of features that are better optimized for today's new wireless mobile payment future. ...

Apple Reportedly Shifting iPhone Production Balance More Toward iPhone 6 Plus

Tuesday October 7, 2014 8:34 am PDT by
Supply of Apple's iPhone 6 Plus may gradually improve as Apple shifts production in favor of the unexpectedly popular handset, according to upstream supply chain sources speaking to Digitimes. This claim echoes an earlier report that suggests the iPhone 6 Plus may account for up to 60 percent of total future iPhone 6 device shipments. Though the production ratio has been adjusted to meet...

Report Claims 12.9-Inch iPad May Adopt Integrated iOS/OS X Operating System

Tuesday October 7, 2014 1:23 am PDT by
Apple's rumored 12.9-inch iPad may feature an operating system that integrates OS X and iOS, according to supply chain sources speaking to Digitimes. The sources state that Apple has two 12.9-inch iPad prototypes in development, with one model being a "2-in-1 device" that utilizes elements from both operating systems while the other resembles previous iPads. The report also notes that the...

Cycloramic for iPhone 6 Captures 360-Degree Hands-Free Video Using Power Adapter for Support

Monday October 6, 2014 1:16 pm PDT by
Back in 2012, the first iteration of Cycloramic launched, using the vibration motor in the iPhone 5 to capture hands-free 360 degree video. When balanced on a flat surface, the vibration motor allowed the phone to spin on its own, a capability that also worked for the iPhone 5s, as it shared the same design as the iPhone 5. The iPhone 6, however, has rounded edges that prevent the Cycloramic...

1Password Updated With iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Support, Improved Touch ID Functionality

Monday October 6, 2014 12:00 pm PDT by
AgileBits today updated its 1Password app for iOS to version 5.1, adding support for the larger-screened iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. With native support for the two new devices, the app is no longer zoomed in and is now able to display more information on the screen. Along with built-in support for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, 1Password has also been updated with improved Touch ID and PIN...

iPhone 6 Reservations in China Top Four Million

Friday October 3, 2014 6:11 am PDT by
Demand for the iPhone in China is strong, with reservations for the iPhone 6 reaching four million in just one day, reports Chinese media outlet Tencent. This figure tops the two million in six hours reported yesterday and is based on information provided directly by the companies processing reservations on China. According to reservation company Jingdong, reservations are almost evenly...

Hulu Updates 'Hulu Plus' with New Look, In-App Subscriptions

Thursday October 2, 2014 5:27 pm PDT by
Hulu has updated its Hulu Plus app for iOS with a brand new look, new navigation options and in-app subscriptions, allowing users to subscribe to the service and create Hulu Plus accounts within the app. What's New in Version 4.0.0 - Home – Best content of the day on Hulu, handpicked and curated by our expert editorial team - Shows You Watch – Easy access to all the shows you are...

Spotify Adds CarPlay Support in Latest iOS Update

Thursday October 2, 2014 7:03 am PDT by
Spotify today released a new version of its iOS app [Direct Link] that adds Apple CarPlay integration. Spotify was among several iOS apps, including CBS Radio, iHeartRadio and Beats Music, that pledged support for the in-car iOS feature when it was unveiled earlier this year, and Spotify's update arrives just as Pioneer is rolling out CarPlay firmware support for several existing aftermarket...

iOS 8 Translator Keyboard Introduces Easy Access Language Translation Capabilities

Wednesday October 1, 2014 8:18 pm PDT by
With iOS 8 bringing support for system wide third-party keyboards for the first time, developers have been coming up with creative ways to introduce new functionality to the keyboard, beyond simply making it quicker to type. Translator Keyboard is a new third-party keyboard designed to allow users to quickly translate their text from one language to another, without the need for a separate...

Verizon Reverses Course on Plan to Throttle Unlimited LTE Customers

Wednesday October 1, 2014 2:08 pm PDT by
Verizon today released a statement letting customers know that it no longer plans to throttle users who still have a grandfathered unlimited data plan that allows for unlimited LTE data usage. Verizon is committed to providing its customers with an unparalleled mobile network experience. At a time of ever-increasing mobile broadband data usage, we not only take pride in the way we manage our...

Apple Updates 'Apple Store' App With iPhone 6 Support

Wednesday October 1, 2014 1:29 pm PDT by
Apple today updated its Apple Store app for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, adapting the app for the two larger-screened devices. The new version of the app also includes an iOS compatibility update. While the iPhone 6 update doesn't bring a lot of visual changes, it has a much cleaner look due to the fact that it's no longer artificially zoomed in, as seen in the comparison screenshot below. Afte ...

Verizon Offers Double the Data for 'MORE Everything' Plans

Wednesday October 1, 2014 10:14 am PDT by
Following in the footsteps of AT&T and Sprint, Verizon today announced a promotion to expand the amount data available through its MORE Everything plans. Customers on the 12GB plan will now get 15GB of data for the same $110 per month, while customers on the 16GB plan will now get 30GB of data for $130. Verizon has increased available data across the board, delivering up to double the data for ...