Facebook and YouTube Apps Updated With iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Support

Skype for iPhone Now Optimized for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

iPhone 6 Pre-Orders in China Top 20 Million Through Carriers and E-Commerce Site JD

Boost Mobile to Offer iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Starting October 17 With $100 Discount

Chinese Carriers Take One Million iPhone 6 Pre-Orders in First Six Hours

Apple Withheld $139 Million Payment from GT Advanced Ahead of Bankruptcy Filing

'Plastc' Smart Payment Card Aims to Replace Card-Stuffed Wallets

Apple Reportedly Shifting iPhone Production Balance More Toward iPhone 6 Plus

Report Claims 12.9-Inch iPad May Adopt Integrated iOS/OS X Operating System

Cycloramic for iPhone 6 Captures 360-Degree Hands-Free Video Using Power Adapter for Support

1Password Updated With iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Support, Improved Touch ID Functionality

iPhone 6 Reservations in China Top Four Million

Hulu Updates 'Hulu Plus' with New Look, In-App Subscriptions

Spotify Adds CarPlay Support in Latest iOS Update

iOS 8 Translator Keyboard Introduces Easy Access Language Translation Capabilities

Verizon Reverses Course on Plan to Throttle Unlimited LTE Customers

Apple Updates 'Apple Store' App With iPhone 6 Support