Apple in April 2022 launched a dedicated Self Service Repair program that provides the repair manuals, parts, and tools necessary for fixing the iPhone 13 Pro display, battery, bottom speaker, camera, display, SIM Tray, and Taptic Engine.

apple self service repair iphone
Before any repair can be initiated using the repair program, you need to read through the manual to see what it entails. The iPhone 13 Pro manual can be accessed using the link below.

The repair manual explains how the repair process works and it walks through the parts that are available for purchase. It also includes details on how to set up for a repair, the steps required, and what to do if something goes wrong.

Apple also has repair manuals for all iPhone 12 and 13 models, as well as the iPhone SE, with download links available below.

Many of Apple's repairs require a toolkit that is priced at $49 and weighs in at 70 pounds, so major fixes like swapping out a battery or replacing a display are rather involved compared to visiting an Apple retail store.

After downloading and reviewing a repair manual, those who want to proceed with Apple's tools and equipment can initiate an order on Apple's Self Service Repair website.