User Guide
By MacRumors Staff
User Guide Articles

New Apple TV Tidbits: Limited App Discovery, User Guide, Amazon Pulls Apple TVs, and More
The new Apple TV officially launched today at Apple Stores and select resellers in the U.S. and other first wave countries. As customers begin receiving their new Apple TV deliveries around the world, the following are useful tidbits about the new fourth-generation device.
Apple TV Support and User Guide - Forum Discussion
Apple has updated its Apple TV Support portal for the new Apple...
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Apple Watch User Guide Now Available
Apple has published the official Apple Watch User Guide on its website, providing detailed information about the wrist-worn device broken down into categories such as Basics, Watch Faces, Notifications, Glances, Timekeeping, Messages, Digital Touch, Mail, Phone Calls, Calendars and Reminders, Health and Fitness, Apple Pay and Passbook, Maps and Directions, Music, Photos, Accessibility and more.