By MacRumors Staff
TRIM Articles

Mac OS X 10.10.4 Supports TRIM for Third-Party SSD Hard Drives
Earlier today Apple released OS X 10.10.4, an under-the-hood update to OS X that introduced several bug fixes and improvements. One improvement, according to Ars Technica, is support for TRIM for third-party SSD hard drives. We previously covered TRIM likely coming natively to the next version of OS X El Capitan but it appears support has already arrived.
Photo via ArsTechnica With today’s...
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OS X El Capitan Opens Door to TRIM Support on Third-Party SSDs for Improved Performance
For users looking to upgrade their older Macs with third-party solid-state drives (SSDs), one issue has been a lack of support for TRIM on these drives under OS X. TRIM is a system-level command that allows the operating system and the drive to communicate about which areas of the drive are considered unused and thus ready to be erased and rewritten to. In the absence of TRIM, users can see...