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Bluetooth How Tos

How to Label Your Bluetooth Accessories By Device Type on iPhone and iPad

Thursday January 28, 2021 3:39 pm PST by
Since iOS 14.4 was released for iPhone and iPad, Apple has included an option for users to specify the Bluetooth accessories they connect with pre-defined individual labels. Not only does the feature help with identifying connected devices and improve audio notifications, Apple says that classifying Bluetooth accessories can ensure that headphone audio level measurements are accurate....

How to Enable the Optimal Audio Codec for Your Bluetooth Headphones in macOS

Thursday March 22, 2018 3:00 am PDT by
How good your digital music sounds often comes down to which file format it's encoded in. Be that as it may, every Mac audio setup is only as strong as it's weakest link, and if your Bluetooth connection isn't up to scratch, even the best BT headphones will fail to deliver a decent wireless listening experience. By design, all Bluetooth devices support the low-power SBC audio compression codec ...

How to Reset Your Mac's Bluetooth Module to Fix Connection Issues

Monday March 19, 2018 2:10 am PDT by
Bluetooth is what your Mac uses to connect to wireless devices like keyboards, mice, trackpads, speakers, and other peripherals. Generally, it's a reliable technology. At some point however, the chances are you'll run into difficulty establishing a Bluetooth connection with one or more of your devices. Most problems can be fixed by unpairing and repairing the Bluetooth device, changing its...

Bluetooth Articles


Apple Named Promoter Member of Bluetooth SIG

Tuesday June 23, 2015 5:25 am PDT by
Apple has become a promoting member of the Bluetooth SIG (Special Interest Group) alongside existing promoters Ericsson, Intel, Lenovo, Microsoft, Nokia, and Toshiba, giving the company the ability to vote on Bluetooth SIG corporate matters and allowing the iPhone maker to hold a continual seat on the SIG Board of Directors. “Apple has long been a key participant in the Bluetooth...