Kelly Hodgkins
Kelly Hodgkins's Articles
![google wallet passbook icons](
Google Wallet Sees Surge in Usage Alongside Apple Pay Launch
![amazon photo storage](
Amazon Offers Unlimited Photo Storage for Prime Subscribers
![office apps](
Microsoft Adding Dropbox Integration to Mobile and Web Office Suites
![iphone 6 6 plus comp](
Owners of 128 GB iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Models Reporting Crashing and Boot Loop Issues
![southwest beats](
Southwest Airlines Adds Beats Music to In-Flight Entertainment Systems
![eastty linkedin](
Digital Audio Veteran Peter Eastty Joins Apple as Director of SoC Audio Processing
![ive moma award](
Apple's Jony Ive Talks Apple Watch at SFMOMA Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony
![idc 2Q14 tablets](
Apple's Lead in Tablet Market Share Shrinks as Consumer Satisfaction Slips Slightly
![app annie music](
Pandora and Spotify Lead App Store Music Rankings as Beats Continues to Lag
![probendi logo](
European 'iWatch' Trademark Holder Plans New Android Smartwatch
![apple sim selection ipad](
Apple SIM Included With iPad for Customer Convenience, but iPhone Not Likely to Join In
![nxp pn65 nfc](
Apple's NFC Ambitions Extend Beyond Apple Pay to Building Security, Transit Ticketing
Apple Pay Competitor CurrentC Detailed as Convoluted System With Minimal Consumer Benefit
![cellular att SIM](
AT&T Locking Apple Interchangeable SIMs in iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3 [Updated]
![beats apple welcome](
iTunes Digital Music Sales Fall 13 Percent as Apple Prepares Beats Music Refresh
![ipad air 2 nfc](
NFC-Equipped iPad Air 2 Sparks Speculation of Future Apple Pay Registers for Small Businesses [Updated]
Amazon Visa Rewards Card Now Compatible With Apple Pay
![china flag](
Tim Cook Says Chinese Security Talks Were 'Very Open', Bringing Apple Pay to China a Priority
Rite Aid Disables Apple Pay Support After Initially Accepting Payments
![power mac g5 bench](