Frank McShan
Frank resides in New Hampshire and is currently an undergraduate student pursuing a degree in Computer Science. He also enjoys content creation and has over 1.5 million followers on his tech-focused account on popular video-sharing platform TikTok.
Frank McShan's Articles

Apple Donating Millions of Masks to Healthcare Professionals in U.S. and Europe

Brydge Showcases New iPadOS 13.4 Trackpad Features in its New Pro+ Keyboard

Apple's A14 Chip Rumored to Become First Arm-Based Mobile Processor to Exceed 3GHz

Some Apple Employees Say Company's Culture of Secrecy Makes Working From Home Challenging

Apple's Upcoming 5G iPhone Could Be Delayed Due to Coronavirus

iPhone 11 Models Seeing Shortages in NYC

Kuo: iPhone Production Will Not Significantly Improve Until Second Quarter of 2020

iPhone Camera Supplier LG Innotek Shuts Down a Factory Due to Coronavirus Case