Doctor Q

Doctor Q's Articles

Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 Release 4

Tuesday April 18, 2006 4:17 pm PDT by
Now in Software Update: Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 5.0 Release 4 delivers improved reliability and compatibility for Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 on Mac OS X v10.4.5 and later. This release includes J2SE version 1.5.0_06. With this update J2SE 5.0 becomes the preferred Java version, superseding Java 1.4.2. Additional information can be found in the Apple Knowledge Base. Java-based ...

ABC to Offer Free Streams of TV Shows Also Sold via iTunes

Monday April 10, 2006 4:22 pm PDT by
Disney-ABC announced today in a press release that four TV shows, including three currently sold in the iTunes Music Store, will be made available for viewing at the ABC website the day after their network broadcasts, as part of an experiment during May and June. "Commander in Chief", "Desperate Housewives", and "Lost" are already sold through the iTunes Music Store, for $1.99 per episode....

Apple Patent on Virtual Speakers

Wednesday March 29, 2006 4:31 pm PST by summarizes an Apple filing with the European Patent Office, under the name "Audio system, loudspeaker and method of operation thereof". The patent, accompanied by drawings, describes a speaker system used in combination with a "computing device" that controls loudspeakers to provide the effect of having five speakers when there are in fact only two. The other three are...

Final Cut Studio Goes Universal

Wednesday March 29, 2006 10:02 am PST by
Final Cut Studio 5.1, consisting of Final Cut Pro 5, Soundtrack Pro, Motion 2, and DVD Studio Pro 4, is now available as a Universal application, native on both Intel and PowerPC Macs. New copies of Final Cut Studio 5.1 cost $1,299 USD. Upgrade pricing (from Apple's crossgrade page): $699 upgrade from Final Cut Pro 1, Final Cut Pro 2, or Final Cut Pro 3; $199 upgrade from Final Cut Pro 4 or...

NBC Scrubs in iTunes Music Store

Tuesday March 28, 2006 10:33 pm PST by
NBC's Scrubs TV show has been added to the iTunes Music Store, as predicted earlier this month. Several members noted TV ads about the show's availability in iTunes shortly before the series appeared in the store. Sixteen episodes, all from Season 5, are available so far, at the standard price of...

Apple Media Event Near April First?

Friday March 10, 2006 5:01 pm PST by
AppleInsider reports that Apple will hold a media event in conjunction with its 30th anniversary on April 1, but that the date of the event may be just before or after April 1st since the day is a Saturday. Sources are almost certain the event will play host to a new line of 13-inch widescreen consumer iBook notebooks based on Intel microprocessors. Additional announcements such as a high-end...

Apple to Open Support Facility in India?

Friday March 10, 2006 1:44 pm PST by
Apparently confirming earlier speculation, The Times of India reports that Apple will open a "massive tech support facility" in the city of Bangalore in southern India. Reportedly, up to 1,500 people (later 3,000 people) may be employed to provide AppleCare, as well as a product development team of 100 to 200 engineers. The facility, initially 150,000 square feet and later expanding to...

1.8 GHz Power Mac G5 Firmware Update

Thursday March 2, 2006 2:45 pm PST by
A firmware update for the single-processor 1.8GHz Power Mac G5 is now available for download. Firmware for Mac OS X 10.4.3 or later Firmware for Mac OS X 10.3.9 This Power Mac G5 System Firmware Update is only for the 1.8 GHz, (600 MHz bus), single-processor Power Mac G5 (Late 2004) computer. This update improves the reliability of your Power Mac G5, especially after it has been inactive for ...

Security Update 2006-001; iTunes 6.0.4; iPhoto Update 6.0.2; Front Row 1.2.1

Wednesday March 1, 2006 1:49 pm PST by
Apple has addressed the recent well-publicized security issues involving the Safari "Open safe files after downloading" feature, including changes to Mail, iChat, and the LaunchServices facility. Now available via Software Update for qualifying systems: Security Update 2006-001 For Mac OS X 10.3.9 and Mac OS X 10.4.5. Recommended for all users and improves the security of the following...

iTunes 1 Billion Song Contest Ends [Updated]

Wednesday February 22, 2006 9:13 pm PST by
Apple's One Billion Song countdown and contest are over. From Apple's 1billion page: 1 billion songs have been legally downloaded from the iTunes Music Store. Music lovers like you in 21 countries around the globe have purchased one billion songs from the iTunes Music Store. And for helping us reach this massive milestone in digital music history, wed like to thank you. The billionth song...

Safari Security Flaw Reported [Updated]

Monday February 20, 2006 6:05 pm PST by
Member Michael Lehn today reported the discovery of a security flaw in the Open "safe" files after downloading feature of Safari, also being reported by heise online. The flaw has been independantly confirmed. When the Open "safe" files option is checked in the General tab of Safari preferences, a downloaded archive (zip file) containing a shell script named with a .jpg or .mov extension and...

Apple Q1 2006 Financial Results

Wednesday January 18, 2006 1:04 pm PST by
In an audio webcast conference call today, Apple is announcing its 2006 Q1 financial results, covering the last 14 weeks of 2005. Apple reported its highest-ever revenue and earnings. Highlights, with 2005 Q1 for comparison: - Macs shipped: 1,254,000 (20% growth over 2005 Q1) -- 587,000 iBooks and Powerbooks shipped -- 667,000 desktop systems shipped - iPods shipped: 14,043,000 (207%...

iTunes MiniStore Now Issues Warning

Wednesday January 18, 2006 9:49 am PST by
After Apple issued the iTunes 6.0.2 update last week, which introduced a feature called the MiniStore, complaints surfaced that Apple had added the equivalent of spyware, by having iTunes transmit and react to the songs you click on whenever the MiniStore is open. Apple has now changed the MiniStore so that iTunes users see an explanation and are asked to confirm use of the MiniStore before it ...

iTunes 6.0.2 and QuickTime 7.0.4

Tuesday January 10, 2006 1:02 pm PST by
iTunes 6.0.2 is now in Software Update: With iTunes 6, you can preview, buy, and download over 2,000 music videos and hit TV shows on the iTunes Music Store and sync your music and purchased videos with iPod to enjoy on the go. To watch purchased videos, you must have QuickTime 7.0.3 or later and Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later. iTunes 6.0.2 includes stability and performance improvements over iTunes...

Aluminum PowerBook (15-inch) Battery Update 1.0

Monday January 9, 2006 5:15 pm PST by
Now in Software Update for affected PowerBooks: This update aids the 15-inch Aluminum PowerBook battery in performing at full capacity. It installs a PowerBook G4 Battery Updater utility, used to update battery firmware to "improve the performance of batteries that may develop short run times." Details are in the discussion thread....

1G iPod shuffle On the Way Out?

Friday December 30, 2005 5:02 pm PST by
The Street speculates that the 1GB iPod shuffle is to be replaced or removed from the Apple product line, based on growing evidence: * A survey of Apple retail stores. * Apple's online store, which still says "Currently Unavailable" for the 1GB iPod shuffle, as noted in mid-December. * The unavailability of this iPod model at major retailers, including This further...

MacRumors Reaches Two Million Posts

Friday December 23, 2005 2:32 pm PST by
MacRumors Forums, the discussion section for MacRumors, MacBytes, MacPolls, DailyTunes, and iPodGear, has reached another milestone: two million forum posts. The two millionth post was made by member ITASOR at 6:27PM EST on Friday, December 23, 2005, in the Marketplace forum. Congratulations, ITASOR, and congratulations, MacRumors! The first forum members joined in June 2000. Today, over...

Apple Shifting Further to Consumer Electronics?

Wednesday December 21, 2005 11:59 am PST by
At least one financial analyst believes that Apple's business will tilt further toward consumer electronics in the coming year. A article quotes analyst David Bailey of Goldman Sachs as saying If early indications from suppliers prove correct, Apple is likely to move further from its Mac core in 2006, leveraging its brand and building on the consumer success of iPod. Bailey raised his ...

MacRumors 2,000,000 Post Avatar Contest

Tuesday December 13, 2005 7:42 pm PST by
MacRumors Forums is approaching its two millionth post. To celebrate, we are having an avatar-creating contest. Winners will be chosen in three categories: * Best Animated Avatar * Best Static Avatar * Best Apple-themed Avatar Click here for a full list of rules and how to enter. The MacRumors Forums reached one million posts on August 23, 2004 and held a similar contest then....

Apple iPod Supply Below Wall Street Shipping Estimates?

Monday November 28, 2005 11:04 am PST by
Mac News Network's reports that investment research firm PiperJaffray issued a report today casting doubt on Apple's ability to reach Wall Street estimates of holiday season iPod shipments. Reportedly, the iPod nano is in the shortest supply at third-party retailers and Apple is apparently holding inventory for its own stores at the expense of other retailers. Based on its own...