Blake Patterson

Blake Patterson's Articles

Apple PDA in 3 Weeks?

Tuesday April 25, 2000 12:49 pm PDT by
A source has passed on to us, here at Macrumors, that Apple may finally be about to announce their new PDA. Long-running rumors have abounded regarding Apple and Palm's joint collaboration on something, but no one was ever quite sure what. It seems that, if the rumors holds true, Apple's PDA will be based on the PalmOS, but will be very much more "unique" than, say, Handspring's PalmOS-variant...

More Smack. More Smack!!

Thursday April 20, 2000 1:42 pm PDT by
Another free gift to Unreal Tournament addicts, the "Inoxx Pack" from Inoxx Industries will soon be released by Epic. Sure to blow minds, this pack of 6 new levels was designed by cutting-edge Unreal Tournamen level genius Cedric Fiorentino, who designed a number of killer UT levels, including the esteemed "Facing Worlds" CTF level. As a matter of fact, Facing Worlds II will be among the new...

There Can Be Only One

Tuesday April 11, 2000 7:50 pm PDT by
The Mac Mind has posted an interesting article outlining the creation of the Ultimate Mac Gaming Machine. Seems I'm almost there...but admittedly a G4 would perhaps humble my G3... Unreal Tournament--fear me. ...

Guide - Voodoo3 on the Mac

Monday April 10, 2000 4:55 am PDT by
If you really care lots about seeing those polygons fly across the screen as fast as possible on your Mac, you've likely either purchased or considered the purchase of a 3Dfx graphics board. Original Voodoo, Voodoo2 (I enjoy mine), or Voodoo3--they'll all do something for ya'. The Inside Mac Games site has a great article that really answers the right questions about the best of the lot: A ...

Keep Your Ducks...err...G4's in a Row

Sunday April 9, 2000 2:58 pm PDT by
An interesting site out at UCLA has been brought to our attention here at macrumors. AppleSeed: A Parallel Macintosh Cluster for Numerically Intensive Computing is a simple site describing a parallel cluster of Macs setup by a group in the physics department. From PowerPC vs. Pentium III benchmarks to a downloadable fractal generator (which will work with a single-CPU Mac if you're sadly...

SoundBlaster for Macintosh

Wednesday April 5, 2000 6:47 am PDT by
Not quite "late breaking news," but it appears that many are unaware that Creative Labs is about to release (Q2 2000) several SoundBlaster Live! audio boards for the Mac. Delivering exceptional synthesized, wavetable audio, 3D positional sound, and an ease to the load that sound output places upon the PowerPC, this is big news for any serious Mac gamer (who is not happily using the internal...

Just an Old Friend...

Wednesday April 5, 2000 6:08 am PDT by
If you woke up this morning hankerin' for a nice warm & fuzzy, check out HolyMac!'s recent article, "The Case for Mac Loyalty." A cute read. Sing it,...

Snatch. Score. Smile.

Saturday April 1, 2000 7:37 am PST by
Take a look at what has got to be one of the most unique "future-sporting" games around. Daydream Software's Clusterball, "the online ballgame," (not released just yet) is a Mac/PC on-line game in which you pilot a zippy little flying craft, collect balls fom tracks dispersed across the landscape, and fly through a ring in the arena to score. It looks extremely addictive and the OpenGL...

PSX 2 Emotion Engine Overview

Thursday March 30, 2000 10:54 am PST by
In case you're not aware, the finest thing you can strap to your TV is Sony's new Playstation 2. (Released this month in Japan, expect to see it stateside sometime this fall.) ARS Technica (an excellent tech evaluation site) has an in-depth look at the Emotion Engine, the incredible heart of this superior machine. Not really a general purpose CPU, the Emotion Engine is a rare thing of...


Tuesday March 7, 2000 6:02 am PST by
Haven't heard of Wolfpack Studios? That will all change by late-summer this year. The folks over there are trying to take the large-scale Internet gaming world to the next level. Billed as a "Massively Multiplayer Persistent World," their forthcoming title, Shadowbane, is an over-the-shoulder perspective, 3D, on-line role playing game that...

USB Kill Vehicle

Monday March 6, 2000 12:25 pm PST by
If you take your Unreal Tournament and Quake III deathmatches as seriously as you should, then you'll definitely want to check out the Razer Boomslang high performance gaming mouse. Available in 1000dpi and 2000dpi (!) versions, the USB Boomslang sports 5 buttons, a scrollwheel, and a superior low-wide, contoured shape that fits the hand perfectly...just as a semitranslucent device of wicked ...

Girls dig it...

Tuesday February 29, 2000 1:34 pm PST by
Jason H. writes "Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Rachel Roberts poses with a tangerine iBook. Say it with me... "I'm not a geek, I'm not a geek, I'm not..." "...

Mac domain names

Tuesday February 29, 2000 8:50 am PST by
Jason writes "Macinstein has an excellent edi torial on the state of Mac domain names. So many domains with no content... unfortunately, this is true across the internet... with speculators ruining it for...