
002600 tether

Despite including internet tethering as a feature in iPhone 3.0, U.S. AT&T customers have yet to have the feature enabled. Engadget got a comment from AT&T about the absent feature. The response cites high traffic usage that could hamper network performance:

iPhone tethering has the potential to exponentially increase traffic, and we need to ensure that we're able to deliver excellent performance for the feature - over and above the increases in data traffic we're already seeing - before we will offer the feature.

Tethering is the process of using your iPhone as a wireless internet modem for your other devices such as your laptop.

Related Forum: iPhone

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Chosun reports (via AppleInsider) that Apple's next generation iPhone will use a 5-megapixel camera provided by LG Innotek.

The electronics component maker began producing the sophisticated cameras at its plant in Gumi this month and will mass produce them starting in the second half of this year.

The current iPhone 3GS offers only a 3-megapixel camera at this time. There had been earlier rumors in 2009 also placing a 5-megapixel camera in the next iPhone, but those rumors pinpointed a different supplier.

Apple is expected to unveil the next iPhone at WWDC in June.

Related Forum: iPhone

165323 mobileme control panel for windows

Alongside yesterday's release of iTunes 9.1.1, Apple also pushed out an update to MobileMe Control Panel for Windows. Version 1.5.2 of the utility brings compatibility with the new version of iTunes.

MobileMe Control Panel is required to manage iDisk settings and to sync contacts, calendars, and bookmarks on a Windows PC.

This update is required for Windows computers running iTunes 9.1.1.

The update weighs in at 2.4 MB and requires a MobileMe subscription, iTunes 9.1.1, and Windows 7, Vista SP1 or later, or XP Home or Professional SP2. Outlook 2003 or 2007 is also required for calendar syncing.

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HP today announced that it will acquire Palm in a deal valued at $1.2 billion. The deal brings Palm, struggling to reinvent itself as a smartphone company after being a major player in the PDA market, into the fold with HP, a traditional computer company that has yet to make a signficant foray into the smartphone market.

HP and Palm, Inc. (NASDAQ: PALM) today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which HP will purchase Palm, a provider of smartphones powered by the Palm webOS mobile operating system, at a price of $5.70 per share of Palm common stock in cash or an enterprise value of approximately $1.2 billion. The transaction has been approved by the HP and Palm boards of directors.

The press release notes that Palm's chairman and CEO Jon Rubinstein, who previously served as a key Apple executive and is credited as being one of the primary minds behind the iPod, is expected to remain with the company.

News that Palm was looking to place itself up for sale surfaced earlier this month as the company's stock dropped on poor earnings results and analyst price target cuts to as low as zero.

Palm recruited a number of Apple executives and engineers in an attempt to reinvent itself under its new webOS operating system. After the launch of the Palm Pre in January 2009, Apple Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook directed veiled threats at Palm regarding Apple's multi-touch intellectual property. The two companies further engaged in a cat-and-mouse game over the Pre's ability to sync media directly with iTunes.

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Mashable reports that Apple may be planning for the next-generation iPhone to go on sale immediately after an introduction at the company's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) scheduled to begin on June 7th.

Over the last two years, Apple has revealed both the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3GS at WWDC. However, the release of the actual iPhone hardware has traditionally come a few weeks after the announcement. Our sources say that Apple may break that tradition this year by shortening the timetable.

An AT&T block on employee vacations for the month of June has suggested that we may see a launch sometime that month, but most observers expected that it would come later in the month.

Today's report notes that while Apple may be planning for an iPhone launch coinciding with WWDC, other factors may yet make the goal impossible. If the report's sources are correct, however, Apple will be moving the iPhone launch up as close as possible to that date.

Apple's WWDC scheduling for this year remains somewhat of a mystery. Early hints suggested that Apple might have been planning a late June timeframe for the conference, but Apple delayed announcement of the conference details well beyond its usual February or March window. Speculation has surfaced about whether Apple has been working behind the scenes to move up the conference and the next-generation iPhone launch after an Apple employee lost a testing version of the device in March. The device surfaced early last week in the hands of Gizmodo.

Related Forum: iPhone

In 1987, Apple produced a concept video demonstrating a future computer called the Knowledge Navigator. The tablet-like device offered the user a natural language interface, video conferencing, multi-touch display and access to a global network of information.

While seemingly the product of an overactive imagination, Apple's recent acquisition of Siri brings Apple a lot closer to that vision than ever before. Siri reportedly was born from the CALO artificial intelligence project which sought to fulfill a call for a "a cognitive computer system should be able to learn from its experience, as well as by being advised."

Apple's value in acquiring Siri appears to be focused on this personal assistance technology. Siri describes their technology:

Virtual Personal Assistants (VPAs) represent the next generation interaction paradigm for the Internet. In today's paradigm, we follow links on search results. With a VPA, we interact by having a conversation. We tell the assistant what we want to do, and it applies multiple services and information sources to help accomplish our task. Like a real assistant, a VPA is personal; it uses information about an individual's preferences and interaction history to help solve specific tasks, and it gets better with experience.

In fact, Siri's Chief Technology Officer Tom Gruber uses Apple's Knowledge Navigator video in his keynote and describes it as a "brilliant piece of vision work":

Gruber demos Siri and how it can accomplish tasks using a conversational interface and apply context to provide useful and personalized interactions. He also walks through what's possible today and how close we are getting. Given Apple's acquisition of the company (and presumably Tom Gruber), the talk is of particular relevance to Apple's future plans.

In addition to details posted last month by Apple on how 3G data service will be managed on Wi-Fi + 3G iPad models due for launch this Friday, AT&T has now published a fact sheet (PDF) offering additional information on iPad data service.

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AT&T notes that its "monthly" domestic service plans actually consist of 30-day cycles that will automatically renew unless the customer elects to cancel his or her contract-free service.

Once you sign up for iPad 3G data service, you can add to or cancel your domestic plan at any time - no penalty. For domestic plans, if you do not cancel, your service will automatically renew every 30 days to provide a more seamless data experience on an ongoing basis. For example, if you activate service on May 9, your service will automatically renew 30 days later with the same plan. If you do make a change, a new 30-day window begins.

Users on the 250 MB plan will receive alerts when they reach 20%, 10% and 0% of their data limit remaining. Customers who reach their data limit for a billing cycle can either wait until the end of the 30-day cycle when it automatically renews or change to an unlimited plan, which will begin a new 30-day cycle at that time.

AT&T's iPad data plans are priced at $14.99 (250 MB) and $29.99 (unlimited) per 30-day cycle and also provide free access to the company's network of over 20,000 Wi-Fi hotspots.

Robert Scoble reports that Apple has purchased Siri, a company that has developed a free personal assistant application for the iPhone and iPod touch. Selected as the Most Innovative Web Technology in a contest at this year's SXSW festival, Siri offers automated personal assistant services by integrating a rapidly growing number of third-party services such as OpenTable, FlightStats, and Google Maps with voice-recognition technology from Nuance Communications.

Scoble discovered evidence (PDF) of the deal through a notification given by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission announcing an early termination of the standard waiting period for corporate mergers to allow the transaction to proceed. Mashable and ReadWriteWeb are also confirming that they have heard about the acquisition from their sources.

Update: Silicon Alley Insider reports that a Siri representative has confirmed Apple's acquisition of the company.

Update 2: The Wall Street Journal quotes a Siri board member and investor as calling Apple's offer a "no-brainer".

"The offer from Apple was of a scope and tenor that it was a no-brainer to accept it," said Shawn Carolan, a managing director at Menlo Ventures and a board member at Sirti [sic] since it raised a Series A round of venture capital in 2008.

Related Forum: iPhone

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With U.S. pre-orders for Wi-Fi + 3G iPad models set for delivery on Friday, many customers have been anxiously waiting for information on the shipping status of their orders.

Since yesterday, dozens of MacRumors forum members have been noting that their order statuses have updated to "Prepared for Shipment", revealing that shipment is imminent. There have been a very small number of reports of customers receiving shipment tracking numbers, although few screenshots or other confirmatory evidence have been provided to support claims that significant numbers of the iPads are moving into shipment status yet.

Many customers were expecting movement on their orders to have occurred earlier in the week, given that pre-orders for the Wi-Fi iPad models began shipping over five days before their delivery date of Saturday, April 3rd. The reason for the later start on shipments for the 3G-capable models appears to be due to the shipments already being stocked at distribution points around the United States.

A reader of The Loop contacted Apple on Tuesday worried that he hadn't heard anything about his shipment. He was told that the Wi-Fi + 3G are already in warehouses across the country.

Unlike the iPad Wi-Fi that shipped directly from China to customers, the 3G model will ship from within the U.S.

Customers in a number of other countries are scheduled to see the iPad launch late next month, with Apple set to provide additional information and pre-ordering details on May 10th.

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Apple today announced that this year's Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) will take place from June 7th through 11th at San Francisco's Moscone West convention center.

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is the premier technical conference for developers innovating with Apple technologies. Over 1,000 Apple engineers will be at Moscone West to present advanced coding and development techniques that will show you how to enhance the capabilities of your applications with the revolutionary technologies in iPhone OS and Mac OS X.

As always, the conference will include technical sessions and hands-on labs for attendees, as well as other special events. Registration for the conference is priced at $1599, with tickets for the conference having sold out increasingly quickly over the past couple of years. Given the short lead time on ticket sales this year, developers will likely have to move quickly to secure a spot in the conference.

Apple is widely expected to introduce its new iPhone hardware during a keynote address at the event, although the device has already received considerable publicity since Gizmodo published details on one lost by an Apple employee in a California bar.

Update: A number of observers have noticed a heavy emphasis on iPhone OS in this year's conference, from the headline banner featuring App Store application icons to the elimination of Mac OS X as a category in the Apple Design Awards. As Daring Fireball's John Gruber notes, the iPhone OS emphasis strongly suggests that Mac OS X 10.7 will not be previewed at the conference.

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Given the new confirmation that Apple has acquired chip design firm Intrinsity, it's interesting to hear that Apple seems to already be using their technology in the iPad under the veil of the "Apple A4" processor. It was previously believed that P.A. Semi might have had a hand in designing the Apple A4 processor that was introduced alongside the iPad, but an IEEE Spectrum article disputes that belief.

According to market analyst Will Strauss, there is no doubt "it's only the Intrinsity folks who could have taken [the iPad's ARM Cortex A8] up to a gigahertz. Period." Strauss is referring to an X-ray examination of the A4 processor which revealed it was a Samsung-manufactured single core ARM Cortex A8 processor. According to Strauss, only Intrinsity could have achieved this for Apple. Now with confirmation of an Apple acquisition of the company, it seems almost certain.

In 2009, Intrinsity had announced a 1GHz "Hummingbird" processor which likely shares the same technology. It is believed that P.A. Semi simply didn't have enough time since their original acquisition to produce the technology for Apple.

The use of Intrinsity's Hummingbird processor technology in the iPad was postulated by forum member retroneo back in March. He even pinpointed the Samsung S5PC110 as the likely design basis for the upcoming iPhone processor. The S5PC110 is a similar 1GHz Cortex A8 processor with POWERVR SGX hardware built in.

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As predicted last week, Apple has seeded the first developer version of Mac OS X 10.6.4, termed Build 10F37, to developers today. iPhoneinCanada as usual is on top of the details, noting improvements to a handful of areas.

According to reports, the current build focuses on Graphics Drivers, SMB, Time Machine backups, USB, and VoiceOver. The build does not include any further updates or enhancements.

Documentation accompanying the seed reportedly notes one outstanding known issue involving iChat requesting password entry upon launch.

Mac OS X 10.6.3 was released to the public on March 29th, but Apple's variable development and seeding cycles offer little indication of when 10.6.4 might be ready for a final release.

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The Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal reports that the criminal investigation of the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of a next-generation iPhone last month and subsequent purchase of the device by Gizmodo was spurred by requests from the Apple engineer who lost the iPhone and outside legal counsel for the company.

Wagstaffe said that an outside counsel for Apple, along with Apple engineer Powell, called the District Attorney's office on Wednesday or Thursday of last week to report a theft had occurred and they wanted it investigated. The District Attorney's office then referred them to the Rapid Enforcement and Allied Computer Team, or REACT, a multi-jurisdictional, high-tech crime task force that operates under the Santa Clara County District Attorney's office.

As news of the criminal investigation spread, speculation and disagreement regarding what role if any Apple played in initiating the investigation has arisen in a number of venues. While Apple would have to actively pursue any civil charges related to the incident, some observers wondered whether Apple was pressing the examination of possible criminal charges or if law enforcement was working on its own after having been notified of the loss or theft of the iPhone.

The police have identified and spoken to the person who took the iPhone from the Redwood City, California bar where it was left by the Apple engineer, although officials have refused to say whether that same unidentified person is the same individual who sold it to Gizmodo for $5000. No charges have yet been filed in the investigation, which remains on hold as questions regarding the legality of the search and seizure at Gizmodo editor Jason Chen's residence are being considered.

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Apple today released iTunes 9.1.1, offering several minor fixes to the company's software hub for media and associated devices.

iTunes 9.1.1 provides a number of important bug fixes, including:

- Addresses several stability issues with VoiceOver
- Addresses a usability issue with VoiceOver and Genius Mixes
- Addresses issues with converting songs to 128 kbps AAC while syncing
- Addresses other issues that improve stability and performance

iTunes 9.1.1 is available for Mac (93 MB) and Windows (93.9 MB). The Windows version offers a slightly different list of issues addressed, dropping the VoiceOver and Genius Mixes bugs and adding a fix for iTunes crashing when conflicting with other third-party software.

Related Forum: Mac Apps

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The New York Times confirms that Apple has acquired Intrinsity, an Austin, Texas company that has played an integral role in speeding up ARM-based chip designs such as those used in Apple's iPhone OS devices. Speculation that Apple had purchased Intrinsity arose early this month, and MacRumors discovered evidence on professional networking site LinkedIn that seemed to confirm that a number of Intrinsity employees had transitioned to Apple.

Apple has finalized a deal to acquire a small chip company called Intrinsity, Apple confirmed. Intrinsity, of Austin, Tex., made a name for itself by creating a fast chip for mobile devices in cooperation with Samsung, both a partner and competitor to Apple.

Many experts in the chip industry have speculated that Apple relied on Intrinsity's chip as the basis for the main engine behind its new iPad.

As usual, an Apple spokesperson declined to comment further on the acquisition, acknowledging only that it occasionally purchases smaller companies and as a policy does not comment on plans for them.

Update: A revised and expanded version of the article now cites claims that Apple paid $121 million for Intrinsity.

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Steve Jobs and Bill Gates on stage at D: All Things Digital in 2007

Valleywag reports that it is hearing that Apple CEO Steve Jobs has "tentatively agreed" to appear on stage at The Wall Street Journal's D: All Things Digital conference scheduled for June 1st through 3rd. The major business and technology conference, to be held in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, brings together many of the biggest names in technology for extensive discussions about the industry.

An appearance at D would not only speak to Jobs' continuing physical vitality but also his willingness to grapple with some of the thorny new controversies surrounding his company, including its newfound power over news media publishers and rival Adobe. At an Apple event, Jobs is in control; on a stage at D, he'd be fielding questions from the likes of the Journal's Walt Mossberg and All Things D's Kara Swisher.

Jobs last appeared at D in 2007, participating in a one-on-one Q&A with Mossberg and later sharing the stage with Microsoft founder Bill Gates for a discussion of the two companies' relationship and role in the industry.

Meanwhile, many observers are still anxiously waiting for news on Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). Apple has yet to announce dates for the conference, which is usually held each June and where the company has taken to introducing its new iPhone models. Daring Fireball's John Gruber has hinted that an announcement is coming either today or tomorrow, depending on whether Gruber's tweet made at 12:20 AM Eastern Time this morning is interpreted to have been posted yesterday or today.

Update: All Things D's Kara Swisher confirms that Jobs will be the opening-night speaker for this year's conference.

132142 malware ipad enticement

On its Malware City blog, antivirus firm BitDefender notes that malware creators have begun to take advantage of the hype surrounding Apple's new iPad tablet device as a means of social engineering to encourage users to download their malicious software disguised as an iTunes update.

Identified by BitDefender as Backdoor.Bifrose.AADY,the piece of malicious code inadvertently downloaded injects itself in to the explorer.exe process and opens up a backdoor that allows unauthorized access to and control over the affected system.

Moreover, Backdoor.Bifrose.AADYattempts to read the keys and serial numbers of the various software installed on the affected computer, while also logging the passwords to the victim's ICQ, Messenger, POP3 mail accounts, and protected storage.

The malware is advertised in the form of an awkwardly-worded email message and includes a link to a site formatted similarly to Apple's iTunes download page but hosting the malicious software.

The report is careful to note that the malware in question only targets Windows, and thus users of Mac OS X are unaffected. The iPad itself is also unaffected by the malware, as its mention is simply used to entice its owner to download the infected software.

Mobile advertising firm AdMob today released its March 2010 Mobile Metrics Report, offering a look at trends in the devices and operating systems accessing its extensive ad network. Among the interesting observations in this month's report is evidence of continued growth and diversification of the Android platform. In fact, Android's growth in the U.S. has sent the platform's share of ad request in the U.S. past that of the iPhone by a 46%-39% margin.

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On a worldwide basis, the iPhone continues to outpace Android with a 46% share of the ad request market, compared to only 25% for Android. It is also important to note that this specific metric includes only smart phones, and thus does not include ads served to the iPod touch. When looking at all devices capable of accessing AdMob's ad network, the iPhone and iPod touch together grab 38% of the ad request market, more than double that of the nearest competitor on a manufacturing basis, Motorola.

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Other interesting data coming out of AdMob's report includes a survey of the various generations of iPhone OS devices accessing its network. The report notes that the iPhone 3GS holds the largest share of iPhone OS devices at 39%, followed by the second-generation iPod touch at 25%. Apple's first-generation devices continue to hang around, however, with the original iPhone and iPod touch each accounting for 2% of the 6.1 billion iPhone OS ad requests received by AdMob in March.

Related Forum: iPhone