
131829 steaminstall

Those anxiously awaiting Steam for Mac can get started downloading now. The client download link is now live at the following url: (direct download)

Unfortunately, it appears that the Steam service itself is not ready for users and is still restricting logins to beta participants:

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Steam for Mac is supposed to officially launch today so we expect that restriction will be lifted soon.

Patently Apple details a recent Apple patent application that describes a system by which customers can use their iPhone as an electronic wallet and payment system.

Apple's patent is directed to various techniques for conducting peer-to-peer financial exchanges using a handheld, portable electronic device - which for the sake of simplicity is represented throughout several transaction-based patents - as the iPhone.

The iPhone may integrate several functionalities for performing peer-to-peer transactions, including the storing information representation a user's payment accounts and crediting accounts, acquiring and sending payment information, and obtaining payment authorization.

Apple suggests a number of possibilities on how to initiate transactions including the use of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology.

Apple even names the app "Transaction" in the patent application and details how it might be used. This flowchart shows how one might pay for a bill at a restaurant using the application:

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The patent applications for this system were originally filed in late 2008.

Related Forum: iPhone

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Tinhte provides more high quality photos as well as a hands on video with the latest leaked next generation iPhone. According to a rough translation, they did try connecting it to a Mac but with no luck getting iTunes to recognize it.

Here's a hands on video:

From analyzing the photos of the teardown, it seems clear the processor in the new iPhone is A4-based as it shares the same markings as the processor from the Apple iPad:

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Leaked iPhone processor on left, iPad processor on right

Finally, a couple of readers have been trying to analyze the images and seem to believe that the new iPhone does have a higher resolution screen based on some basic analysis:

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We're not sure why Apple is having such a hard time holding on to these next generation iPhones, but a Vietnamese forum has posted more photos (cached) of the previously leaked 4th generation iPhone. They've posted a large gallery of shots making it clear that they have a unit in their possession. There seems to be little new information posted, though the individual who submitted the link to us stated a Vietnamese businessman had bought it in the U.S. together with an iPad.

There are a few interesting aspects to these images that were not seen in the original leak. The case design is identical, but notably, the back shows that this is a 16GB model. The previous leak showed "XXGB" written on the back.

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Next, it appears this unit actually has been turned on:

It appears to say "Inferno" on the screen with some text on the bottom that indicates the battery life is at 24%. It's hard to say for sure, but it could represent some sort of firmware diagnostics that we have previously seen on prototype iPhone hardware. This one appears to be called "Bonfire!".

There are also no screws on the bottom of this unit:

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Teardown photos:

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What appears to be the processor. Apple branded.

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Related Forum: iPhone

According to data obtained from AppShopper, iPad users are disproportionately interested in productivity apps, while iPhone and iPod Touch users seem to love buying games.

The following graph shows the relative percentages of each app category with respect to its distribution in the Top 100 Paid Apps and All Apps in the App Store:

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Despite the fact that games only represent 15% of the over 200,000 iPhone/iPod touch apps, games currently make up 54% of the Top 100 Paid apps in the App Store. The findings are likely reflective of the large iPod Touch population that make up nearly half of the 85 million iPhone OS devices out there. Apple has pushed the iPod Touch as gaming device in their advertising.

In fact, Apple has been so successful that Nintendo sees Apple as their biggest threat in the future.

Meanwhile, amongst iPad-specific apps, games make up a more representative sampling of the Top 100: 29% for Top 100 vs 25% of all iPad apps. Instead, productivity apps for the iPad are proving to be very popular representing 19% of the Top 100 while only making up 5% of all iPad apps:

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The findings aren't particularly surprising given the older demographics for iPad owners. It also reflects the added functionality that a large-format device offers over a handheld device.

Related Forum: iPhone

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The Wall Street Journal reported tonight that Verizon Wireless and Google are working on a tablet computer to take on the iPad. Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam revealed the plans in an interview:

"What do we think the next big wave of opportunities are?" Mr. McAdam said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "We're working on tablets together, for example. We're looking at all the things Google has in its archives that we could put on a tablet to make it a great experience."

Bloomberg confirmed that the new device will run Google's Android operating system. While neither Verizon nor Google had more to add at this time, details will apparently be announced later this week.

IDC analyst Al Hilwa believes "everyone is going to have a device that is going to compete with the iPad" and that Apple has created and legitimized the tablet market. Apple's iPad has already sold over 1 million units in the first 28 days on sale.

This public Verizon/Google partnership has cast some doubt on the possibility of an Verizon iPhone in the next month, but Business Insider's Dan Frommer suggests that this announcement was simply a negotiation tactic by Verizon who may be still be in talks with Apple about the next iPhone.

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Leaked photo of next generation iPhone

MobileCrunch speculates on some changes they've seen in the upgrade eligibility dates on AT&T's wireless site. One of their readers claimed that their upgrade eligibility date recently moved up from 11/21 to 6/21. Of course, the speculation leads them down various theories, though we suspect they are reading too much into it.

Upgrade eligibility has been a hot topic whenever Apple introduces a new iPhone, so it's no surprise that customers are already looking ahead in anticipation of a new iPhone release. Like most wireless carriers, AT&T subsidizes the cost of the iPhone when customers sign up for a 2 year contract. Because of this up-front discount, customers are expected to stay with the contract or alternatively pay an early termination fee. The "upgrade eligibility" date is simply the date that the customer is released from this obligation, and will again qualify for a new subsidized phone without penalty.

Last year, AT&T explained what factors go into determining how long before a customer becomes eligible again.

Importantly, we want our customers to better understand our wireless device upgrade program. Like most U.S. carriers, we offer a variety of phones that we sell below our actual cost when customers agree to sign service agreements. In general, the more a customer spends with us, the quicker they become eligible for a price break on a new device. For example, iPhone customers who spend more than $99 a month per line with us generally are eligible for an upgrade between 12 and 18 months into their contract.

So those who are paying the higher monthly plans will become eligible earlier. The earliest that AT&T offers iPhone 3GS customers a chance to upgrade without penalty is June 21, 2010. The significance of this date is simply that it is 12 months (to the business day) following the launch day of the iPhone 3GS.

Current eligibility dates are listed in your wireless AT&T account, though we caution getting too worried about it at this time. Last year, AT&T modified the eligibility dates at the last minute to accommodate more customers.

Apple is widely expected to announce the next iPhone at WWDC 2010 in June.

Related Forum: iPhone

Portal for Mac launches tomorrow

We're giving Valve Software's Steam launch a lot of coverage here at MacRumors -- but for good reason. Steam may do more to attract game developers to the Mac platform than Apple has ever done. Steam has announced that the Mac client will become available on Wednesday, May 12th and that new games will be released every Wednesday.

Valve's own Portal (above) is one of the launch titles as well as Runic Games highly acclaimed Torchlight.

"We're very excited to be bringing Torchlight to the Mac," said Max Schaefer, co-founder of Runic Games. "Having Steam for the Mac solves so many problems for us as a developer. We look forward to our future games coming out on the Mac as well."

While Torchlight had been previously planned to come to the Mac anyway, the developers are clearly pleased that Steam will be available on the Mac.

Torchlight for Mac launches tomorrow

Read our first impressions and explanation of Steam for Mac.

112515 verizon

Crunchgear claims that a company called Landor Associates is already working on an ad campaign for Verizon's upcoming iPhone launch.

Ladnor has been working on Verizon branding since 2007 and is, according to a tipster, now hard at work preparing for the iPhone HD launch.

The rumor seems to be consistent with persistent rumors that Verizon will finally get the iPhone this year. We have to assume the original 2012 exclusivity contract with AT&T has since been renegotiated.

Historically, Crunchgear has been an unreliable source of Apple-related rumors, though leaked information through Verizon's ad agency seems plausible, especially given the number of Verizon rumors that have been circulating.

Related Forum: iPhone

Square has updated their app to provide universal support for both iPad and iPhone/iPod Touch devices. Square is an interesting mobile payment processing application for Apple's mobile devices that allows anyone to accept credit card payments. While other mobile credit card processing apps already exist, Square is targeted at both individuals and business -- small or large -- and does not require a merchant account.

Square is a free app that interfaces with the Square credit card reader which plugs into the headphone jack of your mobile device. Square will send the reader free to anyone that signs up. Square then charges a percentage of the sale plus 15 cents. There are no monthly minimums or setup costs. More information is available at SquareUp.

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Apple recently updated a support document detailing current solutions to Wi-Fi connectivity issues surrounding the iPad. There have been several distinct Wi-Fi issues reported on various discussion forums. The new support document lists a few possible workarounds, but also states that "Apple will also address remaining Wi-Fi connectivity issues with a future iPad software update."

The workarounds listed include:

- Updating Wi-Fi router firmware
- Using WPA or WPA2 wireless security
- Adjusting screen brightness
- Renewing IP address

Issues with the iPad Wi-Fi include weak signal, forgotten passwords, and more technical networking issues. According to Apple, only a "very small number" of iPad users are affected.

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Engadget digs up some 2008 court documents that confirm that Apple and AT&T's original exclusivity agreement did, in fact, extend into 2012. From a court order (PDF):

The Agreement, which lasts until 2012, provides that iPhone purchasers who want voice and data services must sign a two-year service contract with ATTM. (Complaint P30.) Although the Agreement itself is not public, some of its provisions have been revealed in the press.

The 5 year timeframe was originally revealed by USA Today back in 2007. A 5 year contract would have maintained AT&T iPhone exclusivity into 2012.

However, at this point, it's not entirely clear if the original contract still stands. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2009 that AT&T's iPhone exclusivity is due to expire this year (2010). Apple and AT&T may have undergone contract revisions and negotiations since that time. Most industry experts seem to believe that AT&T exclusivity comes to an end this year with several whispers that Apple will bring the iPhone to Verizon's network in 2010.

Related Forum: iPhone

The Wireless Gigabit Alliance, an organization dedicated to creating wireless connectivity standards for consumer electronics using the unlicensed 60GHz spectrum, today announced the publication of its new multi-gigabit wireless standard. The Wireless Gigabit Alliance is working in partnership with the Wi-Fi Alliance, the organization responsible for the development and ratification of Wi-Fi standards used to date, to promote the new Wi-Gig specification.

The new Wi-Gig specification provides data transfer rates up to 7 Gbps, far exceeding the maximum 600 Mbps transfer rate of the current 802.11n standard. Such fast transfer rates could easily manage high-definition video and ultimately eliminate the need for wired connections in media applications.

Device connectivity in the 60 GHz band will complement the current family of Wi-Fi technologies. Targeted primarily for applications that require gigabit speeds, 60 GHz products are expected to be used in a wide range of high-performance devices. A significant portion, if not all, of these devices are expected to also support traditional Wi-Fi networking in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands.

However, the range of the new WiGig spec is notably smaller and may not be sufficient to "blanket a home" according to the Wi-Fi Alliance's marketing director as stated in a Los Angeles Times article. As a result, the organization sees Wi-Gig complementing Wi-Fi rather than replacing it. For example, Wi-Gig could be used to replace HDMI cables to connect between nearby devices.

In partnership with the Wi-Fi Alliance, the Wireless Gigabit Alliance also opened an Adopter Program today to provide consumer electronics companies with royalty-free licenses to create products using the new standard. Products incorporating WiGig could hit the market in the next two years.

Speaking of companies on board to use the WiGig standard, Ali Sadri, the WiGig Alliance's Chairman and President, spoke briefly of Apple to the LA Times:

While Sardi pointed to Apple as an innovator in driving new technology uptake, he wouldn't comment on the company's involvement.

Apple did not provide a comment to the LA Times.

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The NPD Group published results from the first quarter of 2010 which reveals that Google's Android-based smartphones outsold the iPhone for the first time in the U.S. According to their data, Android-based phones accounted for 28% of smartphone sales while the iPhone accounted for 21%. Meanwhile, RIM remains the market leader at 36%.

NPD attributes the growth to strong promotion as well as broader carrier coverage for Android devices.

"As in the past, carrier distribution and promotion have played a crucial role in determining smartphone market share," said Ross Rubin, executive director of industry analysis for NPD. "In order to compete with the iPhone, Verizon Wireless has expanded its buy-one-get-one offer beyond RIM devices to now include all of their smartphones."

The iPhone is currently sold only by AT&T. While AT&T does make up 32% of the smartphone market, they are the only provider that offers the iPhone at this time. Verizon (30%), T-Mobile (17%) and Sprint (15%) make up the bulk of the rest of the market. The numbers may also reflect the late lifecycle of the iPhone 3GS compared to the newer android devices. Apple is also widely expected to revise the iPhone in the next month.

Apple has also been rumored to be expanding iPhone distribution beyond AT&T, though the exact timeframe remains up for debate.

As the iPad becomes available for pre-order in several countries today, more carriers are providing details on 3G data plans specifically for the new device. Apple recently announced that the iPad will be available starting on May 28 in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the UK.

Last week, Orange UK had announced its pricing, offering daily, weekly, and monthly options for 3G iPad users. Another UK carrier, O2, has now announced its iPad data plan pricing and while a weekly plan is not offered, free Wi-Fi is included in all plans and users will have the option to add data on as needed to avoid overage charges.

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O2's iPad data plans

Though information is not yet available on its own website, Canada's Rogers iPad data plan plan pricing is shown on the Apple Canada site. Rogers will offer only monthly plans plus the ability to add an iPad to an existing data plan:

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Update: Readers have pointed out that the $20 iPad add-on feature was published by Apple in error and will not actually be available. A Rogers Community Manager confirmed that this was a mistake via Twitter and additional information is now available on the company's official blog.

Links to information on iPad 3G data plans can be found on the Apple store site for each respective country where the iPad will be available starting May 28. Not all carriers listed on these pages have provided detailed pricing yet.

- Germany - O2, Vodafone, and T-Mobile
- France - Orange and SFR
- Italy - Vodafone and 3
- Japan - Softbank
- Spain - Orange, Vodafone, and Telefonica
- Switzerland - Swisscom and Orange

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Apple has started taking international pre-orders for the iPad. The iPad was originally launched in the U.S. only, but will become available in nine new countries starting May 28th. The list of countries include Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the UK. Pre-orders are being accepted for both Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi + 3G models.

Customers should check their country's Apple Store for pricing information. Apple plans to expand their international release to nine additional countries in July. The countries to be added in July include Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore.

023430 mba 500 claims that Apple's MacBook Air could see updates as early as this week. They cite a "well-placed source" who identifies the new product number as MC516LL/A K87 BETTER BTR-USA. This source was previously able to pinpoint the recent MacBook Pro updates a week prior to their release.

It seems it's not entirely certain that the product number necessarily represents a new MacBook Air. Macworld Australia speculates it could also represent a new Apple LCD. Either way, several thousand of these items are presently on their way to Australia which indicates a major product launch.

According to our Buyer's Guide, a revised MacBook Air is overdue for release. It was last updated in June 2009 and was not updated alongside the MacBooks and MacBook Pros last month.

Related Roundup: MacBook Air
Related Forum: MacBook Air

021720 printing

Since Steve Jobs has taken it upon himself to answer customer queries, he becomes a frequently cited source for what Apple is working on. According to one reader, Steve Jobs replied to an email asking why there are no printing capabilities on the iPad. Steve Jobs reportedly replied "It will come."

While these email replies can be difficult to authenticate, previous rumors have claimed that Apple is indeed working on printing to make the iPad more appealing to enterprise customers.