
BoyGenius reports that all of the AT&T pre-order iPhones have been allotted already. Engadget received a statement from AT&T confirming the sellout:

"Because of the incredible interest in iPhone 4, today was the busiest online sales day in AT&T history. As of Tuesday afternoon, customers who preorder iPhone 4 moving forward will receive their device on June 25 or later, depending on when the order is placed. We'll email customers with confirmation once their order is placed, and again when it ships. In addition, we will have devices available on a first-come, first-serve basis in our stores beginning on June 24."

Apple's own U.S. website still shows ship dates of June 24th if you pre-order now.

We've also heard reports from international customers that local Apple Stores in the UK and Germany's T-Mobile are also sold out of the launch day iPhone 4s.

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UK Apple Store for pickup at Regent Street

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Apple today released Mac OS X 10.6.4, the fourth maintenance update for Snow Leopard, via Software Update. The update offers a number of fixes implemented since the release of Mac OS X 10.6.3 in late March.

The 10.6.4 Update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X Snow Leopard. It includes Safari 5 and general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac, including fixes that:

- resolve an issue that causes the keyboard or trackpad to become unresponsive
- resolve an issue that may prevent some Adobe Creative Suite 3 applications from opening
- address issues copying, renaming, or deleting files on SMB file servers
- improve reliability of VPN connections
- resolve a playback issue in DVD Player when using Good Quality deinterlacing
- resolve an issue editing photos with iPhoto or Aperture in full screen view
- improve compatibility with some braille displays

For detailed information on this update, please visit this website:
For information on the security content of this update, please visit:

Just yesterday, Apple seeded Build 10F569 of Mac OS X 10.6.4 to developers.

- Mac OS X v10.6.4 Update (607.21 MB)
- Mac OS X v10.6.4 Update (Combo) (887.37 MB)
- Mac OS X Server v10.6.4 Update (615.60 MB)
- Mac OS X Server v10.6.4 Update (Combo) (1.05 GB)

Apple also released a pair of Mac OS X 10.6.4 updates specifically for the company's new Mac mini released earlier today.

- Mac OS X v10.6.4 Update Mac mini (Mid 2010) (403.38 MB)
- Mac OS X Server v10.6.4 Update Mac mini (Mid 2010) (411.72 MB)

Finally, Apple released Security Update 2010-004 for users on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.

- Security Update 2010-004 (Leopard-Client) (222 MB)
- Security Update 2010-004 (Leopard-Server) (380.29 MB)

In an interview on CNBC today, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson spent a considerable amount of time discussing the carrier's relationship with Apple, initially focusing on the iPad and its strong adoption, particularly among business users.

I think this is going to be really a significant product for enterprise. You think about, you know, our objective is just to mobilize everything. Whether it's in the home or the workplace, this is a device that really lets you think differently about mobilizing all of the applications that you see in business. And we're getting a strong interest from our large business customers on bringing this device into their environments, and whether it's working with the salesforce, whether it's order takers, any number of areas, are really excited about bringing this device in.

Near the end of the interview, the conversation turned back to the company's wireless network, and persistent voice quality issues that have been plaguing the company in certain markets. Stephenson acknowledged the issues caused by "impressive" customer adoption in those locations and noted that the company feels that voice quality is "getting to where it should be".

The uptake and the demand was dramatic, and there are particular markets like New York. The demand was really impressive, and it had an effect on voice quality. We have been going hard at the voice quality issue in New York, and made tremendous progress. And so, we're getting to a point where voice quality is getting to where it should be, and mobile broadband is the fastest in the nation. as measured by any number of independent people.

AT&T has repeatedly claimed that it is investing heavily in areas like Manhattan and San Francisco that have been seeing performance issues, and while the company's call service has continued to receive less-than-stellar marks.

Related Forum: iPhone

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Now into the afternoon on the East Coast of the United States, Apple and AT&T are continuing to experience massive difficulties accepting pre-orders for the iPhone 4. As we noted earlier, Apple's own site has been throwing up errors for much of the day, but the primary problem appears to be AT&T's servers, which have reportedly completely collapsed under the deluge of requests.

Gizmodo has been staying on top of the issues all day, sharing reports of AT&T stores resorting to pen and paper for taking down customer information or even closing all together. Some customers have even reportedly attempted to log into their AT&T accounts only to find themselves viewing account for information for other customers, creating significant security concerns.

Customers hoping to bypass the frustrating online experience by calling in by phone to Apple to place their pre-orders are finding that Apple isn't accepting calls at this time, refusing to put customers on hold due to the crush of customers trying to place pre-orders. Even when Apple was taking calls, customers spent as much as three hours on hold before being told that there was nothing Apple's representatives could do until AT&T's servers are brought back up.

Meanwhile, customer frustration continues to increase, with both Apple and AT&T taking heat for the issues. While Apple has been known to struggle to keep up with launch-day demand for its products in the past, today's issues seem well beyond the scope of its usual congestion. Certainly the need for so many customers to interface with AT&T's systems during the pre-order process is a contributing factor to the difficulties, but it remains to be seen whether the issues stem from Apple and AT&T being woefully underprepared to handle the load or if customer demand has been significantly higher than the companies anticipated.

Related Forum: iPhone

iPhone 4 pre-orders kicked off today and have been causing trouble for Apple's online ordering system which has been up and down throughout the morning. In fact, we are still receiving reports of U.S. customers being unable to fulfill the order forms online.

Boy Genius Report has also heard that AT&T's own internal network has been brought down by the crush.

In Japan, reports indicate that many physically lined up throughout the country just to get on the wait list. Softbank also found their servers struggling to keep up with demand while hundreds stood in line:

Softbank spokesman Furuya Katsuhide said that the better-than-expected demand had stressed the company's systems, which slowed both its website and the reservation process at stores.

Businessinsider also notes lines forming at AT&T stores in the U.S.

Related Forum: iPhone

Apple's job postings are usually pretty unremarkable. Over the years, Apple has learned to keep from posting anything too revealing as they know that people are watching their every move. A recent job listing for a software engineer, however, seems unusually enticing to us.

Apple is looking for an engineer to work on a team "tasked with creating the next generation application for manipulating media". They are looking for someone to be involved in creating "new user interfaces" with the purpose of "allowing the user to manipulate content in new and exciting ways".

While the job listing remains sufficiently vague, it does raise some interesting possibilities. User interface design is a topic that runs to Apple's core. Ever since the original Macintosh introduced the mouse/window interface to the masses, UI has been a point of pride for Apple. "Next generation" interfaces could mean anything, but with Apple's focus on multi-touch interfaces as well the leaked images of a multi-touch trackpad, our imaginations jump right towards those possibilities.

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Leaked photos of a multi-touch trackpad peripheral

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With the launch of Steam for the Mac, a lot of attention has been focused on the relative performance of Mac gaming. Early benchmarks have shown that the same Steam games run at a significantly slower framerate under Mac OS X than under Windows.

The reason for the discrepancy has been described as due to relatively immaturity of drivers on the OS X side as well as other slowdowns. Some modest improvements may be seen with the upcoming release of Mac OS X 10.6.4, but more dramatic improvements remain in the pipeline.

Responding to concerns about performance on some Mac Steam games, Valve employee rbarris provides some reassurance that further performance updates will be coming:

Performance is going to improve as drivers are updated. I would expect modest improvements in short term and larger ones in longer term. No, I can't put dates on them. We are making a lot of progress is identifying specific issues that need work inside the game and inside OpenGL and drivers. Apple, ATI and NVIDIA are all involved.

Steam is said to be working with Apple, ATI and NVIDIA on these optimizations for improved gaming performance. Driver-level features should arrive over time with future Mac OS X updates.

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As rumored, Apple's new iOS application dedicated to the company's retail store experience is now live in the App Store. Known simply as Apple Store, the free application allows users to shop the full online Apple Store, pre-order the new iPhone 4, locate Apple retail stores, and sign up for retail store appointments and workshops.

With the Apple Store app, you can:
- See new and featured products from Apple.
- Shop the full selection of products available from the Apple Online Store.
- Find the latest accessories and software.
- Read customer reviews and get answers to product questions.
- Buy or reserve a new iPhone with just a few taps.
- Locate any Apple Retail Store in the world, instantly.
- Make Personal Shopping, Genius Bar, and One to One appointments.
- Sign up for workshops and events at your favorite Apple Retail Store.

While Apple Store is compatible with the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, it is not a universal application and thus does not offer an iPad-specific interface when installed on Apple's larger tablet device.

Unfortunately, launching the application currently showing only Apple's "We'll be back soon" sticky note, as the company's online store has been taken down after briefly going live with iPhone 4 pre-orders and a redesigned Mac mini.

Update: Apple has posted a press release announcing the release of the application. The release does suggest that Apple Store is initially available only in the United States, and it is unclear whether the company is planning to extend availability to other countries in the future.

Related Forum: iPhone

041414 macmini

Apple has quietly updated the Mac mini with a brand new design.

- 2.4GHz or 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
- 1.4" thick Unibody enclosure
- NVIDIA GeForce 320M Graphics Card
- Built-in Power Supply
- HDMI port and Mini DisplayPort
- Removable bottom panel shown here:

041517 remove

The removable bottom panel gives you access to memory. Back ports include: Ethernet, FireWire 800, Four USB 2.0, SD card slot, Audio Line out, HDMI, Mini Displayport.

With all the improvements, the base price of the Mac mini has increased to $699, though that includes more hard drive space, faster graphics and the features listed above.

Related Roundup: Mac mini
Buyer's Guide: Mac Mini (Don't Buy)
Related Forum: Mac mini

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Apple seems to be preparing for the iPhone 4 pre-orders which are set to kick off on Tuesday, June 15th. They've brought the Apple online store down, presumably to make changes. There's been reports that no other retailer will be offering these pre-orders, so Apple might be the only option.

The exact time Apple will start accepting pre-orders has been a subject of debate.

Update: AT&T's Wireless site briefly allowed users to pre-order before going down for maintainence:

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Pre-order page now accessible but no iPhone 4s are in their system yet.

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As one of the launch retailers for the iPhone 4, Radio Shack is offering special trade-in deals for existing phones that can be applied to the new iPhone 4.

At a Brooklyn-area RadioShack, a sales representative named Shaquana told eWEEK that only some electronics trade-ins will be allowed in-store, and others will have to be arranged online. Devices that one can safely trade-in at the store, she said, include phones and game consoles, chargers, old cameras and camcorders.

Radio Shack's Twitter account has been filling in some blanks on the policy. Edible Apple has been tracking the tweets which revealed that the iPhone 3GS can be traded in for a $200 credit to the new iPhone:

The trade in value on an iPhone 3GS is $200, so if you're currently toting around last year's iPhone model and are eligible for an AT&T upgrade any time in 2010, you can pick up the new iPhone 4 for free. While trade-ins can ordinarily be done online, Radio Shack is advising users via its Twitter account that if the iPhone 4 is on your radar, your best bet is to show up in-store.

The iPhone 4 pre orders begin on Tuesday with the final U.S. launch taking place on June 24th.

(Note, you may do better than $200 selling your iPhone 3GS on your own, though with potentially more hassle)

Related Forum: iPhone

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Starbucks announced that they would be activating free Wi-Fi access across all U.S. locations starting on July 1st. The move is seen as a response to increased competition from other chains which already offer free Wi-Fi to their customers.

iPhone customers have already enjoyed free Wi-Fi at Starbucks stores in conjunction with AT&T. While the move negates this advantage for iPhone customers, it opens up more free Wi-Fi hotspots to iPod Touch and iPad owners who were previously excluded from the service.

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ModMyi reports that it has received a purported internal AT&T memo from a source revealing that the carrier will only be taking pre-orders for black iPhone 4 models, with white models not set to become available until "later this summer".

Apparently (see above image emailed to AT&T employees) the iPhone 4 will ONLY be available in black for pre-orders and launch. The initial lineup will be the 3G[S] in 8GB, and the black iPhone 4 at 16GB and 32GB.

The white 16GB and 32GB iPhone 4 will be available "later this summer."

It is unclear whether such restrictions would apply only to AT&T distribution or if it is a broader issue that will result in a delay of the sale of white iPhone models from Apple and other distribution points. No reason is given for the delay.

Apple is set to begin taking pre-orders for iPhone 4 tomorrow morning, but has not specified when its site will go live to accept sales.

Update: German site is reporting that Deutsche Telecom will also only be offering iPhone 4 in black at launch.

Related Forum: iPhone

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Apple today seeded Build 10F569 of Mac OS X 10.6.4 to developers. The new build comes six days after the last seed and continues to list no known issues with the update. As with the last several developers builds, testers are asked to once again focus their efforts on Graphics Drivers, SMB, USB, Voice Over, and VPN.

Seeding of Mac OS X 10.6.4 began in late April and today's build represents the eighth version pushed out to developers for testing.

A public release of Mac OS X 10.6.4 had been rumored to occur during last week's Worldwide Developers Conference, but Apple appears to still be putting the final touches on the next maintenance update for Mac OS X Snow Leopard. The most recent public version of Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.6.3, was released in late March.

Just like in the United States, additional bits of information on UK availability for iPhone are beginning to trickle out. Earlier today, a test page on Vodafone's site, which now loads only occasionally in a partially completed state, appeared showing the company's rate plans for the new iPhone. Fortunately, Engadget grabbed some screenshots while it was active, revealing that the carrier will be offering a basic 1 GB cap for data access across all monthly plans, double that of O2's lower-end plans.

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Like O2, Vodafone will be offering 18-month and 24-month contracts, with monthly prices checking in at a 5 premium for the shorter contract. All plans also include up to 1 GB of Wi-Fi data access on BT OpenZone networks. Phone costs begin at 189 (16 GB) and 280 (32 GB) on low-end plans, before dropping all the way down to free for 45/50 plans (16 GB) and 60/65 plans (32 GB).

In other UK news, Virgin Mobile has indicated that it is working to bring iPhone 4 to its network.

A Virgin Mobile spokesperson said: "We are in ongoing talks with Apple. There are no further developments at this point."

Virgin would join existing major UK networks O2, Orange and Vodafone, as well as T-Mobile and Three, which are coming on board with the iPhone 4 launch.

Related Forum: iPhone

With Apple set to begin taking pre-orders for the iPhone 4 in a handful of countries tomorrow, including the United States, the company's retail partners are also beginning to firm up their plans. Last Friday, we noted that Wal-Mart was gearing up to offer the new iPhone at launch, following news earlier in the week that RadioShack would begin taking pre-orders on the 15th for a June 24th launch as well.

Electronics chain Best Buy had been rumored to be preparing its plans for launch, and today confirmed that it too will be taking pre-orders beginning tomorrow.

Beginning June 15, Best Buy Mobile, the mobile specialty retail unit of Best Buy Co. Inc (NYSE: BBY), launches its pre-sale of iPhone 4 from Apple. Pre-sale orders can be placed at any Best Buy or Best Buy Mobile standalone store nationwide. The iPhone 4 will land in Best Buy and Best Buy Mobile stores June 24.

Apple's U.S. carrier partner, AT&T, has also been working to get ready for launch day, with employees set to debut new company T-shirts for the event and the company has also put together a video providing information on upgrade pricing policies and data plans for the new iPhone.

The company is also planning to open its retail stores at 7:00 AM on the launch day of June 24th and is offering rebate credits or handset upgrades for those customers who purchased an iPhone 3GS in the month before iPhone 4's announcement.

Related Forum: iPhone

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MacRumors has heard from several sources that Apple is planning to launch a new iOS application tomorrow that will offer customers access to the company's online store and iPhone pre-ordering, as well as the ability to book Genius Bar appointments at brick-and-mortar retail stores.

As long ago as last November, we began hearing rumors of a "Concierge" iPhone application that would offer brick-and-mortar retail store scheduling services.

In addition, early last month we received word from a customer who had emailed Steve Jobs to ask about the possibility of an iPhone-friendly online Apple Store, to which the Apple CEO responded "Coming soon."

Consequently, it appears that Apple may be set to deliver an all-in-one application for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch that will integrate retail store services with broader online shopping capabilities through the company's online store.

Related Forum: iPhone