
china mobile logoReuters reports that China Mobile has announced a new milestone of ten million iPhone users on its network, despite the fact that it is not an official iPhone carrier.

China Mobile, the world's largest mobile carrier by subscribers, has 10 million iPhone users even though it does not yet have an agreement with iPhone maker Apple, its chairman told Reuters on Monday.

Wang Jianzhou also said Apple had promised to make an iPhone compatible with China Mobile's TD-LTE standard when its next-generation model comes out. He could not say when this would happen.

With the iPhone incompatible with the TD-SCDMA 3G network used by China Mobile, the ten-million-user milestone comes even as users are limited to slower 2G network speeds.

China Unicom is currently the exclusive official iPhone carrier in China, although China Mobile and China Telecom have been working hard to strike deals to offer the device. Talks between Apple and China Mobile, the world's largest wireless carrier with over 600 million customers, have apparently been conducted at the highest levels, with Steve Jobs having been involved and Tim Cook even having been spotted at China Mobile's headquarters.

Related Forum: iPhone

steve jobs book coverReuters reports that Walter Isaacson's just-released authorized biography of Steve Jobs is poised to become Amazon's top-selling book of the entire year, highlighting the extraordinary interest in the private Apple co-founder's life following his passing early this month.

The book is the best-selling book on and is also listed as the top-selling electronic book on the company's Kindle eBook store.

"The way things are trending, it could very likely be our top-selling book of the year," Amazon spokeswoman Brittany Turner said in a statement.

Amazon declined to comment on the split between digital and physical versions of the book, although one analyst suggests that digital sales of best sellers have typically been coming at 50-70% of total sales, suggesting that the digital version of Steve Jobs is likely to outsell the print version for at least the next six months.

Steve Jobs is already ranked #13 on Amazon's list of best sellers for the year on the strength of pre-orders. The book was already highly anticipated before Jobs' death, but immediately shot to the top of Amazon's charts with a sales increase of as much as 40,000% following his October 5th passing.

One of the major revelations pulled out of the new authorized Steve Jobs biography has been Jobs' disclosure that he "finally cracked" the problems standing in the way of an Apple television set.

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Rumors of an Apple-branded television have been circulating for years, but have been gaining steam following the release of the iPad as observers look to Apple's "next big thing". One of the strongest proponents of an Apple television set has been Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster, who has issued a number of reports about Apple's prospect for such a device.

With Jobs' comments once again fanning the flames of speculation regarding an Apple television, Munster has weighed in (via Fortune) to claim that all evidence is pointing to a launch as soon as next year. Among the newly presented evidence from Munster is a claim that prototypes of the Apple television set are now "in the works".

- Based on Jan-11 meetings in Asia (not with component suppliers), we believe Apple is investing in manufacturing facilities and securing supply for LCD displays. These displays could range from 3.5" mobile displays to 50" television displays.

- More recently, in Sept-11 we met with a contact close to an Asian component supplier who indicated that prototypes of an Apple television are in the works.

Munster also points to several patents and patent applications filed by Apple addressing the company's work into television-related technologies as further evidence of the company's interest. And while Apple routinely files for patents on technologies that never appear in its products, it is clear that the company has been thinking about how it could make a bigger impact in the television-related market if it elected to go down that route.

While any specifications on an Apple TV remain unknown beyond Jobs' suggestion that it would integrate iCloud presumably with iTunes Store video content, Munster believes that Apple could sell 1.4 million television sets at an average selling price of $1800 in 2012, ramping up to 4.3 million units by 2014 as costs drop to an average selling price of $1400. Munster's estimates, which are of course essentially guesses informed by current market trends, put Apple's share of the connected TV market at 3% in 2014, with the company bringing in $6 billion in revenue from the segment.

Alongside today's quiet MacBook Pro refresh, Apple has also updated its iPad 2 Smart Cover offerings, perhaps most notably discontinuing the orange polyurethane cover and replacing it with a new dark gray cover.

dark gray smart cover
New dark gray Smart Cover

Other changes include:

- Interior color now matches exterior color. The interior side of the Smart Cover facing the iPad screen had previously been a uniform gray color on all models with the exception of the (PRODUCT) RED version. All Smart Covers are now a consistent color inside and out.

tan smart cover inside
Smart Cover showing tan color on outside and inside

- More vibrant colors for polyurethane covers. Aside from the replacement of the orange cover with a dark gray one, sources indicate that the colors on the polyurethane models are now more vibrant. Polyurethane Smart Covers come in blue, green, pink, light gray, and dark gray.

- Color adjustment on navy leather cover. Apple offer five different leather Smart Covers, and sources reports that Apple has slightly tweaked the color on the navy version to make it "more navy" than the original version. All other colors (tan, black, cream, and red) remain unchanged.

Pricing on the Smart Covers remains the same, with polyurethane covers coming in at $39.00 and leather covers priced at $69.00. While Apple's store pages have been updated with the new colors, the company's Smart Cover page does not yet reflect the changes.

Related Roundup: iPad
Buyer's Guide: iPad (Caution)
Related Forum: iPad

Apple is making plans to roll out a new pilot program that will allow customers to pickup orders placed through the company's online store at one of their local retail stores. The program, reportedly known as Sherwood, will include any product available through the online store, including custom-configured Macs, engraved and gift-wrapped products, and the full slate of third-party accessories.

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Apple's retail store EasyPay system with Sherwood offerings

Customers placing online orders will be offered the ability to select an Apple retail store for pickup, with standard configurations and accessories generally being available on a same-day basis as store stocks allow. Other items may take a few days to be delivered to the store.

In-store pickup of items purchased online will reportedly require proof of purchase and an ID, with one major benefit of the program being the ability to designate one additional person to be eligible to pick up the order. One of our sources also notes that the program offers the benefit of being able to avoid home delivery of holiday gifts that might otherwise reveal the nature of the gift during the upcoming holiday period.

With the rollout of Sherwood, Apple retail stores will also begin accepting returns of eligible online orders, streamlining the return process so that customers do not necessarily have to deal with return shipping issues.

Apple already offers some integration of online shopping and its retail stores, offering users the ability to reserve products from available retail store stock. The company has also expanded that program during certain busy holiday shopping times to include gift wrapping of standard-configuration Mac and iPod products.

The Sherwood pilot program will reportedly be initially available only through select retail stores, with company planning to expand it across the retail store chain in the future.

dag kittlaus siriAllThingsD reports that Siri co-founder Dag Kittlaus has left his position at Apple, moving on following the rebirth of the voice-powered personal assistant as a key feature of the iPhone 4S.

There were several reasons for the departure, which was amicable and has been planned for a while, sources said. They included Kittlaus’ family being in Chicago, a desire to take time off and an interest in brainstorming new entrepreneurial ideas.

The report claims that Kittlaus left Apple just after the iPhone 4S launch but that his departure is not indicative of a mass exodus of the Siri team, as other key former Siri executives are remaining at Apple.

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Apple today quietly released a minor update to its MacBook Pro line, offering upgraded processor, and in some cases graphics and/or storage options at the same price points as the previous models. Portions of the improved specs had been leaked to 9to5Mac by reliable source Mr. X late yesterday.

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Among the key changes:

13-inch MacBook Pro:

- Processor options move from 2.3 GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 and 2.7 GHz dual-core Intel Core i7 to 2.4 GHz and 2.8 GHz options.

- Hard drive options offer increased capacity, moving from 320 GB in the low-end configuration and 500 GB in the high-end configuration to 500 GB and 750 GB respectively.

15-inch MacBook Pro:

- Standard processor options move from 2.0 GHz and 2.2 GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 to 2.2 GHz and 2.4 GHz options. The high-end custom processor option at 2.3 GHz has now become a 2.5 GHz option.

- For discrete graphics, Apple had previously offered the AMD Radeon HD 6490M with 256MB of memory on the low-end configuration and the Radeon HD 6750M with 1GB of memory on the high-end configuration. Apple has now moved the 6750M to the low-end configuration with 512 MB of memory and given the high-end configuration a Radeon HD 6770M with 1 GB of memory.

- The previous build-to-order option of a 500 GB hard drive running at 7200 rpm has been bumped to a 750 GB drive at the same speed.

17-inch MacBook Pro:

- Processor speeds have been bumped from a base 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 with a 2.3 GHz upgrade option to a 2.4 GHz base processor with a 2.5 GHz option.

- Graphics have been improved from the AMD Radeon 6750M with 1 GB of memory to the Radeon HD 6770M, also with 1 GB of memory.

- The previous build-to-order option of a 500 GB hard drive running at 7200 rpm has been bumped to a 750 GB drive at the same speed.

Related Forum: MacBook Pro


The Steve Jobs biography is now available in the U.S. on Apple's iBooks. The book had been rolling out across the world and is now available in all regions.

The book is an authorized biography by Walter Isaacson that has received positive reviews as many facts have leaked in the days before its official release. Steve Jobs, himself, reached out to Isaacson to suggest the author write a biography on Jobs. At the time of the initial offer, Isaacson was unaware of Steve Jobs' declining health. Isaacson had asked Jobs prior to his passing why he had agreed to participate:

In order to mask my emotion, I asked the one question that was still puzzling me: Why had he been so eager, during close to 50 interviews and conversations over the course of two years, to open up so much for a book when he was usually so private? “I wanted my kids to know me,” he said. “I wasn’t always there for them, and I wanted them to know why and to understand what I did.”

Jobs passed away on October 5th from pancreatic cancer.

The book is also available in hard copy at Amazon.

The Steve Jobs biography is officially launching on October 24th and it's become available around the world as the local clock hits midnight. So, we expect it to be become available in the U.S. iBooks at the same local time (midnight Eastern).

Early Kindle customers, however, have started receiving the book a little early. Several people are now reporting their pre-orders are now available on their Kindles. The image above from a reader in Florida.

Thanks @davidj

tim cook steve jobs celebration

Apple has posted a video from the Steve Jobs memorial/celebration held on Apple's campus on October 19th, 2011. The 80 minute video is available on Apple's site. All of the retail stores were closed during the event so that everyone could watch. Apple CEO Tim Cook opens the video:

The last two weeks for me have been the saddest in my life by far. But I know Steve. And Steve would have wanted this cloud to lift for Apple and our focus to return to the work that he loved so much. So it's with that spirit, that we wanted to get the entire company together today to celebrate Steve's extraordinary life and many accomplishments he had across his life.

Update: It seems to not be working for some. (Note that streaming video requires Safari 4 or 5 on Mac OS X Snow Leopard or Lion, Safari on iOS 3 or later, or QuickTime 7 on Windows.)

CBS has posted the full 60 Minutes interview with Steve Jobs biographer Walter Isaacson, including a number of extras that weren't included in the broadcast piece. The double-length interview promotes Jobs' authorized biography which goes on sale tomorrow in the United States, and is already available on iBooks in some parts of the world.

Part 1:

Part 2:

The Steve Jobs Family photo album:

What did Steve Jobs say about his rivals?:

Embedded videos require Flash. View Part 1 and Part 2 on YouTube.

bookcoverThe much anticipated Steve Jobs biography is officially launching on Monday, October 24th. Despite the official release date, many copies have already started circulating. The image on the right is from a book delivery from late last week (thanks Ernest).

The New York Times provides a positive review and nice overview of the book which was authored by Walter Isaacson.

“Steve Jobs” greatly admires its subject. But its most adulatory passages are not about people. Offering a combination of tech criticism and promotional hype, Mr. Isaacson describes the arrival of each new product right down to Mr. Jobs’s theatrical introductions and the advertising campaigns. But if the individual bits of hoopla seem excessive, their cumulative effect is staggering. Here is an encyclopedic survey of all that Mr. Jobs accomplished, replete with the passion and excitement that it deserves.

Several other interesting tidbits have emerged from the early copies of the biography. We've covered some of the big revelations in previous articles, but here are a few others that are notable.

- Jobs viewed textbooks as the next business he wanted to transform. He met with major publishers about it. Jobs also discussed 4G data capacity in a recent board meeting in August. - NYTimes
- Jobs described Microsoft as "mostly irrelevant" due to being run by salespeople. He didn't believe Microsoft would change as long as Steve Ballmer was in charge. - NYTimes
- "Jobs confided in Sculley that he believed he would die young, and therefore he needed to accomplish things quickly so that he would make his mark on Silicon Valley history. " - Huffington Post

Walter Isaacson will be interviewed 60 Minutes tonight and is also said to be showing interview tapes of Steve Jobs.

The book is available on Amazon and iBooks.

As a reminder, Steve Jobs' biographer Walter Isaacson was interviewed for 60 minutes. That interview will air tonight (Sunday, Oct 23rd) at 7pm Eastern/Pacific. Also included are interview tapes in which Jobs tells his own story.

Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs is due to launch officially on Monday, and is already available in some parts of the world on iBooks.

ipodoriginalTen years ago today, Steve Jobs took the stage and introduced the first iPod.

The portable music player is seen as being largely responsible for Apple's dramatic comeback over the past decade. It also led Apple down the path into the consumer electronics market. While the iPod has diminished in importance over the past few years, Apple's bottom line is now dominated by devices such as the iPhone and iPad.

Macworld provides a nice story detailing how the iPod came to be:

Behind every successful product lies a problem in search of a solution. The inspirational problem, in the iPod’s case, involved the pitiful state of the young MP3 player market in the late 1990s.

Portable MP3 players had been around since the mid 1990s, but Apple found that every one on the market offered a lackluster user experience. Steve Jobs had a strong term for gadgets like that: “crap”. Everyone at Apple agreed.

Initial reaction to the iPod wasn't entirely favorable. Slashdot's famous reaction was "No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame." MacRumors was also around at the time as well, and much of the reader reaction was also negative. One commenter wrote:

All that hype for an MP3 player? Break-thru digital device? The Reality Distiortion Field™ is starting to warp Steve's mind if he thinks for one second that this thing is gonna take off.

Of course, ten years later, the iPod has sold over 304 million units.

Updated: It turns out that Seamus McGarvey was misquoted. From The Hollywood Reporter:

"I was talking about how up and coming film makers have access to a whole range of new technologies which expand our options as filmmakers. I mentioned that the iPhone and the Canon 5d Mk2 were devices currently used on many Hollywood productions. I used the Canon on some shots on Marvel's The Avengers movie," he stated to THR. "Unfortunately, this was edited to read that I shot some of the film with the iPhone. This is not true."

The original story follows:

The iPhone 4 has a great camera built-in -- but it is good enough to film a movie? According to cinematographer Seamus McGarvey, who worked on the upcoming Avengers movie, the iPhone works just fine as a cinematic instrument. In an interview with the Irish Film & Television Network:

The beauty of photography or cinema is that you make every choice based on the content at hand. On The Avengers, I did a couple of shots on the iPhone and they are in the movie. In fact, they are in the trailer! I understand that sometimes there is no choice and you have to go for the cheapest option, but if you are limited for choice, you can still make poignant decisions that will effect the look of the film.

McGarvey gave no details about exactly which shots in the trailer were taken with an iPhone. It's a testament to the iPhone and McGarvey's abilities as a cinematographer that we can't figure it out.

Watch The Avengers trailer on Apple's movie trailers website.

TMO logoIn a statement released yesterday, Andrew Sherrard, T-Mobile USA's Senior Vice President of Marketing, blamed Apple for T-Mobile's lack of an official iPhone offering. He said the main issue remains Apple's unwillingness to build hardware compatible with T-Mobile 3G and 4G networks.

T-Mobile thinks the iPhone is a good device and we’ve expressed our interest to Apple to offer it to our customers. Ultimately, it is Apple’s decision. The issue remains that Apple has not developed a version of the iPhone with technology that works on our fast 3G and 4G networks. We believe a capable version of the iPhone for our 3G and 4G networks would offer an additional compelling option for our customers on a fast 4G network. However, the iPhone is not the only option to experience the benefit that smartphones offer.

Sherrard goes on to compare the iPhone to other smartphones that do support T-Mobile's network, saying that the phones are capable of faster speeds, have bigger screens, and a more advanced camera on one particular phone, the HTC Amaze 4G.

In a defense of T-Mobile that echoes an open letter to their customers last month, Sherrard said "we firmly believe that T-Mobile’s portfolio will give any iPhone a run for its money... With our portfolio of Android, Windows, and BlackBerry smartphones, fast 4G network, and competitively priced worry-free unlimited talk, text, and data plans, we believe it’s a great time to be a T-Mobile customer."

Rumors of an Apple television set have been circulating for years, but the company has repeatedly expressed doubts about the feasibility of entering the market. Steve Jobs himself noted that the current environment of "balkanized" cable operators controlling everything through their own set-top boxes makes it difficult to envision a go-to-market strategy for Apple.

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But Walter Isaacson's forthcoming biography of Jobs suggests that Apple may have developed a solution to those ideas, stoking optimism for an Apple-branded television set. Jobs' comments were revealed in an excerpt published by The Washington Post.

“He very much wanted to do for television sets what he had done for computers, music players, and phones: make them simple and elegant,” Isaacson wrote.

Isaacson continued: “‘I’d like to create an integrated television set that is completely easy to use,’ he told me. ‘It would be seamlessly synced with all of your devices and with iCloud.’ No longer would users have to fiddle with complex remotes for DVD players and cable channels. ‘It will have the simplest user interface you could imagine. I finally cracked it.’”

The report notes that it is not clear what Jobs meant by having "cracked" the television problem, but it seems to focus on leveraging Apple's new iCloud service and potentially existing iTunes Store content, all within an easy-to-use television set.

Related Roundup: Apple TV
Buyer's Guide: Apple TV (Don't Buy)

Just yesterday, 9to5Mac claimed that a debut of updated MacBook Pro models was "likely" to occur next week, offering a minor speed bump refresh to carry the line through until the launch of Intel's Ivy Bridge platform next year. AppleInsider now reports, however, that the MacBook Pro launch will likely not occur until "early next month".

[One source] said that the notebooks' planned introduction in late September was put on the back burner once the release dates for iOS 5.0 and iPhone 4S were solidified, as Apple pooled all available resources to support the launch -- the largest and most rapid yet in the Cupertino-based company's history.

Since then, the launch date for the Late 2011 MacBook Pros has reportedly been a moving target. However, a second person with proven accuracy in predicting Apple's product launch dates says the Mac maker is now advising its partners not to expect availability of the new models until the first week of November.

The reason for the continued fluidity in launch timing is unknown, although Apple's primary MacBook Pro and MacBook Air aluminum case supplier, Catcher Technology, has been forced to temporarily shut down its factory over over pollution concerns. Digitimes reported today that Catcher is investing $2-3 million to address concerns at the plant, aiming to resume production next month.

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Apple has reportedly already ramped down production of its current MacBook Pro models, a situation that will likely lead to increasingly tight supplies heading into the refresh. Third-party resellers are already experiencing shortages and stock-outs of the MacBook Pro, although it is unclear if the shortages will also spread back to Apple's own channels, which understandably maintain highest priority for distribution.

Related Forum: MacBook Pro