
5iDownloadblog reveals some new iOS 5.1 strings that include references to "4G".

“4G_ON_CALL_CANCEL” = “Cancel”;
“4G_ON_CALL_OK_DISABLE” = “Disable”;
“4G_ON_CALL_OK_ENABLE” = “Enable”;
“4G_ON_CALL_WARNING_DISABLE” = “Disabling 4G will end your phone call. Are you sure you want to disable 4G?”;
“4G_ON_CALL_WARNING_ENABLE” = “Enabling 4G will end your phone call. Are you sure you want to enable 4G?”;
“4G_ON_FACETIME_4G_WARNING_DISABLE” = “Disabling 4G will end FaceTime. Are you sure you want to disable 4G?”;
“4G_ON_FACETIME_WIFI_WARNING_DISABLE” = “Disabling 4G may end FaceTime. Are you sure you want to disable 4G?”;
“4G_TEXT” = “Using 4G loads data faster, but may decrease battery life.”;

The site suggests these may have been put in place for true 4G ("LTE") in the next iPhone.

While we do believe the next iPhone is likely to get LTE, our guess is that these 4G strings were put in place at the same time to reference the updated 4G indicator that Apple also included in the iOS 5.1 update. Existing iPhones now show "4G" at the top of their screen when they are on AT&T's HSDPA+ network. We expect Apple will continue to distinguish the faster LTE networks by specifically calling them "LTE" as they do on the 3rd Generation iPad.

We also don't think references to 4G and Facetime are necessarily predictive. Apple has had strings in the past suggesting that Facetime might work under cellular data, but the restriction appears to be carrier imposed rather than a technical issue.

The folks at iPatch iPods have created another hardware mod to follow up on their Backlit Apple logo from September.

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The original mod was revealed late last year, and they've since added a new feature which they describe as a "headphone jack torch". This video walks through the original glowing Apple mod and also the new headphone jack one:

The headphone jack remains fully functional, and they are even working on a fibre optic headphone cabling that would give you illuminated cables in different colors.

iPatch is a a third-party iPhone repair company based in the UK and can also be followed on twitter at iPatch_iPods.

A couple of new findings as people spend more time with their new iPads. First, iLounge reports on findings by DisplayMate on the new iPads charging behavior. It turns out the iPad continues to charge for as long as an hour after it says its at 100%, suggesting the on-screen indicator isn't quite accurate and may still need more charging.

In an email exchange with iLounge, DisplayMate President Ray Soneira indicated that the third-generation iPad—when connected to power via the included Apple 10W Power Adapter—actually continued to draw 10W of power for up to one hour after reaching what is reported by iOS as a full 100% charge

iLounge found in their battery testing of the new iPad that sometimes the charge would drop initially quickly when they thought the iPad was fully charged.

Earlier in the week, Tom's Hardware noticed that Safari on the new iPad was automatically scaling large images down significantly.

Large images were automatically scaled down to near 1 megapixel resolutions. This means that if you are viewing large images through Safari, you aren't getting the full Retina experience. A workaround mentioned is to save the image to Photos which seems to preserve the original resolution.

These findings were confirmed by web developer Duncan Davidson who ran into the limit when trying to enhance his websites with Retina-sized images.

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Bloomberg reports that Apple's iPhone surpassed RIM's BlackBerry as the number one in Canadian smartphone shipments in 2011. RIM is based in Canada and has had strong loyalty amongst its customers.

RIM, based in Waterloo, Ontario, shipped 2.08 million BlackBerrys last year in Canada, compared with 2.85 million units for Apple, data compiled by IDC and Bloomberg show. In 2010, the BlackBerry topped the iPhone by half a million, and in 2008, the year after the iPhone’s debut, RIM outsold Apple by almost five to one.

RIM has been on a decline since the launch of the iPhone and Android platforms with sales and profits dropping. RIM's worldwide numbers have been dropping precipitously in contrast to significant grown from iOS and Android.

Apple patent applications tend to cover a broad set of topics, including many research items that never make their way out of the labs. A new one found this morning, however, is more interesting than usual given the recent rumors of an Apple television.

The application is titled "Configurable Remote Control" and is detailed by PatentlyApple.

In the application, Apple describes the use of the iPhone as a self-configuring universal remote for your home entertainment system. Specifically, they suggest using the iPhone's camera to take a photo of your existing remote, and then comparing that photo to a database of known remotes.

The method may begin by obtaining an input that may be used to identify the electronic device that is to be controlled, such as by using image processing techniques to compare the captured image against a database of known devices.

Apple acknowledges the iPhone in question would also need IR transmission capabilities. The patent application is dated from 2010.

Apple has been widely expected to use voice-recognition in their rumored Apple Television. As with many patent applications, we don't necessarily think this concept will make its way into production. Still, it shows Apple's research interests into home entertainment systems and seems relevant given the ongoing rumors of a Apple TV set.

Adobe has launched a free public beta for their new Photoshop CS6 Beta. As detailed in the press release, the commercial release will follow in the first half of this year for both Mac and Windows. Final pricing has not been announced.

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According to Macworld, the new version of Photoshop works only on 64-bit Mac systems and is no longer available in 32-bit mode. CNet provides a hands-on look of the new Photoshop and describes some of the many changes:

There's so much big news surrounding Photoshop CS6 that I'm not sure where to start. This is Adobe's first-ever public beta of its most important product (expected to ship sometime in the first half of this year). It's the first Adobe product to incorporate the company's new DRM architecture. It's the first version of Photoshop to take video seriously and to make it into the Standard Edition of the product rather than the extra-pricey Extended version. It's the first version to integrate the company's GPU-accelerating Mercury Graphics Engine (MGE) . And for the first time in more than 20 years, Photoshop goes dark.

Macworld also covers many of the new changes in detail.

Adobe highlights several of the new features found in Photoshop CS6 in this video:

Adobe Photoshop CS6 Beta is available for download at Adobe's site.

Reuters relays rumors from a South Korean newspaper which revives claims of a larger screen on the next iPhone.

Apple has decided on the bigger 4.6-inch display for its next iPhone and started placing orders to its suppliers, the Maeil Business Newspaper said, quoting an unnamed industry source.

A 4.6-inch screen, however, would be significantly larger than that has been previously rumored. There have been persistent rumors that the next generation iPhone would carry a larger 4" screen. And we are convinced that Apple had exactly such designs in late prototype stages in China. The proliferation of iPhone cases with measurements of at least a 4" screen seemed to suggest that a number of suppliers were also convinced of that fact.

A 4.6" screen, however, is even harder to believe, and would place the new iPhone amongst the largest screen sizes available on a smartphone. Here's a comparison shot between the 4.65" screen of the Galaxy Nexus and the iPhone 4S which has a 3.5" screen.

galaxy nexus iphone 4s901v verge medium landscapeTheVerge comparison between Galaxy Nexus (4.65") and iPhone 4S (3.5")

Apple has been consistent by offering the same screen size (3.5") across five generations of iPhones, so any change would be notable. The reason this particular claim seems most dubious, however, is the fact that it comes from an otherwise unknown Korean media source with no track record.

Still, it's hard to dismiss the talk of a larger 4" iPhone screen completely. Back in November, iLounge first reported that the 3rd Generation iPad would be "approximately 0.7 mm" thicker than the iPad 2. As it turns out, they were on the mark with the actual new iPad being 0.6 mm thicker (per official specs) than the previous design. The same source that provided that information had this to say about the next generation iPhone:

Our source says that the next-generation iPhone will not look like the teardrop-shaped version that was widely rumored for release in 2011. We’ve been told that the device will have a 4-inch display and will be 8mm longer than before, with a metal casing (probably aluminum). It is on track to be introduced in summer of 2012, and is still in the engineering phase, not early production. We suspect that poor battery life doomed the prior prototype version, and that this one is being built with LTE-ready battery drain in mind.

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590051 largeNetflix's iOS App has been updated with new iPad Retina icons and images. The actual video stream hasn't yet been updated to High Definition.

However, Netflix's Twitter account promises that High Definition streaming is following later.

The @Netflix iPad App now has high resolution icons and images, enhancing Netflix on the new iPad, HD video to follow later. Enjoy!

Streaming in HD will, of course, use more bandwidth. Usage over LTE data networks could result in users quickly depleting their bandwidth allowances.

The Netflix iOS App is a free download, but you need a Netflix account to use it. [Direct Link]

drawsomethingSocial game-maker Zynga has agreed to acquire OMGPOP, the development house behind the incredibly popular Draw Something. The acquisition price is reported to be $180 million plus $30 million in employee retention payments, according to Peter Kafka at All Things D, though Zynga isn't confirming that number.

OMGPOP brings to Zynga an incredible team of industry veterans and a community of highly engaged players. It’s a great industry example of creating games around the ethos of giving people a place to play, meet and make friends. OMGPOP’s existing mobile and platform games will not change. We fully support what they’ve built to date, and we’re going to work hard to give Draw Something and all of their games the resources and tools they need to grow and flourish.

Dan Porter has built an amazing team and culture at OMGPop, and I can’t wait to see what that team builds next. We think we can amplify their efforts, and we’re going to work together to make sure that more players love more of their games, both in the current stable of titles, and new IP we’ll see in the future.

Draw Something has shot to the top of the App Store charts since it was released six weeks ago, logging 35 million downloads. Last week alone, Draw Something recorded more than 1 billion drawings.

Draw Something is available as a universal app, in a free ad-supported edition and a $0.99 ad-free version. [Direct Links: $0.99/Free]

Hipstamatic and Instagram -- Apple's iPhone Apps of the Year in 2010 and 2011 -- will be announcing a partnership that allows photos taken in Hipstamatic to be ported to Instagram's social network with one click. The partnership was reported by Fast Company.


It represents the first time Instagram has opened up this platform API to third parties, and marks a move toward letting photos freely flow into Instagram's network from outside sources. "When we launched, it was all about Facebook and Flickr and Twitter, and now we're seeing a huge shift in our user base toward Instagram," says Hipstamatic cofounder and CEO Lucas Buick. "We've never been a social networking company, but we clearly benefit from social networks. So this will be the first app outside of Instagram that lets you into their network. That's pretty cool for us."

Hipstamatic users will have the option to push their photos directly to Instagram, including notes about which lens, film, and flash were used. The photos will be tagged with the attribution Taken with Hipstamatic.

Instagram and Hipstamatic aren't the only photography apps to enable cross-app partnerships. The makers of Camera+ recently updated their app with APIs to allow other app developers to integrate Camera+ into their apps.

Hipstamatic for iPhone is available for $1.99 on the App Store. [Direct Link]

Instagram for iPhone is free on the App Store. [Direct Link]


LoopInsight reports that Apple's new iPhoto for iOS has hit 1 million users in the 10 days from its launch:

Apple told me today that its newest iOS app, iPhoto, hit 1 million users in less than 10 days after its release. It’s important to note that figure is users, not downloads. It’s quite possible that one user downloaded the app multiple times, but Apple isn’t counting those, only the unique users.

At $4.99 per sale, that comes to $4,990,000 in revenue over that time.

Apple launched iPhoto in early March alongside the new iPad announcement. iPhoto for iOS runs on both iPad and iPhone and provides a Multi-Touch interface to browse, edit and share photos from your iOS device. [Direct Link]

Avatron, the makers of the popular Air Display app for iOS, revealed today that they will be updating their utility to fully support the 3rd Generation iPad.

Air Display allows you to use your iPad (or iPhone/iPod Touch) as an extra display for your Mac or Windows computer. This old video shows how the app works.

The iPad acts as a wireless second screen that can be used by OS X in the same manner as any other monitor.

The developers were able to get their screen-extending app working with the new iPad with good performance. But using a 2048x1536 iPad as a secondary screen computer screen would result in very small windows, text and user interface elements. So, the team has also included support for Lion's new HiDPI mode. We've covered HiDPI mode in the past. HiDPI mode allows OS X to support high resolution monitors while retaining the same relative size for user interface elements, such as windows and buttons.

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HiDPI mode will let the new iPad act like a 1024x768 point screen where each point is made up of 4 pixels. Apple has already built in support for HiDPI and some of their Apps, such as Messages, already include Retina-sized artwork that work in this mode. Users simply have to choose "1024x768 (HiDPI)" mode in their System Preferences to take advantage of the new mode.

Air Display is a $9.99 Universal App in the App Store. [iTunes] The Retina-enabled version will be included in a forthcoming update.

Google has updated its Google Earth iOS app with support for KML files to add custom maps and overlays to the earth. KML files exist for all sorts of different types of data, including real-time earthquake maps and airline flight tracking, or educational information about volcanos.

One of the most powerful features of Google Earth is the ability to view custom maps or overlays, which are also commonly known as KML files. Ever since we introduced Google Earth on mobile devices, users have requested support for custom content. Today, we are proud to announce Google Earth 6.2 for Android and iOS, which includes support for KMLs. Now anywhere you find a “Google Earth file” (KML file) while you’re browsing the mobile web, just click on the link and the Google Earth app will automatically launch and load the custom map.

Google Earth is a free download for iPhone and iPad from the App Store. [Direct Link]

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Propellerhead software announced yesterday that they will be releasing a Reason inspired iOS app called Figure. Reason is a popular music software program for Mac and Windows.

Figure is described as a mobile tool for inspiration and short bursts of creativity for song ideas:

The app has been submitted for approval and will be priced at $0.99.

Some owners of the new iPad are experiencing unexpectedly poor Wi-Fi reception according to a thread on the Apple Support forums. The thread, noticed by AppleInsider, began on Saturday, March 17, the day after the new iPad first went on sale.

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I am in a hotel with my laptop and new ipad3. The laptop wifi reception is as strong as it gets, but the iPad only registers a weak signal. Anyone else having similar problems? Any suggestions?

There are 110 replies on the thread, with numerous users reporting similar issues and a wide variety of potential solutions including erasing and restoring the iPad, as well as exchanging it for a new unit at an Apple Store.

With 3 million units sold in the first weekend alone, there are bound to be some issues cropping up. This isn't the first time that iPads have had wireless difficulties. The original iPad had similar Wi-Fi issues, including problems with weak signal, forgotten passwords, and more.

Mobile analytics company Flurry reports that activation of new iOS and Android devices in China has surpassed the U.S. for the first time.

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February, Flurry calculated that China surpassed the United States in monthly new iOS and Android device activations for the first time in history. China is now the world’s fastest growing smart device market.

While the data shows combined iOS and Android data, it reflects the same audience of smartphone buyers. Apple has been making efforts to expand their presence in China. They even included a number of China-specific features in their upcoming Mountain Lion release.

In addition, reflective of the increase in activations, China was also the fastest growing country in app usage as measured by app session growth.

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A story that is getting some traction this morning is a Wall Street Journal article about how quickly new iPad users are consuming their monthly bandwidth allotments over LTE. We covered this story on our iOS Blog. While the conclusion may seem an obvious, carriers are beginning to consider other ways to help shift the bandwidth cost away from the consumer.

In particular, the Wall Street Journal notes that AT&T is considering a plan to do just that by allowing the content providers to pay for usage of their apps:

AT&T, for example, is studying a plan to give app developers and content providers the option to pay for the mobile data their products use, thereby keeping those apps and videos from counting against a user's allotment of data, kind of like an 800-number for apps.

If implemented, this would presumably allow bandwidth usage for certain apps to be free. For example, watching shows from a TV network app such as ABC Player might not count against your monthly bandwidth allotment. Instead, ABC would pay AT&T (or Verizon) for the mobile bandwidth consumed. In return, ABC would likely see increased usage of their app to watch shows and more revenue from in-show advertising.

Mobile carriers in the U.S. have been moving away from unlimited bandwidth plans over the past few years. Instead bandwidth is sold in specific allotments (2GB, 3GB) per month with additional fees for overages.

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The Wall Street Journal notes that some early 3rd Generation iPad owners are finding it a bit too easy to burn through their monthly bandwidth allotments when on the faster LTE network.

The new iPad offers a much faster wireless data network called LTE. The speed of LTE can be up to 10 times faster than 3G networks. As a result, some have found they've burned through entire monthly allowances in a matter of days.

"It's kind of a Catch-22," says Mr. Wells, a 31-year-old Web developer who decided to pony up for another gigabyte. "It streams really fast video, but by streaming really fast video you tend to watch more video, and that's not always best."

Besides just encouraging the consumption of video, the new iPad's Retina display also encourages the use of HD content which takes up more bandwidth than their non-HD counterparts.