
In a last minute press conference, Google today shared "the next dimension" of Google Maps. The presentation, which some felt was underwhelming from a product perspective, included a lot of history around the Google Earth, Maps and Street View products, as well as a peek at what's to come.

The announcements are particularly significant with credible rumors that Apple will be dropping Google Maps as the native maps application in iOS, in favor of its own solution at WWDC next week.


Image courtesy The Verge

The first big announcement was related to the display of 3D buildings in Google Earth. Google is using airplanes along with a Google-designed system to photograph cities and make a 3D map of buildings. It appears to be a very similar process to the one used by C3 Technologies, a company that Apple purchased last year. The Verge offers more details on how it works:

To make the images, Google uses planes to take images at 45-degrees from four different angles — flying them in a tightly-controlled pattern with plenty of overlap. Google builds the 3D model off of these many images, using algorithms to create the shape and color of buildings. The process is "fully automated," building the 3D images without any human interactions. The system is intelligent enough to know when a certain image is blocked or shadowed, for example. The company hopes to combine the 2D mapping and vector data with the 3D images to perhaps someday provide vertical location information.

Aside from the Google Earth developments -- which will be coming to the iOS version of Google Earth in the coming weeks -- Google also unveiled new technologies for Street View and offline viewing for Google Maps on Android.

Google executives also took questions from the audience. Brian McClendon, VP of Engineering for Google Maps, said Google was "really proud of Google Maps" and that the company was "committed to offering those services on all platforms". Based on these statements, it seems likely Google will offer a standalone iOS app for Google Maps even if Apple chooses to implement its own mapping solution in the native iOS Maps app, much like it does for the existing Google Earth app.

Sparrow, the popular alternative email client, is coming to the iPad. The company has posted a teaser page where interested users can sign up to be notified when the client is closer to public release, as noted by The Next Web.

The iPhone version of Sparrow was missing a huge feature -- push notifications -- some would think necessary to an email program. The developers behind Sparrow have announced that they're working on an alternative method to enable push because Apple has refused to allow Sparrow to use the APIs necessary to make push work natively.

The Next Web thinks Sparrow's push notification service might be announced at the same time as the iPad app, speculating that next week's WWDC conference would be an excellent time for both announcements.

Six months ago, cloud gaming company OnLive announced the release of a playable client for the iPad and the iPhone. At the time, the release of the iOS app was reported to be imminent, but it has yet to materialize.

Our sister site TouchArcade reports from E3 that OnLive is "hard at work on getting the app approved", but doesn't have any estimate for when the app will be approved, nor what the holdup is.

It's not much of a surprise that Apple might have issues with the OnLive app, as it's offering a complete platform that Apple doesn't have control over, promotes a gamepad, and provides content purchased outside of the App Store ecosystem. So, here's to keeping our fingers crossed to OnLive and Apple coming to some sort of middle ground to get the app out.

Tag: OnLive

In a new research note, KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo reports that Apple will be making significant improvements to both front and rear cameras on the next-generation iPhone, advances driven by a desire to decrease the thickness of the device and to improve compatibility with a new 16:9 display.

According to Kuo, the rear camera on the iPhone will remain at 8 megapixels, but the aperture will be increased from f/2.4 to f/2.2 in order to reduce camera module height by nearly 0.5 mm.

[A] number of components have required a slim-down. The component that will undergo the most dramatic make-over is the rear camera. Our research shows that iPhone 5 will feature the first-ever slimmed rear camera of all iPhones, in an effort to deliver an ultra-slim iPhone 5.

Meanwhile, to enhance photography effects, iPhone 5’s rear camera will feature a larger f/2.2 aperture than iPhone 4S’s f/2.4. However, larger aperture means more noises. In addition, the reduced thickness means even greater challenges for lens design and assembly, as not only the lens, but also the voice coil motor (VCM) and CMOS image sensor (CIS) need to be slimmer. Finally, the compact camera module (CCM) suppler, responsible for the terminal assembly, will be confronted by assembly yield.

iphone rear camera specs
As for the front-facing camera, Kuo argues that Apple's move to a 16:9 display will drive a significant boost to HD quality for the front camera. HD offers the same 16:9 aspect ratio as the new display, as opposed to the 4:3 aspect ratio of the current VGA-quality FaceTime camera, and Apple will likely want to take full advantage of the device's new screen. In addition, moving the FaceTime camera to above the earpiece will allow for more centered images, improving the user experience.

The report also indicates that Apple is adopting flip-chip packing for the new front-facing camera, a process that will result in a thinner assembly and simplify lens production by moving the blue glass filter to the camera module itself.

Kuo has offered accurate information on a number of occasions in the past, relying on sources within Apple's supply chain to piece together Apple's product plans.

Related Forum: iPhone

Following yesterday's leak of Mac Pro part numbers, AppleInsider now posts a full list of 27 new part numbers said to be on their way to resellers in Australia. A total of 13 of the part numbers are listed as "standalone kits", indicating that they are accessories, which leaves as many as 14 Mac models included in the launch.

wwdc 2012 part numbers
Based on hints included in the leaked image and some additional information, guesses can be made at the identities of some of the remaining products.

The first product on the list, part number MC414, is described as "K31 Best" and appears to have a price under AU$1000. The K31 part number initially appeared a year ago to describe what is now the current generation of Apple's Time Capsule base station. Consequently, this new listing may represent a capacity upgrade to the existing line.

The next group of part numbers includes a pair of "D2" machines with prices above AU$2000 and AU$3000 respectively, and these parts could represent new 15-inch MacBook Pro models. The current stock 15-inch models come in at AU$2099 and AU$2499, and the higher price on at least the new high-end model could be a result of a shift to solid-state storage. The identification of these part numbers as MacBook Pros is mere speculation, however, based only on the best fitting price points of current machines.

Two pairs of model numbers at J30 and J31 could represent updated iMacs, with the three lowest models being priced in the AU$1000-AU$1999 range and the top end model coming in above AU$2000. This fits with the existing iMac pricing, which is AU$1399/AU$1698 for the 21.5-inch size and AU$1949/AU$2299 for the 27-inch size.

The next two pairs of model numbers, J11 and J13, may also be linked and could represent new MacBook Air models. Only the first digit of the low-end J11 price can be seen, and it indicates that pricing begins above AU$1000, in line with the current AU$1099 entry-level price on the 11-inch model.

Following a list of 12 accessory part numbers comes the three Mac Pro models detailed yesterday, and the list concludes with a "PD454" part number that interestingly represents a personalized or engraved version of the B67(A) accessory that appears earlier in the list.

Notably, our speculation on the identities of the various part number does not include a 13-inch MacBook Pro, for which a claimed spec label leaked yesterday. It is possible that one of the model numbers such as J11 could represent two stock configurations of a 13-inch MacBook Pro, but that would leave Apple's set of four MacBook Air models incompletely accounted for in the part numbers.

We caution our readers that these guesses at identifying the various part numbers are indeed speculation based on best fits with Apple's current pricing structure and number of models offered in each of its Mac lines. We do not have specific knowledge of the identities of these models beyond what is shown in the leaked image.

Update: 9to5Mac posts a full matrix of parts and prices along with their speculation on models matching up with those parts. Their guesses are identical to ours with the exception of the K31 part, which with a price of AU$119 would represent a new AirPort Express rather than a Time Capsule upgrade.

The addition of prices for the accessories also indicates that the B67 product is a new iPod shuffle available in five colors and with personalization. Other likely accessories include an external SuperDrive and a USB 3.0 Ethernet adapter.

wwdc 2012 price list macs

Related Roundups: iMac, MacBook Air, Mac Pro

Apple has already started decorating Moscone with banners in preparation for WWDC 2012. The first banners show a collage of app icons and the wording: "WWDC2012: Where great ideas go on to do great things."

The annual developer's conference kicks off on Monday with a Keynote Address. Apple is expected to introduce a number of new products and likely preview iOS 6.

Thanks Nelson

Used Mac Pro 2Shortly after word that Apple had pulled Mac Pro stock from their retail stores, 9to5Mac has been able to track down new retail part numbers for Mac Pro updates that they believe to be due next week.


Pricing is said to be "similar to current Mac Pro models". The new models come in three configurations: two standard versions and a third with OS X Server.

We had long been tracking the possible Intel chips that could find their way into the new Mac Pros. It wasn't until March, 2012 that Intel had released new Xeon E5 chips that Apple could use to upgrade their long-stagnant professional tower. The Mac Pro was last updated almost two years ago in July 2010. Apple had been said to be questioning the future of the Mac Pro line, given diminishing market appeal for the processional tower.

Apple will be holding the Worldwide Developer's Conference (WWDC) next week and is rumored to be making other Mac hardware introductions.

Related Roundup: Mac Pro
Tag: 9to5Mac
Buyer's Guide: Mac Pro (Neutral)
Related Forum: Mac Pro

step1 shelf macbookpro 15 022411 1Earlier today, a Chinese forum post on Weiphone claimed to have the specs for the new 13" MacBook Pro revision. Disappointingly, the changes were minor with no evidence of a new design or the use of any high resolution Retina display.

The original poster has since edited his post with additional claims for the 15" MacBook Pro update. The specs listed include:

New Macbook Pro 15 inch:
i7 2820 2.3GHZ/2x2GB/500GB
i7 2860 2.5GHZ/2x4GB/750GB
Custom 2.7GHZ/2x4GB/1TB
Card is NV GT650M 1G

What's questionable about these specs is that the processors listed are previous generation Intel processors and not the new Ivy Bridge ones that we have been expecting. While representing a slight upgrade to the existing 15" MacBook Pro models, it's hard to believe that Apple would use last year's processors in their upgrade.

Related Forum: MacBook Pro

NewImageApple today released MainStage 2.2.2 [Mac App Store], an update to the company's software for bringing virtual instruments and effects to live performances. According to the full release notes, the update addresses 14 different issues, with the company highlighting the following:

The MainStage 2.2.2 update addresses overall stability and performance issues including:

• Addresses a stability issue that could cause MainStage to quit unexpectedly on OS X 10.7.4
• Fixes an issue that prevented the I/O plug-in from outputting audio
• Resolves an issue related to the download and installation of basic and additional content

MainStage is a 302 MB download from the Mac App Store and is priced at $29.99, although the 2.2.2 update is of course free for current MainStage 2.2 users. Formerly a component of the Logic Studio suite, Apple moved MainStage (and Logic Pro) to the Mac App Store last December.

mac pro 2010 side top halfIn-store availability for the Mac Pro has long been spotty at Apple's retail locations, making it difficult to read too much into any apparent shortages as hints of future updates. But MacRumors has learned that Apple began recalling Mac Pro stocks from its retail stores several weeks ago, with retail store staff having been instructed to inform customers that they may still order the machines online.

A quick survey of roughly 100 U.S. Apple retail stores for availability of the entry-level stock Mac Pro model shows that nearly all of them are indeed out of stock for in-store pickup, although we did find four California stores and one Texas store with machines available for immediate pickup.

Projected availability dates for orders placed online today vary significantly, with some stores citing availability on June 8 or 9 while others would not be able to offer a Mac Pro for pickup until June 12 or 13. Apple's keynote address at its Worldwide Developers Conference takes place next Monday, June 11.

Apple has been rumored to be updating nearly all of its Mac products next week, although it remains unclear whether the Mac Pro will be included in the mass rollout. The Mac Pro was last updated in July 2010, and new Xeon E5 processor options to provide a substantial upgrade to the line are now available.

Separately, we've heard that Apple is holding a secret "overnight" for staff at its retail stores on June 12, with employees being kept in the dark about the focus of the session. A separate overnight session to be held tonight was highlighted last week, but we've heard that tonight's session is simply a routine rearranging of sales floor content.

Related Roundup: Mac Pro
Buyer's Guide: Mac Pro (Neutral)
Related Forum: Mac Pro

Apple has released Apple TV Software Update 5.0.2 for 2nd and 3rd generation Apple TV models. The release has build number 9B830. Apple has yet to update the Apple TV Software Update webpage with details about the update.

The Apple TV can be updated directly on the unit by going to the Settings menu, then General, then selecting Update Software.

The last Apple TV update was released less than a month ago.

Update: Apple has updated its support document to indicate that the 5.0.2 update addresses a single issue related to parental controls.

Parental Controls: Addresses an issue which caused content restrictions to be incorrectly applied for the iTunes Store in Australia.

Related Roundup: Apple TV
Buyer's Guide: Apple TV (Caution)

Euro2012appOn-the-go football fans looking to keep track of the action during the 14th UEFA European Football Championship should check out the Official UEFA EURO 2012 app, released recently ahead of the start of the monthlong tournament June 8th.

The app offers news, scores, lineups and more from EURO 2012.

The official UEFA EURO 2012 app keeps you close to all the action during the 14th UEFA European Football Championship (from 8 June to 1 July 2012 in Poland and Ukraine).

Wherever you are, stay tuned to the tournament, follow your favourite team and share the excitement with your friends on Facebook and Twitter .

- Read and share the latest articles on the UEFA EURO 2012 tournament
- Set up personalised alerts for the latest news about your favourite team, including match events
- A full UEFA EURO 2012 experience: calendar, standings, lineups, players profiles, detailed statistics and photo gallery
- Watch players and coaches give free video interviews
- Watch match highlights (available for purchase after midnight)

The Official UEFA EURO 2012 app is available free on the App Store. [Direct Link]

iPhone accessory maker Mophie has added a new iPhone case to its Juice Pack lineup. The $130 Mophie Juice Pack Pro bundles a 2,500 mAh supplementary battery with an OtterBox Defender-style protective case.

Mophie says the case is dust-proof and water-resistant, as well as providing impact and drop protection.


The juice pack PRO provides you with the confidence that your iPhone can lead you through the most demanding conditions. With the largest battery ever built into a juice pack case, complimented by a belt clip and rugged good looks, the juice pack PRO is the perfect adventure companion. Stay off the grid all weekend.

Mophie's Juice Pack line of cases are available at Apple Retail Stores and at

NewImageDrobo says it will soon have Thunderbolt-enabled data storage products, as well as adding support for solid state drives. The setup, while extremely pricey, would allow data to run 20 times faster than with USB 2.0 alone.

Drobo CEO Tom Buiocchi wrote in a blog post that "customers have been very clear to us about their desire for Drobos with Thunderbolt support".

I was brought up on the east coast, where we enjoyed the monster summertime thunderstorms every year. One of the coolest things about thunder is that you see it first and then you hear the “kaboom” impact – the delay sends anxious anticipation through everyone, and if you’re into science, you can estimate how far away the bolt is based on the length of the delay. Let’s face it, thunderbolts are cool.

Today, Drobo is previewing our new Thunderbolt technology much like the real thing – you’ll see it now (check out our home page for the quick glimpse) and you’ll soon hear the kaboom. Yes, there are some other Thunderbolt products out there now, but I guarantee you that you haven’t seen anything like what we’re building. Nothing even close.

The company will be demonstrating prototype Thunderbolt-enabled Drobos at a technology show in Taiwan. The company didn't offer details on pricing or availability.

virgina mobile usa logoMarketWatch reports that Sprint will announce later this week that it will begin offering the iPhone on a prepaid basis through its Virgin Mobile brand. The announcement will come just days after Leap Wireless announced that it would begin offering the iPhone on a prepaid basis through its Cricket brand beginning June 22.

The Overland Park, Kan., carrier will announce this week it will offer the popular smartphone on its Virgin Mobile pay-as-you-go brand starting as soon as July 1, according to people familiar with the company's plans. Sprint follows Leap Wireless International Inc. in selling the device with prepaid service.

By offering the iPhone, Sprint may help satisfy its commitment to Apple to buy $15.5 billion of the phones over four years, an aggressive bet as more carriers are getting access to the once-exclusive device. Sprint's prepaid service, which also includes the Boost Mobile brand, has been its lone area of growth as contract customers have fled.

Virgin Mobile's pricing for the iPhone remains unknown, and it is also unclear whether Sprint's Boost Mobile brand will also gain access to the device. Boost had been rumored last week to be adding the iPhone in September.

Virgin Mobile's existing smartphone plans begin at $35 per month with unlimited data (throttled after 2.5 GB), although the report notes that it is unknown whether the iPhone would be eligible for the carrier's cheapest plans.

Related Forum: iPhone

Back in January, Belkin officially unveiled its Thunderbolt Express Dock, a single-cable hub priced at $299.99 and offering a variety of USB, Ethernet, and FireWire ports to provide easy desktop expandability for portable machines. But with the product not scheduled to ship until September, Belkin left itself with plenty of time to continue tweaking its design and today announced that it has revised the specs to boost the previous USB 2.0 ports to USB 3.0, as well as add new eSATA and audio in ports. The company has also announced a one-meter Thunderbolt cable to aid in connectivity.

belkin thunderbolt dock revised back

"As more hardware companies announce plans to incorporate Intel's Thunderbolt technology into their products, we aim to create quality accessories that take advantage of Thunderbolt's blazing fast speeds and other benefits," said Martin Avilla, general manager of Belkin's core business unit. "Over the past few months, we have really listened to our end users and created a one-meter cable and refined the dock to make it an even better desktop solution, which we believe will make Belkin a go-to provider for Thunderbolt accessories when they launch in the summer and fall."

Belkin's improvements to the Thunderbolt Express Dock come with a cost, however, as the retail price has risen from the previous $299.99 to $399.99. The Thunderbolt cable will run an additional $44.99.

belkin thunderbolt dock revised front
Belkin is holding firm on its plans to launch the Thunderbolt Express Dock in September, with the Thunderbolt cable making its debut next month.

Just a few days ago, Matrox announced its own Thunderbolt docking station priced at $249. The Matrox DS-1 has only one USB 3.0 port alongside a pair of USB 2.0 ports, and also lacks FireWire and eSATA ports while providing video output via DVI rather than HDMI. Perhaps most importantly, Matrox's solution does not include a second Thunderbolt port for passthrough, meaning that the docking station must be placed at the end of any daisy-chained peripheral setup.

Still, with the price difference between the Matrox and Belkin solutions increasing from $50 to $150 with the price increase on the Belkin dock, the Matrox product may prove more appealing for many customers.

Apple also essentially offers a Thunderbolt docking station built into its $999 27-inch Thunderbolt display. Apple's display offers three USB 2.0 ports, a Gigabit Ethernet port, a FireWire 800 port, a FaceTime HD camera, and a 2.1 speaker system, all connected to the user's computer over a single Thunderbolt cable.

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A photo posted to Chinese forum Weiphone claims to reveal the specs for an upcoming 13.3" MacBook Pro revision from Apple. The specs show only minor improvements to the 13.3" MacBook Pro model with the addition of a 2.5GHz Ivy Bridge processor along with the Intel HD Graphics 4000 GPU. The image also reveals the addition of Bluetooth 4.0 and the faster USB 3.0 standard to the Mac laptop line.

Other specs, however, remain the same as the current generation 13" MacBook Pro. Notably, the screen resolution remains the same at 1280x800 rather than incorporating a high resolution "Retina Display". RAM, Hard Drive and SuperDrive specs also remain the same, suggesting that there also hasn't been a dramatic space-saving thinning of the design.

The authenticity of the image is impossible to verify. The claim by the original forum poster is that the image came from a "friend inside Apple".

Apple is expected to launch new products at the Worldwide Developer's Conference (WWDC) next week. Revised MacBook Pros using the Ivy Bridge processors have been expected. Rumors, however, have suggested that we may be seeing more dramatic upgrades to at least some of the models.

Update: Additional Sketchy 15" MacBook Pro Specs from same forum post.

Related Forum: MacBook Pro

9to5Mac reports that Apple will update nearly all of its Mac products at next week's Worldwide Developers Conference, with "at least four" out the company's five Mac families seeing upgrades.

mac lineup lion
The most solid candidate for an upgrade is the MacBook Pro, which has been reported by numerous sources to be gaining a slimmer form factor with the update. Apple's iMac and MacBook Air lines are also considered solid bets for upgrades next week. The report claims that both the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air will receive ultra-high resolution Retina displays, but while the iMac has also been rumored to be gaining the feature in the future, it is unclear whether it will make it into the next update of Apple's flagship desktop line.

If Apple is planning to only update four of its lines, the final spot would come down to the Mac mini and the Mac Pro, with 9to5Mac arguing that the Mac mini is the most likely to see an update given that just-released Ivy Bridge chips that could also be appearing in a 13-inch MacBook Pro would be suitable for a Mac mini refresh.

Xeon E5 chips suitable for a significant Mac Pro update have been available for several months now, but Apple has so far elected not to refresh its professional-level workstation product and there continue to be questions about its fate given that it has been nearly two years since it was last updated.

Finally, today's report indicates that Apple may also be taking the opportunity of a massive Mac update to also introduce new and updated accessories, although details on Apple's plans for those products remain unknown.

Related Roundups: iMac, MacBook Air, Mac mini, Mac Pro
Tag: 9to5Mac