Consumers spend four times as much on games from the App Store and the Google Play Store than they do on games for gaming-optimized handhelds like the PlayStation Vita and the Nintendo 3DS, according to the newest report from App Annie.
The report points out that while Google Play game spending surpassed spending on handheld console games (both physical and digital) during the second quarter of 2013, App Store game spending continues to outpace both categories, bringing in far more revenue.
Back in July, App Annie reported that Google Play downloads had surpassed App Store downloads, but App Store revenue remains 2.3 times higher.
App Annie notes that games continue to lead app store growth, and during the second quarter of 2013, games represented approximately 40% of downloads from both Google Play and the App Store. Game sales in both app stores grew a significant amount from the Q1 2013 to Q2 2013 and represented 70% of total app revenue in both the App Store and Google Play.
The App Store and Google Play metrics that App Annie uses for its reports come from App Annie intelligence data, which is designed to offer global market data to publishers. As always, revenue estimates include paid downloads and in-app purchases, but not in-app advertising.