
carl_icahnActivist investor Carl Icahn, who recently purchased around $1-2 billion in Apple stock, has a date for his meeting with Apple CEO Tim Cook to discuss the company's stock buyback plans and other issues, according to CNBC. The two will reportedly meet in New York City next Monday, September 30.

Activist investor Carl Icahn will meet with Apple CEO Tim Cook in New York City next week, where the billionaire may discuss the company's prospects, and the possibility of adding to his sizable stake in the technology giant.

Apple announced a stock dividend and buyback program in March 2012 as part of an effort to boost shareholder return as the company's cash and investment holdings have rapidly grown in recent years. Apple increased and accelerated the stock buyback program earlier this year, issuing debt to take advantage of a drop in the company's stock price.

Icahn believes that Apple should accelerate its buyback plans even further, arguing that it is a prudent move given the company's financial position and his belief that the company's stock remains undervalued.

Some users on Apple’s Support Communities discussion forum are expressing discontent with the parallax and zooming animations in iOS 7, claiming that they have experienced bouts of motion sickness, reports The Verge. The specific thread, which spans over eight pages, has users discussing symptoms that correlate to vertigo, intense nausea, and dizziness and which are occurring with prolonged use of iOS 7 involving actions such as returning to the home screen from an app and using the multitasking menu.


Instead, most are pointing to the zooming effects that are now ubiquitous across iOS when opening and closing apps or entering the multitasking menu. "I had severe vertigo the minute I started using my iPad with iOS 7," writes Apple forum user glassrabit. "Lost the rest of the day to it." Another user, nybe, writes, "I had to go home 'sick' from work because of the intense nausea due to using my iPhone with iOS 7."

Apple has included a “Reduce Motion” option within iOS 7’s Accessibility menu, but that option only seems to turn off the parallax effect on the homescreen. Users in the thread have also called the company’s support line, but were informed by Apple that there is no way to completely turn off the effects. After its release last week, Apple announced earlier this week that iOS 7 is reportedly running on 200 million iOS devices, which makes it the fastest software upgrade in history.

Related Forum: iOS 7

An alleged China Mobile poster promoting the upcoming release of the new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c on the network has surfaced, reports Unwired View. The poster touts the theoretical 100Mb/s download speed that the new devices are set to support on China Mobile's TD-LTE network. Chinese officials approved the iPhone to run on China Mobile's network earlier this month.


The only thing that’s missing- is the permission from Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) [for China Mobile] to light-up the TD-LTE network for commercial use.

This permission is coming pretty soon. There is a lot of discussion about how soon exactly, but now we can stop speculating about the worst case scenario. According to MIIT minister Miao Wei, the first 4G licenses will most definitely be issued by the end of the year. Though the informed sources inside MIIT are whispering much earlier date – middle of October, with China Mobile’s 4G network going live soon after – in November.

A deal between China Mobile and Apple has reportedly long been in the works, with China Mobile Chairman Xi Guohua and Apple CEO Tim Cook meeting in July to discuss “matters of cooperation”, with the former indicating that he felt optimistic about a potential deal leading up to the announcement of the new phones. The introduction of the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c earlier this month also brought band tweaks that combine support for US carriers AT&T and Verizon in one model, but also notably added support for China Mobile’s network.

Related Forum: iPhone

Apple today released a support document detailing a newly implemented Apple TV setup feature that was introduced last week with its Apple TV 6.0 software update.

Users that have a third-generation Apple TV running the 6.0 software can use an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 7 to automatically transfer network settings, Apple ID information, and language preferences to the Apple TV, allowing for faster setup. The information exchange is done via Bluetooth by touching the iOS device to the Apple TV, taking advantage of the Bluetooth LE built into all Apple devices after the iPhone 4.

Apple's support article includes a detailed list of instructions on the process:

1. Connect your Apple TV to your television and power and wait until your Apple TV displays the setup screen.

2. Unlock your iOS 7 device and ensure that Bluetooth is enabled. Also ensure that you are connected to the Wi-Fi network you want to use with Apple TV.

3. Touch your iOS device to your Apple TV and wait for the prompts to appear on your iOS device and Apple TV.

4. Enter your Apple ID and password on your iOS device.

5. Choose if you want Apple TV to remember your Apple ID password, and if you want Apple TV to send data to Apple.

6. Your Apple TV will start the configuration process, including connecting to your Wi-Fi network, activating Apple TV, and setting up your iTunes Store account.

Prior to the implementation of the tap setup feature, entering Apple TV information was a tedious process that required connecting a Bluetooth keyboard or using the Apple TV remote to pick and choose letters.

As noted by Apple, the transfer requires an iPhone 4s or later, a third-generation iPad or later, an iPad mini, or a fifth-generation iPod touch. The feature does not work with the iPhone 4 or the iPad 2.

Related Roundup: Apple TV
Buyer's Guide: Apple TV (Don't Buy)

bloomberg_92013Following last week's cover story on Apple CEO Tim Cook, SVP of Design Jony Ive, and SVP of Software Engineering Craig Federighi, Bloomberg Businessweek has published the full transcript of its interview with Ive and Federighi, which reveals even more about Apple’s leading trio and the work that went into Apple’s newest mobile operating system, iOS 7.

According to Federighi, both he and Ive "wanted to do something big," and had to figure out how to bring together various Apple teams that had not previously worked together. After a major management restructuring last fall, Jony Ive took over Human Interface in addition to Industrial Design and Craig Federighi, who was previously in charge of OS X, took over iOS as well.

ID [Industrial Design] and HI [Human Interface] weren’t working together as much, and that became an intense collaboration, along with Engineering. These are teams that had a creative relationship going back a long time, but this became now a very intense relationship in the construction of iOS 7.

The mission, said Federighi, became "so clear and so critical" that "everyone who needed to contribute jumped in." Ive agreed, adding that intense task of creating iOS 7 gave their teams an "all-consuming focus" that greatly enhanced collaboration.

When you think about the roles changing, I think what happens is you think about this as the task at hand. So I don’t think we ever talked about our roles. We talked about how we can most effectively extend the collaboration that always existed. […]

I think that when you have a focus that’s that clear, what could be barriers sort of real or virtual would—in effect, just [waves hands in a dissipating gesture]. And it’s not even a conspicuous fading away—it’s just you’re so consumed by sort of trying to do something as well as you possibly can and enjoying the broad collaboration.

In addition to a close collaboration between their teams, Ive and Federighi have worked hand-in-hand on iOS 7. The two sit within one minute of each other, with Ive describing their working relationship as "very fluid."

At the end of the day, when you have been part of a team, getting to work with engineers working at that level or then can work with engineers who have been working on the gyro test, but we’re all trying to sort of deal with the same problem. The fact that we’re all united, that we are genuinely focused on trying to solve the same problem, I think those are the days that you go home feeling what a privilege it is to work at Apple.

Ive and Federighi also described what it's like working for CEO Tim Cook. According to Ive, Cook is "incredibly supportive and understanding" of the problems Apple faces designing new products, and "he encourages the sort of collaboration and teamwork necessary to solve those problems." Federighi agreed, calling him a "beacon for Apple's values."

I think Tim understands intuitively how what we do here is the product of so many disciplines working so closely together. And he does everything he can to foster that happening to create great products.

The full interview, which spans multiple pages, goes into further detail about the deep collaboration between the various teams at Apple and highlights the thought processes behind the development of Apple software.

Both Jony Ive and Craig Federighi were also interviewed by USA Today last week, further discussing their partnership and the development of iOS 7.

iTunes StoreApple has introduced a new 'Employees on iTunes' section of the iTunes Store to showcase books, songs, movies and TV shows that Apple employees have contributed to in some manner.

The section, which was first noted by 9to5Mac, is only accessible by Apple employees.

Senior vice president of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue sent an email to Apple employees explaining the new program:


One of the things that makes Apple special is that every person here, no matter where they are or what they do, shares the same deep passion for creativity and innovation. We see this passion most noticeably in the products we make and in the experiences we create for our customers. But it’s in other places, too.

For instance, in addition to their work here at Apple, many employees have helped create some amazing books, songs, movies and TV shows on iTunes. In celebration of their achievements, as well as the creative pursuits of everybody at Apple, we’re launching a new internal website today.

It’s my pleasure to introduce you to our very own Employees on iTunes.


Apps are not mentioned in the email because Apple forbids its employees from selling or working on apps when they are employed by the company because of conflict of interest rules.

Apple has won the right to legally use the "iPhone" name in Brazil after a judge ruled in favor of the Cupertino company in an ongoing lawsuit with IGB Electronica, reports BNAmericas (via CNET). IGB Electronica, a Brazilian cell phone company, originally filed for the iPhone trademark in 2000 but did not use the name until December of 2012 when it released a line of IPHONE Android phones.

Following the launch of the Android IPHONEs, Brazil's Institute for Industrial Property ruled that IGB had exclusive rights to the trademark as related to mobile phones. Apple appealed the decision, and on Tuesday, Judge Eduardo de Brito Fernandes overturned the ruling, denying IGB exclusive access to the iPhone mark.

According to Fernandes, the iPhone brand gained recognition due to Apple's success, a fact that should have been considered during the original ruling.

The judge also ruled in his decision that Gradiente's name was just the combination of "internet" and "phone", referring to a mobile phone with internet access, while Apple already had an extensive "i" product line, registered in several countries.

Both Apple and IGB have been given rights to the trademark, though IGB has announced plans to appeal the decision.

According to a March report, Apple was previously in talks with IGB over a cash settlement for exclusive access to the iPhone trademark and it is unclear if Apple plans to continue with a potential settlement for exclusive access given today's partial victory.

The French government is looking into Apple's carrier contracts in France over the requirements it places on companies that sell the iPhone, reports The Wall Street Journal.

This is not the first time that regulators in Europe have looked into the strict terms that Apple requires of its carrier partners -- Apple insists carriers guarantee sales of large numbers of iPhones and other factors that some say amount to anti-competitive behavior.


The inquiry is part of a larger investigation into the overall relationship between handset makers and some of their biggest clients, said the person familiar with the matter. "For operators, handsets have become one of the big expenses," the person said. "There is a balance of power that is shifting."

Back in March, European regulators looked into the potential antitrust issues of Apple's contracts with carriers, but this new investigation is specifically from the French government, rather than the EU itself.

France is also looking into Apple's treatment of its third-party resellers as well as the behavior of Apple, Google and Amazon that prevent customers from moving purchased apps from one platform to another.

Instagram today updated its iOS app to version 4.2, redesigning the look of the app for iOS 7 with a "focus on clarity." In addition to a revamp, Instagram has also gained higher resolution photos and videos that now stretch to the edges of the screen.


We put the community—and the photos and videos you share—first. To bring you the best experience possible, we have always valued beauty and simplicity in our app. With the introduction of iOS 7 and its emphasis on clarity, we were excited to rebuild the look and feel of Instagram in a way that would bring these principles together and let the moments this community captures and shares shine.

In this update you will find that we’ve increased the size of photos and videos in your feed so that they expand to the edges of your screen. We’re also happy to say that increased size means increased resolution, so photos and videos will be clearer and more vibrant than ever.

Along with edge-to-edge photos and videos, Instagram’s grid view has been streamlined, incorporating larger thumbnails. The app also has circular profile pictures to better fit into the iOS 7 ecosystem. Aside from a changed look, the app’s functionality remains the same.

Instagram can be downloaded from the App Store for free. [Direct Link]

Back in April after tickets to its Worldwide Developers Conference sold out in just two minutes, Apple announced that it would be launching a series of Tech Talks later in the year, taking seminars and hands-on help to a number of cities around the world.

Apple has now announced the schedule for the Tech Talks, which will focus on iOS 7 with two types of programs: one for general app developers and one for developers focused on games.

Get in-depth guidance about developing for iOS 7, learn practical coding tips and tricks, and obtain valuable one-on-one programming and design assistance in our lab. Choose which day is best for you — app developer day or game developer day.

The tour schedule includes:

App Developer Days
- San Francisco: October 8
- New York: October 15
- Tokyo: November 6
- Shanghai: November 12
- Berlin: December 12
- London: December 17

Game Developer Days
- San Francisco: October 9
- New York: October 16
- Tokyo: November 7
- Shanghai: November 13
- Berlin: December 13
- London: December 18

Interested developers must apply for spots at the events by 10:00 AM Pacific Time on Friday, September 27, and Apple has included sample agendas for the two types of events to help developers select which one they wish to attend. Attendees will be selected at random from all qualified applications.

With the launch of iOS 7, Realmac released a new universal Clear app to replace its original iPhone-only app, which it planned to discontinue.

Following customer backlash over the plan to eliminate the existing Clear for iPhone app, Realmac has reversed course and announced plans to continue support for both the original Clear app and the universal app, which has now been rebranded as Clear+.

The original iPhone app will now receive an iOS 7 update, complete with the iOS 7 redesign and new themes, and Realmac will continue to support all versions of Clear.


We're bringing back the stand-alone iPhone version of Clear, and we'll be updating it for existing users with new iPhone features.

To that end, we've submitted an update that includes the iPhone enhancements for iOS 7 (including the new list themes) and will be releasing it as soon as Apple approves it.

To make it easy to differentiate, we're now calling Clear for iOS 7 "Clear+" to signify that it’s for all your iOS devices.

Launched in early 2012, Clear is a to-do app that received accolades for its minimalistic, gesture-based design. Since its iPhone release, the app has been expanded to both the Mac and the iPad.

- Clear for iPhone can be downloaded from the App Store for $0.99. [Direct Link]
Clear+ for iPhone/iPad can be downloaded from the App Store for $4.99 [Direct Link]
Clear for Mac can be downloaded from the Mac App Store for $9.99. [Direct Link]

iFixit has already disassembled the new iMacs that were released yesterday. The teardown didn't reveal too many changes from the previous version, though there are a few new features worth mentioning.

Both the 21.5-inch and 27-inch models include the new 802.11ac wireless standard, while the 27-inch model includes the new PCIe-based flash storage that was originally introduced in the MacBook Air back in June.

iMac Teardown
The 21.5-inch model has a few differences from its larger sibling, according to iFixit. It now includes a new empty PCIe SSD slot so users can upgrade the base model iMac to the Fusion Drive combination HDD/SDD drive that Apple introduced last year. In last year's 21.5-inch model, Apple did not include an empty PCIe slot on the logic board.

More disappointing, for users who like to upgrade their machines, is the fact that the CPU is soldered directly to the logic board, making an upgrade nearly impossible. iFixit gave the 21.5-inch model a 2 out of 10 for repairability, largely because of the soldered processor.

The 27-inch model received a 5 out of 10. The largest issue with upgrading the iMac is getting the glass and LCD panel out of the machine, making repairs impossible for all but the most determined do-it-yourselfers.

Fitness tracker Strava has launched an update to its Strava Run iOS app today that takes advantage of the new M7 "motion coprocessor" in the iPhone 5s to deliver a number of new features, reports The Verge. Specifically, the app now includes an auto-pause feature in order to allow users to get better feedback in their fitness by pausing their runs when movement is stopped, and reduced battery consumption that only uses GPS functionality when needed.

Originally announced at Apple’s September Event 2013, the M7 coprocessor was said to continuously measure motion data with the accelerometer, gyroscope, and compass inside the iPhone 5s.. Additionally, a report taking a closer look at Apple’s M7 co-processor revealed that the chip is actually an ARM Cortex-M3 part running at 180 MHz, allowing for low-power collection of motion data.

Nike+ Move, another fitness app, will also take advantage of the new M7 coprocessor in order to determine the different movements of a user for better accuracy, in addition to the Nike Fuel movement ratings that integrate into Game Center. Strava Run is a free app and can be downloaded through the App Store. [Direct Link]

In addition to grand openings for new Apple retail stores in Virginia and British Columbia scheduled for this Saturday, the company will also be opening its new OEZ retail store in Munich, Germany. The store will be the company's second in Munich once it opens to the public at 9:30 AM Saturday.


Apple's ifc mall retail store in Hong Kong

Apple is also planning an expansion to landmark ifc mall retail store in Hong Kong, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal. The current $50 million store opened almost exactly two years ago in a highly visible location bridging a roadway, but the store's size is insufficient to handle the traffic it sees as one of the busiest Apple stores in the world, and the company is now making plans to expand the the store to a third level.

The Apple store in IFC, opened in 2011, is one of Apple’s top-performing stores globally, according to Mr. Azar. Currently, it is only a third of the size of the company’s flagship store on Fifth Avenue in New York, though it is adding a new floor, going up one level.

An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment, but pointed out that Apple in the past has said that its Greater China stores have the highest traffic and the highest revenue on average of Apple stores around the world.

As pointed out by ifoAppleStore, Apple will be displacing the Agnes b. clothing store and Le Pain Grillé café currently located on the third floor, but it is unclear whether the expansion is a recent decision by Apple or if the larger footprint was always in the plans but phased in due to leases held by the other mall tenants.

While Apple has yet to announce a schedule or country list for its second major round of iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c launches, the company does appear to be coordinating a minor expansion of availability for Tuesday, October 1, with a number of smaller regional U.S. carriers announcing plans to launch the devices on that date.

Carriers involved in the October 1 launch include:

- Appalachian Wireless
- Bluegrass Cellular
- C Spire
- Cellcom
- Nex-Tech Wireless
- Ntelos
- Strata

Several other regional carriers have announced that the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c are "coming soon" and some of those carriers may also be participating in the October 1 rollout, but they have not announced their exact launch dates yet.

Apple has gradually expanded availability of the iPhone on regional carriers throughout the United States in recent years, with over 25 U.S. carriers now offering the device.

Update: Canadian regional carriers also appear to be participating in the October 1 launch, with MTS announcing its launch a short time ago. SaskTel lists the new iPhones as "coming soon", but representatives have so far only said on Twitter and Facebook that the carrier is still working out launch details.

Update 2: SaskTel has now officially announced that it too will begin selling the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c on October 1.

Update 3: Alaska Communications has also announced that it will begin selling the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c beginning on October 1.

Related Forum: iPhone

Following news that Microsoft would be accepting trade-ins for Apple iPads at its various retail stores, Forbes is now reporting that the company will add the iPhone to the promotion, offering consumers a minimum of $200 for an iPhone 4S or iPhone 5 in select Microsoft stores in the U.S. and Canada.


According to an inside source at Microsoft, Microsoft Stores will begin giving a minimum $200 in-store credit for iPhones on Friday as part of its “#timetoswitch” campaign, obviously hoping consumers will use the cash to buy a Windows Phone. For the past few weeks, Microsoft has been running a similar trade-in campaign enabling consumers to “trade-in” iPads for cash to encourage consumers to buy Microsoft’s Surface tablets.

Microsoft has been aggressively trying to compete with Apple in both the phone and tablet market in recent months, with the company posting and later removing anti-Apple Windows Phone videos along with launching Lumia 925 advertisements bashing the iPhone’s camera features, The company has also been running a number of anti-iPad television advertisements while also cutting prices to spur sales of its tablet devices. Earlier this week, Microsoft unveiled its second generation of Surface tablets, with shipments set to begin on October 22.

Related Forum: iPhone

Apple TV competitor Roku has announced a refresh of its line of set-top entertainment boxes, with the new Roku LT, Roku 1, and Roku 2 models joining the flagship Roku 3 that was announced in March, along with a new service allowing for the purchase and rental of movies and TV shows.

Specifically, the entry-level Roku LT retails at $49.99 and allows streaming to virtually any TV with support for 720p HD video quality, with the higher-end Roku 1 offering support for up to 1080p video quality and retailing at $59.99. Additionally, the Roku 2 offers the same 1080p video streaming as the Roku 1, but also borrows the Roku 3’s premium remote with built-in headphone jack and dual-band wireless capabilities and now retails for $79.99. The Roku 3 remains the same at $99.99, and features various channels for streaming content and motion gestures with its remote.


We’re excited to announce that streaming is about to get even better with our all-new family of Roku players. First, like all things Roku, we try to simplify everything about streaming, right down to our product names. The new family features the new Roku 1 and Roku 2 to go alongside the Roku 3 that we launched earlier this year. We have also updated our entry level product, the Roku LT, giving all current Roku players a fun, friendly design.

Second, just in time for fall TV viewing, we’ve added some great new features to give customers more enjoyment and value. For example, we’ve added a headphone jack for private listening and dual-band wireless to the Roku 2, and support for 1080p HD video to the Roku 1.

Roku is also introducing the M-GO movie and TV store, integrated directly on the device’s home screen menu in the U.S. for easy and instant access to a wide variety of movies and TV shows including The Hangover 3 and Breaking Bad. The service also allows for direct billing with a Roku account for buying and renting content.

The move by Roku comes as Apple may be planning to release an updated Apple TV box next month, and comes after the Apple TV 6.0 Software Update last week that featured iTunes Radio and AirPlay from iCloud functionality.

With Apple expected to introduce a new line of iPads in the coming months including a thinner, lighter full-sized iPad and an iPad mini with Retina display, Amazon has refreshed its Kindle Fire line, headlined by the redesigned, 7-inch Kindle Fire HDX with a resolution of 1900x1200 at 323 pixels-per-inch (PPI) and the new 8.9 inch Kindle Fire HDX tablet with a resolution of 2560x1600 at 339 PPI.
As noted by The Verge, both of the Android-based tablets feature a new quad-core 2.2GHz Snapdragon 800 processor, 2GB of RAM, Dolby Digital Plus audio, a 720p front-facing camera, and a new Adreno 330 GPU, with up to 11 hours of battery life, or an extended 17 hours of battery life for strictly-reading use. Both tablets also feature the new Fire OS 3.0 “Mojito”, and an on-screen “Mayday” button, which enables live on-device tech support. Specifically, the feature allows for an Amazon technical support advisor to walk users through any feature with 24/7 one-way video support, enabling tech agents to draw on the screen and even remote control the device for support purposes.

The standard 7-inch Kindle Fire HDX is priced at $229 with 16GB, but Amazon is also offering a $329 version of the model with 4G LTE connectivity. Meanwhile, the 8.9-inch Kindle Fire HDX starts at $379 for the 16GB model, but also has an LTE option priced at $479. The 7-inch Kindle Fire HDX ships on October 18, with the LTE option shipping on November 14. The non-LTE 8.9-inch Kindle Fire HDX ships on November 7, with the LTE configuration of the model shipping on December 10.

Finally, Amazon has also updated the 16GB 7-inch Kindle Fire HD with a 1.5GHz dual-core processor and is now selling it at a new lower price of $169, down from the previous price of $199. Like the two higher-end Kindle Fire tablets, the Kindle Fire HD also features the new Fire OS 3.0 Mojito, which contains new features such as multi-tasking, speed enhancements, new content management options, and additional accessibility features. Additionally, a new 8GB model of the Kindle Fire HD is retailing for $139, with both models scheduled to ship on October 2.