
Customers at Apple Stores around the country are running into problems attempting to pick up ordered merchandise and make purchases, as Apple's retail stores appear to be experiencing a system-wide outage that is preventing the store from making some sales.

We have received quite a few tips from readers and additional complaints on Twitter indicate that the issue is widespread and affecting quite a few Apple customers. Part of the outage includes Personal Pickup, which means people have been unable to collect ordered Retina iPad minis in stores.

The issue has been ongoing for at nearly two hours now, and according to one customer, an Apple employee claimed that every Apple store in the country was down. At some stores, however, Apple employees are able to make standard sales by hand writing receipts.

It is unclear what the issue is, but Apple is likely working to bring its point of sale system back online as soon as possible.

Update 12:20 PM: One user who had reported the issue to MacRumors has followed up to say that he has received a call from his Apple retail store notifying him that systems are back up and running.

When Apple launched its new iWork updates at its October iPad-centric event, it also officially debuted iWork for iCloud, which is a browser-based version of its Pages, Numbers, and Keynote productivity software. Files edited in iWork for iCloud are designed to sync with the Mac and iOS versions of Apple's iWork software.

During the event, Apple showed off some impressive real-time collaboration features within the software, allowing multiple users to work on a document simultaneously and share changes easily.

As noted by 9to5Mac, iWork for iCloud today gained some new features to enhance its collaboration tools, including a list that displays all users currently editing a project, plus the ability to toggle on "cursors and selections" for each person to see changes in real time.

The apps have also received new folders to make file organization simpler, printing can be done directly from the Tools menu, and it is now possible to skip slides within Keynote during playback.

The iWork for iCloud software is available to all users for free, and it can be accessed through Apple's website. Collaboration through the software is simple and can be initiated through sending a simple link to another user.

Apple today released iOS 7.0.4 for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, a minor update that includes a number of improvements and bug fixes for the operating system. According to Apple, the update repairs a bug that could cause FaceTime calls to fail for some users.


Bug fixes and improvements, including a fix for an issue that causes FaceTime calls to fail for some users.

For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website:

Apple has also released iOS 6.1.5 for the fourth generation iPod touch, which fixes the same FaceTime issue. A new version 6.0.2 of the Apple TV software is also available, although it is unclear what has been changed.

iOS 7.0.4 comes just over three weeks after the release of iOS 7.0.3, which added support for iCloud Keychain and fixed accelerometer issues. iOS 7.0.4 can be downloaded via the software update tool in the settings menu on iOS devices.

Related Forum: iOS 7

Apple has released newly updated versions of the iOS iBooks and iTunes U apps, bringing a clean look and feel to the app and getting rid of the wooden bookshelf look that has been a hallmark of the app since it was released.

Other than the new design, the apps do not appear to have gained any new features.


What's New in iBooks Version 3.2

iBooks has been updated with a beautiful new design for iOS 7.

What's New in iTunes U Version 1.4

This version of iTunes U has been updated for iOS 7 with an all-new look and feel.

iBooks and iTunes U are free downloads for the iPhone and iPad. [Direct Links: iBooks, iTunes U]

Gmail for iOS has been updated to version 2.7182, adding an iOS 7-style redesign that gives the app a cleaner look on the iPhone. The redesign also includes additional features on the iPad, such as a new navigation bar that can be used to switch between categories and accounts in landscape mode.

The iPad has also received better scrolling along with email composing and viewing in full screen mode while the iPad is in portrait mode.


What's New in Version 2.7182
iPhone & iPad: Visual update for iOS 7

iPad: Major Update
- New navigation bar to switch between categories and accounts in landscape
- Full screen view of your messages in portrait
- Better scrolling
- Compose new messages in full screen

Gmail is a universal app that can be downloaded from the App Store. [Direct Link]

jony_ive_bookDespite numerous accolades for his role in creating a long line of iconic products at Apple, Jonathan Ive is a famously publicity-shy figure whose most visible contributions to Apple's high-profile product launches typically come in the form of his participation in brief videos highlighting the design of the company's latest devices.

But Ive's reserved nature hasn't stopped former managing editor and current Cult of Mac editor and publisher Leander Kahney from taking on the task of covering Ive's life in a new biography entitled Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products launching today.

The biography draws on interviews with a number of former classmates, teachers, co-workers, and other acquaintances of Ive, while also making extensive reference to previously-published quotes from Ive and others stretching back over the past several decades. The book begins with coverage of Ive's upbringing and schooling, including an overview of his father's role in making design technology an integral part of the UK school curriculum and discussion of how Jony was already being regarded as an excellent design student by the age of 16 or 17.

From Ive's days studying design at Newcastle Polytechnic on a rare sponsorship from leading London design firm Roberts Weaver Group (RWG) to his time working at RWG after graduation and eventually joining with friends at the young design firm Tangerine Design, the book offers a good background on Ive sprinkled with discussion of some of his projects and quotes from those he worked with.

From there, the book naturally carries on to cover Ive's recruitment to Apple, the evolution of the Industrial Design group, and more well-known topics such as the multitude of groundbreaking products for which his team has been responsible, including the original iMac that kicked off a "string of hits" for the Mac lineup, the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad.

Near the end, Kahney's biography touches on the corporate shakeup at Apple late last year that saw iOS chief Scott Forstall ousted and Ive given responsibility for the Human Interface aspects of software to go along with his hardware design role.

Overall, Kahney's book does a solid job of pulling together various tidbits of information, anecdotes, and quotes from Ive himself to highlight Ive's life, career and outlook on design. In the absence of cooperation from Ive and Apple, the book provides the best look yet at a designer whose work is seen and used by millions of people around the world.

Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products is available now through a variety of outlets including Amazon and Apple's iBooks Store.

As the beginning of the holiday shopping season grows closer in the United States, ifoAppleStore is reporting that several high-profile Apple Stores around the country will be be open on Thanksgiving Day in order to help drive sales for the company. The move marks an expansion from last year, when only a pair of tourist-heavy Apple Stores in Honolulu and Las Vegas were open on Thanksgiving, with Apple working on arrangements for employees to take on holiday shifts.


Apple Retail Store located at the Ala Moana Center in Honolulu, Hawaii

According to insiders, over the past few years several Apple retail market directors have been advocating for more stores to be open on Thanksgiving, believing the company was missing out on substantial holiday sales. Apparently their viewpoint prevailed this year, and at least 10 stores will be open some portion of Thanksgiving. Employee schedules to cover the holiday shifts were being prepared over the last two days. Other retailers have drawn criticism from employees for their open-on-Thanksgiving policy, saying it takes them away from their families on the holiday. However, the retailers have said they will try to accommodate employees with alternate time off.

While the list of stores scheduled to be open on Thanksgiving may still expand, it currently includes the following locations:

- Fifth Avenue (NYC)
- West 14th Street (NYC)
- North Michigan Avenue (Chicago)
- Lincoln Road (Miami Beach)
- San Francisco (Calif.)
- Pioneer Place (Portland, Ore.)
- The Grove (LA)
- Third Street Promenade (Santa Monica)
- Fashion Valley (San Diego)
- Ala Moana (Honolulu)

Apple's retail stores posted strong results last quarter, posting $4.5 billion in revenue during the timeframe. The company also traditionally begins the holiday shopping season at its locations with a one-day shopping event during the traditional Black Friday kickoff to the holiday shopping season, which falls this year on November 29. Big box retailers such as Target, Walmart and Best Buy have already advertised upcoming discounts on popular Apple products, with more deals expected to be announced in the coming weeks.

Update: ifoAppleStore has updated its report to state that upon learning of the effort to open stores on Thanksgiving, Apple CEO Tim Cook has canceled it, citing the need for employees to be with their families.

Related Forum: Community Discussion

Another unofficial web tracker for checking the availability of Retina iPad mini models at Apple's U.S. retail locations has surfaced, providing help to those attempting to purchase the supply-constrained device. Obscurely hosted on marine life conservation website, the website offers a grid view of inventory checks of each Retina iPad Mini model for every Apple Retail Store in the United States, displaying a green, red, or white box for availability, unavailability, or non-checked information, respectively.

For model/location combinations that have not recently been checked, users are able to click on the cell content to update the data and check nearby stores. Users can also register for email notifications when specific models become available for pickup at their local stores. Apple launched its Personal Pickup option for the Retina iPad mini earlier this week, with stores seeing quick sellouts of many models. Walk-in sales of the device will apparently not be offered until supplies improve.

Last week, Apple shut down tracking website, which was dedicated to monitoring in-store pickup availability of iPhone 5s and iPad Air models, citing a terms of use violation, and a similar fate will likely befall this new tracker as it continues to gain attention.

Related Roundup: iPad mini
Buyer's Guide: iPad Mini (Don't Buy)
Related Forum: iPad

Day One, a popular journaling app for iOS, has received a number of new features to go with a visual overhaul inspired by iOS 7, including support for the 64-bit A7 processor and M7 motion coprocessor found in the iPhone 5s, the ability to add information about a currently playing music track to an entry, and general performance improvements.


What's New in Version 1.12
- New iOS 7 Design
- Automated activity data tracking for iPhone 5s
- Daily Step Counting (M7 coprocessor required)
- Speed improvements and optimizations
- Additional weather source:
- Add currently playing music track info to entry
- Fix issues with iPhone 5s panoramas
- 64-bit

The Mac version of Day One [Direct Link] was notably named Mac App of the Year in Apple's Best of 2012 awards, as the iOS version has been featured by Apple numerous times since its launch in 2011. Day One is a $4.99 app for iOS devices and can be downloaded through the App Store. [Direct Link]

Popular reading app Pocket (formerly Read It Later) has been updated with various new features focused on delivering more relevant curated content and a streamlined user interface. The app now includes a feature known as “Highlights“, which splits content into four dynamic categories known as “Best of“, “Trending“, “Long Reads“, and “Quick Reads“, which are based on quality, popularity, and length, respectively. Highlights also regularly updates itself to match a user's favorite authors, subjects and topics, labeling content automatically.


Highlights is split into different categories to make it easy to find the perfect item in your list: Best of (the most impactful articles and videos in your list), Trending (the most popular items being saved and shared throughout Pocket), Long Reads (for when you have a lot of time, like your commute), and Quick Reads (when you have only a few minutes to spare).

The update also includes a number of changes to Pocket's user interface, including a unified search box, refined sidebar navigation, a new bulk edit option, and highlightable lists. Pocket saw its last major update in September with automatic background syncing and a new reading view, which followed an update in April that enabled users to share annotated content with anyone.

Pocket is a free app for iOS devices and can be downloaded through the App Store. [Direct Link]

YouTube has updated its Capture video recording app for iOS with new features, including the ability to pause and resume recording, support for multiple clip stitching, and additional post-processing tools. The app also now allows users to add an audio track from a personal iOS music library, with the number of included “YouTube soundtracks“ also increased.


What's new

* Pause and resume recording
* Stitch together multiple clips into a seamless video
* Rearrange or trim individual clips
* Add a soundtrack from your music collection or Capture's expanded audio library
* Major bug fixes and stability improvements
* iOS7 compatibility improvements

YouTube originally launched Capture in December 2012, and was updated with iPad support last March. YouTube Capture is a free app for iOS devices and can be downloaded through the App Store. [Direct Link]

Facebook today released an updated Facebook Messenger app that has been redesigned for iOS 7 with a simpler interface and a cleaner look for easier navigation.

The update also includes messaging via phone number, allowing users to send messages to people outside of Facebook, and there is a new icon that indicates which friends are logged into the app.


What's New:
A completely new design, updated for iOS 7.

Find more people to message: Now you can text your phone contacts even if you’re not Facebook friends. And it’s easy to add new contacts–just enter a phone number.

Facebook Messenger is a free app that can be downloaded from the App Store. [Direct Link]

Apple and Samsung entered a new damages retrial this week, to determine the amount of money that Samsung must pay for copying key iPhone features and design elements.

During opening statements, Apple asked for $379 million in damages, while Samsung suggested it should only pay $52 million. "Apple is simply asking for much more money than it's entitled to," said Samsung attorney William Price (via CNET).

According to Apple attorney Harold McElhinny, Apple's figure is based on lost profits of $114 million, Samsung's profits of $231 million, and royalties of $35 million.

Apple estimates it would have sold 360,000 devices if Samsung hadn't released infringing rivals. He noted that Samsung sold 10.7 million infringing devices, generating $3.5 billion in revenue.

"In a fair fight, that money should have gone to Apple," McElhinny said.

Last year, Samsung was ordered to pay Apple a total of $1.05 billion after a jury found the South Korean company guilty of willfully violating multiple Apple patents. Back in March, Judge Lucy Koh struck $450 million from the $1 billion awarded to Samsung after deciding the jury may have miscalculated the damages due to a misunderstanding of patent issues.

The retrial, which is ongoing, may see Apple call witnesses like marketing chief Phil Schiller and former senior vice president of iOS software Scott Forstall, who was ousted from the company in late 2012. It appears the retrial may ultimately benefit Samsung, as Apple's $379 million request is significantly lower than the nullified $450 million award, though Samsung is also responsible for the $600 million that was not struck from the first jury decision.

One day after the surprise launch of the Retina iPad mini, small amounts of stock of the cellular-capable models of the device have begun trickling into Apple's U.S. retail stores. The company has been offering Personal Pickup of online orders since yesterday, but until now that service has been limited to Wi-Fi models.

Model selection is currently very limited and many stores have yet to show any available cellular models, but availability should improve over time as Apple delivers more stock to its stores.

While Apple retail stores in several other countries did have stocks of the cellular-capable Retina iPad mini at launch yesterday, the company's U.S. stores did not have any available. Online orders for the Retina iPad mini through Apple's U.S. store launched with 1-3 day shipping estimates on 16 and 32 GB Wi-Fi models, with larger-capacity Wi-Fi and all cellular models showing 5-10 day shipping. A number of customers who placed orders for Wi-Fi models have already seen their orders shipping directly from China, with delivery scheduled for early next week.

Related Roundup: iPad mini
Buyer's Guide: iPad Mini (Don't Buy)
Related Forum: iPad

Apple is under investigation by Italian authorities for alleged tax fraud, according to local reports and Reuters.

The Government believes Apple may have hidden more than $1.3 billion from the Italian tax authority and investigators in that country have been aggressive with their tax probes in recent years.

Via Rizzoli Apple Store
According to Reuters:

The maker of the iPhone is the latest prominent corporation to become the target of a tax probe in Italy amid a global crackdown on tax cheating by multinationals.

In Italy, where tax authorities have become more aggressive in their dealings with global companies, fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana were handed in June a 20-month suspended prison sentence and a heavy fine for hiding hundreds of millions of euros in unpaid taxes. Both deny any wrongdoing.

Apple has been fined more than $1 million by Italian regulators in a separate case, after the company was found not providing consumers with proper disclosures related to the warranties that Italian consumers automatically get under local law.

Apple currently operates fourteen Apple Retail Store locations in Italy, including the Via Rizzoli location in Bologna, pictured above.

The experts at iFixit have performed another one of their usual high-quality teardowns on Apple's new iPad mini with Retina display, revealing that while the device is nearly unchanged visually from the original iPad mini, it features a number of internal upgrades such as an A7 chip and M7 motion coprocessor alongside the new high-resolution display.

Notably, a number of parts in the iPad Mini with Retina Display appears to be very similar to those found in the iPad Air, including similarities in the display driver, M7 coprocessor, NAND flash storage, Wi-Fi module, and audio amplifers between the two devices. However, the Retina iPad Mini appears to be using a different A7 processor than the 1.4 GHz variant found in the iPad Air, with the APL0698 part in the iPad mini matching the 1.3 GHz A7 found in the iPhone 5s rather than the 1.4 GHz APL5698 part seen in the iPad Air. The Retina iPad mini's slightly slower A7 chip was revealed in benchmarks done on the device yesterday.

The main feature of the device is of course the 2048 x 1536 resolution display, which appears to be manufactured by LG. Apple has been said to be turning to Samsung as a display supplier for the iPad mini due to low yields from LG and Sharp, but it is clear that at least LG is providing some panels for the launch batch. The new iPad mini also carries a significantly larger battery than the 16.3 Whr battery found in previous iPad mini, with the new tablet's battery measured at 24.3 Whr. That extra battery capacity in large part goes toward supporting the new Retina display, with the device offering the same 10-hour battery life as the previous generation.

As is tradition for iFixit's teardowns, the company has assigned a repairability score to the iPad mini with Retina display based on the accessibility of the various components. As with the iPad Air, the firm rates the Retina iPad mini's repairability at just 2 out of 10, with the firm again assessing positive points for easy LCD accessibility and a non-soldered battery, but the amount of adhesive and hidden screws used to hold the device together make repair extremely difficult.

Related Roundup: iPad mini
Buyer's Guide: iPad Mini (Don't Buy)
Related Forum: iPad

Last month, NPD DisplaySearch analyst David Hsieh offered an overview of Apple's display plans for future devices, based on sources in the company's supply chain. Among the products included in Hsieh's analysis was Apple's long-rumored "iWatch" smart watch device, with Hsieh only briefly noting that Apple appeared to be looking to source both 1.3-inch and 1.63-inch flexible AMOLED displays with resolutions of 320 x 320 pixels.


Samsung's Galaxy Gear smart watch

According to the Korea Herald (via Unwired View), Hsieh offered a few additional details on Apple's plans at a conference today, noting that the company will be using the two sizes to offer watches targeting men with a larger 1.7-inch display and women with a smaller 1.3-inch option.

Apple’s wearable iWatch is expected to come with a 1.7-inch OLED display for men’s watches and a 1.3-inch OLED screen for women, David Hsieh, DisplaySearch’s Vice President of the Greater China Market, said at a conference today in Taiwan, citing Apple sources. [...]

It is yet to be confirmed whether the displays will be flexible but sources said it was a possibility, since Apple will want to upstage Samsung’s Galaxy Gear.

Separate from Hsieh's comments, the report claims that Apple could introduce the iWatch as soon as late this year, but that appears to be extremely unlikely given that it is already mid-November and that recent rumors have pointed to a late 2014 timeframe for launch.

Just days ago, fellow NPD DisplaySearch analyst Paul Gagnon noted that Apple appears to have put its major television product plans on hold for the time being in order to focus on wearables such as the iWatch. Apple's ambitious TV plans have reportedly been stymied by difficult negotiations with content providers, with the company feeling that it needs to have the content side in place before being able to offer something more substantial than the current Apple TV box on the hardware side.

Related Roundup: Apple Watch 10
Buyer's Guide: Apple Watch (Buy Now)

Back in October, Apple filed its 2013 10-K annual report with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, offering some insight into how the company has grown over the past year. A section within the filing revealed that the company is investing a record $10.5 billion on advanced supply chain technology, and a new report from Bloomberg has offered a look at what Apple typically does with those expenditures.

Apple's investment will reportedly include the purchase of new machinery such as assembly robots and milling stations to place in the factories of its suppliers, which would help with the mass production of iPhones, iPads, MacBooks and more from the company's line of products, as Apple looks to seek advantages over the production tools in the factories of its rivals.


To get a jump on rivals like Samsung Electronics Co. and lay the groundwork for new products, Apple is spending more on the machines that do the behind-the-scenes work of mass producing iPhones, iPads and other gadgets. That includes equipment to polish the new iPhone 5c’s colorful plastic, laser and milling machines to carve the MacBook’s aluminum body, and testing gear for the iPhone and iPad camera lens, said people with knowledge of the company’s manufacturing methods, who asked not to be identified because the process is private.

Apple has been seeking to expand its production efforts in numerous ways recently, as a report surfaced earlier this week that Apple and Samsung were looking to use an upstate New York factory belonging to semiconductor company GlobalFoundries to produce Apple's A-series chips. Apple has also struck a deal with GT Advanced to produce sapphire glass for its products, with Apple investing significant upfront money in facilities and advanced technologies to advance the process

Apple engineers often spend weeks at facilities in Asia making sure the parts and equipment they buy or make are working properly, people familiar with the work said. The company has hired robotics experts and its website has several job openings for engineers who can operate high-end manufacturing equipment. [...]

Apple’s approach contrasts with other technology companies, which typically partner with contract manufacturers to handle much of the engineering work involved in getting a product made in large numbers, said Cormac Eubanks, product development director at industrial design firm Frog Design.

A push to expand its production technology and increase efficiency within the factories of its suppliers comes as Apple looks toward a busy next year with high demand for existing products such as the Retina iPad mini, as well as new product categories on the horizon.

A previous analysis of Apple's 2013 10-K annual report with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission revealed other interesting developments about the company's growth over the past year, including the growth of Apple's employee headcount and retail store count, along with the increased advertising expenses and real estate holdings. Apple's annual report usually contains a number of details about the company's operations, much of it targeted at investors and regulators, and addresses such topics as executive compensation, company investments, taxes, and more.