
Following a photo of the component last week, a video shared by (Google Translate) once again shows what is said to be a 2,915 mAh battery from the 5.5-inch iPhone 6. The battery shown is also shown carrying an Apple part number of 616-0675, and running at 4.35 volts, which is also in line with previous leaks.

A capacity of 2,915 mAh would be much greater than that of the 1,560 mAh battery found on the iPhone 5s and the rumored 1,810 mAh battery said to be included on the 4.7-inch iPhone 6. It is also likely that Apple will look to tightly integrate iOS 8 and the hardware of the iPhone 6 to allow for optimal performance and battery life.

Apple is expected to show off of the 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch iPhone 6 at a media event tomorrow. In addition to a larger display, the 5.5-inch version of the iPhone 6 is said to contain an improved camera module with optical image stabilization, a faster processor, and more. It is unknown whether the larger iPhone 6 will ship with the smaller model of the handset, as production issues may hold the 5.5-inch version back.

Related Forum: iPhone

Recently, a number of recent reports and rumors have suggested a variety of different resolutions for Apple's larger 5.5-inch iPhone 6. Prominent Apple blogger John Gruber speculated that the company will ship a 2208 x 1242 display at a "3x" Retina resolution for the device, while the current iOS 8 beta also indicates a preference for displaying 3x images when available.

Now, developer Steven Troughton-Smith (via 9to5Mac) has modified Apple's iOS Simulator to show what apps may look like on a 5.5-inch iPhone 6 that contains a 2208 x 1242 display, suggesting that they could use a landscape orientation to provide a more productive iPad-like experience.

For example, the Calendar app would be able to display the view of an entire month similar to the iPad, while the Phone app may be able to show separate sections for contacts and single contact info.

Troughton-Smith notes that this view enables more apps like Game Center to run in landscape at the given size. The developer also states that these landscape views are not possible at a resolution of 1472 x 828, which has been a suggested resolution for the 4.7-inch iPhone 6. Support for the technologies that enable this interface were also built into iOS 8 under the term "Adaptive UI."

Apple's 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch iPhone 6 are expected to be unveiled alongside the iWatch at the company's media event this Tuesday. The larger iPhone 6 is also said to come with a number of exclusive features aside from a larger display, including optical image stabilization, a faster processor, larger storage capacity options, and more.

Related Forum: iPhone

Apple may be integrating tokenization technology in its forthcoming mobile payments solution, reports Bank Innovation. Citing sources close to the matter, the report notes that the company will look to utilize token technology to address security and fraud concerns as integrates the service with the iPhone 6 and iWatch.

Financial institutions — card issuers and networks — prefer token technology because it replaces primary account numbers, those 16-digit card numbers on the front of credit and debit cards. Instead, the tokenization technology uses complex codes that are easily transmittable over the air and between devices, but that are used only once, so even if they are intercepted, are of no use to fraudsters.

An Apple patent discussing token technology has also been discovered, as the application was granted last month and filed for in 2009. In its example, Apple discusses a token system as a method for two devices to communicate sensitive data with disposable, one-time use codes.


EasyPay mobile payments concept by Ricardo Del Toro

The report also once again discusses the NFC capabilities in the iPhone 6 and iWatch, stating that chip-maker NXP will be rolling out NFC chips to the iWatch and the iPhone 6. Apple Stores and Apple retail partners are also said to be gearing up to utilize NFC technology, as a number of retail locations will be using the NFC-enabled Verifone MX 915 terminal.

Prior reports have stated that Apple's payment service will be supported by a number of credit card companies including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. The company is also said to be partnering with a number of retailers for the service, including Walgreens, CVS, Nordstrom, and more.

Apple is expected to announce its mobile payments solution at this Tuesday's media event, which will likely be shown off alongside the iPhone 6 and iWatch.

Related Roundup: Apple Pay

new_ibeacon_nfc Apple is rolling out near field communication (NFC) readers and updated versions of its iBeacon transmitters to its own stores and Disney Stores ahead of the launch of its mobile payments service and the iPhone 6, reports 9to5Mac.

The company will begin integrating new proximity beacons made by Gimbal that will provide more accurate iBeacon location tracking in its own stores, and roll out new payment systems to support the NFC capabilities on the iPhone 6 and its highly-anticipated wearable device.

The report also notes that Apple may be planning to roll out its own first-party iBeacon sensors in its retail locations, and could also provide or sell the transmitters to other retailers as an incentive to sign up for its new mobile payments service. An FCC filing earlier this year revealed that Apple was developing its own first-party iBeacon hardware, which may end up being the new hardware discussed in this latest report.

Disney's retail stores are also said to be receiving new credit card machines that support NFC, which will also likely integrate with Apple's new mobile payment service. Reports from this past week have also indicated that Apple will be partnering with a number of other retailers for the service, including Walgreens, CVS, Nordstrom and more.

Apple has also established deals with major credit companies such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and credit card issuers to support its mobile payments service.

Apple will likely unveil its mobile payments service on Tuesday, along with the new iPhone 6 and its highly-rumored wearable device. Apple's media event kicks off at 10:00 AM Pacific Time, and MacRumors will have full coverage as the event unfolds.

Tag: 9to5Mac

One of the new mapping features included in iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite is Flyover city tours, which leverages the existing Flyover imagery to provide users with an automated aerial tour of landmarks in a given city. When the feature first appeared early in the iOS 8 beta testing process, only a handful of cities were supported, and while the number of available tours remains small, Apple has added several dozen more cities over time.

Apple currently documents 90 cities, parks, and landmarks where the standard Flyover feature is available. Of these 90 locations where users can view interactive 3D maps, 40 currently have the automated Flyover tours enabled under iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite.


Apple's list of Flyover locations with current Flyover tour cities boxed in green

As with the Flyover feature itself, the list of cities with Flyover tour support is an eclectic one, ranging from major cities such as London, Paris, and New York to smaller areas such as Cheyenne, Wyoming and Linköping, Sweden, home of the C3 Technologies, the company whose technology was leveraged for Flyover after Apple acquired it several years ago.

During the beta testing period for iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite, Apple has also tweaked the means of identifying locations with Flyover tours enabled, making them easier to find. Initially, cities with the feature available were identifiable only by the text of the city name being in yellow rather than the standard white in Hybrid view. Apple has since tweaked the display to instead identify Flyover tour cities with a small "3D" icon instead of the standard dot used to mark location.

iOS 8 had been expected to see a number of significant mapping improvements, but the service was all but ignored during Apple's overview of the upcoming operating system at its Worldwide Developer Conference in June. Apple's maps team has reportedly been suffering from issues related to internal politics and the departure of a number of key members. The issues appear to have slowed the team's progress, and thus larger mapping improvements originally slated for iOS 8 may instead be pushed back to a later update such as a future iOS 8.1.

Update 3:59 PM: Several of the landmarks with Flyover coverage such as Yosemite National Park do also have support for Flyover tours. The feature is somewhat hidden, however, as users simply panning over to the location must first tap on the landmark's icon and then choose "Flyover Tour" from page that pops up.

Apple is also drawing more attention to the Flyover tour feature with a banner that is displayed when a user specifically searches for a location with tour coverage.

(Thanks, Alec!)

Related Forums: iOS 8, OS X Yosemite

gt_sapphire_furnaceWhile it is commonly taken as a foregone conclusion that the sapphire partnership between Apple and GT Advanced Technologies is focused on iPhone display covers, it bears noting that the two companies have never publicly confirmed what the sapphire will be used for.

Sapphire is already used to protect the camera and Touch ID sensor on recent iPhone models, and the material is also said to be planned for Apple's rumored iWatch, but the sheer amount of sapphire production apparently involved points to much bigger plans such as iPhone display covers.

Given the lack of confirmation from the two companies, it is interesting that Paul Matthews, a former GT product manager, outright claims on his LinkedIn profile (via TechViking) that he played a key role in convincing Apple to use sapphire for display covers on "mobile devices."

Worked with GT Advanced Technology to help market and sell the idear [sic] of sapphire as a cover screen for mobile devices to Apple. [...]

After marketing and selling the ASF [advanced sapphire furnace] into the LED market targeted mobile screen covers as a market for growth, conducted a focused marketing campaign and developed a cost model across the supply chain that has brought sapphire to Apple’s mobile display

Matthews, who spent three years at GT before leaving in January to join Applied Materials, does not identify the mobile devices in question, but given circulating rumors, the iPhone is the obvious candidate. The iWatch could also be considered in the category of mobile devices, but in general it seems clear from Matthews' wording that Apple indeed has plans to use sapphire to protect device displays, a much broader use for the material than seen to date.

Alongside GT's apparently aggressive ramp-up of sapphire production at its new Arizona plant, rumors have indicated Apple had indeed been targeting the iPhone 6 for the launch of sapphire display covers. Analysts have, however, been debating how extensively the material will be used in the lineup's displays, with most claims ranging from only high-end models to not at all as Apple and GT work to boost production and overcome other hurdles.

(Image: GT sapphire furnace)

Related Roundup: Apple Watch 10
Buyer's Guide: Apple Watch (Buy Now)
Related Forum: iPhone

Following yesterday's leak of what appeared to be a working 4.7-inch iPhone 6, passions have run high between those who believe the device to be genuine and those who believe it to be a fake or a clone. Commenters in our forums naturally scrutinized the images and videos looking for inconsistencies and have found a few, including longer hands on the Clock app icon, an "upside down" color gradient on the Music app icon, while others argue the complete package of features shown would almost certainly not be able to faked to the degree seen.

Since the original leak, several other claimed iPhone 6 devices have been appearing on Chinese sites, giving the opportunity for even more examination of the possible authenticity. One user on video sharing site MiaoPai who had posted a few brief videos of the device in action that we added in an update to our previous post has continued posting clips, with well over a dozen now available on his page.

In addition, a seven-minute Youku video review of the device has been posted walking through a number of features and giving overall impressions of the device.

Debate about the authenticity of these devices will obviously continue until Tuesday's official unveiling of the iPhone 6, and readers are welcome to share their thoughts in our discussion forums.

Related Forum: iPhone

Apple's upcoming wearable device, popularly known as the iWatch, is expected to be unveiled at Tuesday's media event, although a launch will reportedly come perhaps as late as early 2015. Part of the reason for the early unveiling may be to give third-party developers time to build apps for the new device, and 9to5Mac reports that will indeed be the case. Moreover, key third-party developers are said to have already been seeded with software development kit (SDK) tools to facilitate their work.

A small handful of high-profile social network and services companies with apps on the iPhone and iPad App Store have already been seeded with a pre-release version of the Apple SDK (Software Development Kit) for wearables under strict non-disclosure agreements.

The SDK was seeded “very recently” to these developers, and Apple likely wants to demonstrate some third-party wearable apps at Tuesday’s event, according to one source.


iWatch concept by Todd Hamilton, based on the Nike Fuelband

The iWatch is expected to work closely with the iPhone, but contain its own array of health and fitness sensors as well as near field communications (NFC) technology for a new mobile payments initiative. A host of new iOS 8 features such as HealthKit, HomeKit, and extensions are also expected to be key to the iWatch's functionality.

Apple's media event kicks off at 10:00 AM Pacific Time on Tuesday, and MacRumors will have full coverage as the event unfolds.

Related Roundup: Apple Watch 10
Buyer's Guide: Apple Watch (Buy Now)

iwatch_concept_ifoyucouldsee Apple has extended invites for its upcoming September 9 media event to "top fashion editors and bloggers", reports Reuters. The news comes as the company is expected to unveil its first wearable device at the event, which has been frequently referred to as the iWatch.

Apple is forging closer ties to the fashion world as it plots its foray into the fertile field of wearable technology, trying to win over a critical crowd that may prove crucial to the success of consumer gadgets worn around the body.

Previous reports have suggested that the iWatch will be a "fashionable device", coming in a number of different materials and having a variety of band and face options. Other rumors have suggested that the device may also come in a number of screen sizes , and feature a curved, flexible display along with biometric sensors to track health-related metrics.

The report also states that Apple held a private, "first-of-its-kind event" last month at an Apple Store in New York to show a variety of fashion and retail apps to a group of style editors. Multiple fashion editors also told Reuters that the company has held other separate events in New York City for members of the fashion industry to review new products and meet the team behind them.

Apple has also hired a number of fashion industry experts in the past year, which include former Yves Saint Laurent CEO Paul Deneve who works on "special projects" and directly reports to CEO Tim Cook. Last October, the company also hired former Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts, who is currently Apple's Senior Vice President of Retail and Online Stores.

While the iWatch is expected to be announced at the company's media event next week, reports have suggested that the device will not begin shipping until early next year.

Related Roundup: Apple Watch 10
Tag: Reuters
Buyer's Guide: Apple Watch (Buy Now)

Chinese site cnBeta highlights a series of photos posted by Weibo user zzray showing what is claimed to be an official, functional, and activated iPhone 6. While the authenticity of the device can not be confirmed, it does have some interesting characteristics worth noting.


iPhone 5s (left) and claimed iPhone 6 (right)
(Click for full size)

First, the overall design looks very polished and in line with previous iPhone 6 leaks. The tapered edges of the front glass can be clearly seen, and the round dual-LED True Tone generally missing in clones is present. The body also shows a recessed cavity for the volume buttons, as has been seen recently on a shell believed to be legitimate but also generally missing from clones.


Claimed iPhone 6 (left) and iPhone 5s (right)
(Click for full size)

Photos of the home screen reveal a different icon for Passbook, adding a fourth horizontal stripe to the current stripes showing an airplane, a movie camera, and a coffee cup. This new red stripe appears to include an image of a credit card, likely indicating support for mobile payments through Passbook.


Claimed iPhone 6 (left) and iPhone 5s (right)

The home screen layout includes the possibility of a sixth row of icons (in addition to the dock at the bottom), one more than on 4-inch iPhones. The horizontal layout remains at four icons, with simply a bit more separation between the icons. Icons appear to be the same size on both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 5s, supporting the idea of a 1334 x 750 resolution.


App Store (left) and Settings "About" screen (right) on claimed iPhone 6
(Click for full size)

The user has also posted a brief video showing the device being unlocked with Touch ID. Photos also show the App Store, as well as the About screen in the Settings app showing a 64 GB model running iOS 8.0 build 12A365, being accessed on the device.

While there is certainly a chance the device could be a fake or clone, there appear to be no immediate indications from the photos giving it away as fake.

Update 12:38 PM: A user on Chinese video sharing site MiaoPai has shared four videos of a "real" iPhone 6 (via The Tech Gadget), showing a variety of apps including Health, Settings, and Camera.

Related Forum: iPhone

As Apple prepares to unveil the iPhone 6 and its much-rumored iWatch at its September 9 event, TechCrunch reports that the Cupertino company has once again booked a high amount of shipping space out of China. The company's shipping volume is reportedly so high that it's begun displacing competitors' attempts at shipping during the fall.


Apple shipments via major concerns like FedEx and UPS are said to be ‘unprecedented’ for the holiday quarter, pointing to a massive number of iPhones and whatever other devices Apple announces for the fall season. The company is apparently flooding its channels with devices, causing shipments for other ‘top tier’ device makers to be delayed to make way for Apple products.

Competing manufacturers have apparently been told by shipping companies that they cannot fulfill their deadlines because they were being booked by a "very important customer", which is likely to be Apple.

Last year, a report indicated that Apple begins moving new iPhones from Foxconn and Pegatron factories to distribution centers around the world through shipping companies with extra security detail. Once they're in distribution centers, Apple begins managing the flow of the devices to the people who want them based on device color and size.

Such impact on the shipping industry is not unusual for Apple, as MacRumors reported in 2012 that Apple had been buying up shipping space in high volume in advance of the launch of the iPad 3, also moving them to distribution centers around the world before its official launch while leaving competitors to scramble for cargo space.

Ahead of Apple's September 9 event, it's highly likely iPhone 6 models are stealthily being moved across the world, ready for deployment as soon as orders begin. MacRumors has heard that shipments are indeed beginning now for staging in the United States.

(Photo courtesy of Alan Radecki)

Popular drugstores Walgreens and CVS are expected to partner with Apple on its upcoming mobile payments initiative, accepting purchases made with the company's new iPhone payment system, reports Re/code.

CVS and Walgreens are expected to accept purchases made with the new iPhone payment system, details of which Apple plans to announce Tuesday, according to a person briefed on the plans. With more than 15,000 locations combined, acceptance by the two chains will give Apple a huge footprint if all of their stores are involved.

Earlier this week, Apple was rumored to be partnering with retailer Nordstrom, leading to fears that its upcoming payments service would be limited to higher-end retailers, but it appears that Apple will also be aiming to sign deals with stores people visit regularly. As noted by Re/code, getting stores that people frequent on board could lead to quick acceptance of the new mobile payment service.


EasyPay mobile payments concept by Ricardo Del Toro

Re/code's report also divulges some information on how the system might work, allowing shoppers to "wave or tap" their iPhones at checkout terminals. The service is said to work over NFC, transmitting payment information from the phone when the device is near the store's checkout area. NFC may, however, be supplemented by other wireless technologies, and Touch ID is expected to be integrated into the system for added security.

Sources caution that Apple's payment system may in some cases employ additional wireless technologies either in conjunction with, or in place of, NFC. The new payment method will also likely include the use of fingerprint identification already available on the latest iPhones as an added security measure.

In addition to inking deals with various retailers to support the system, Apple has also established deals with major credit card companies Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, as well as credit card issuers.

Apple is expected to unveil its mobile payments service on Tuesday, along with the iPhone 6 and its much-anticipated wearable device. Both the iWatch and the iPhone 6 are said to play an important role in the new mobile payment service, as the two devices are rumored to include support for NFC.

Related Roundup: Apple Pay

Designer Marc Newson is joining Apple, under the leadership of design head Jony Ive, reports Vanity Fair. Newson is a well-known industrial designer who has created a range of items for luxury retailers, and his work has even been shown off at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Newson has created everything from furniture to eye glasses, and he has been described by Vanity Fair as having a "love of color and of sensual curves," with his work taking on a "futuristic, vaguely Jetson-like flair."


Marc Newson with Jonathan Ive, courtesy of Vanity Fair

Newson is a longtime close friend of Jony Ive, and the two have collaborated in the past. Last year, Ive and Newson teamed up to create a range of products for an auction to benefit Product (RED), including an aluminum desk, a Leica camera, and a set of solid gold EarPods, among other items.

"Marc is without question one of the most influential designers of this generation," Ive said in a statement provided to VF Daily. "He is extraordinarily talented. We are particularly excited to formalize our collaboration as we enjoy working together so much and have found our partnership so effective."

According to the report, Newson will continue to be based in the United Kingdom, but will make frequent trips to the company's Cupertino headquarters. Newson is also said to have collaborated on some designs for Apple earlier this year, before joining the company.

In an interview last year, Ive commented on working with Newson, noting that both men are "fanatical" when it comes to paying attention to small details. In the same interview, Newson said that both he and Ive are perfectionists. "You discover that very few people have the level of perfection we do. It is actually very sick. It is neurotic."

While Newson will work under Ive, it is unclear which specific projects he will take on. When asked if he would work on the iWatch, Apple declined to comment.

This week's Buyer's Guide has deals on the 2013/2014 Retina MacBook Pro, the 2013/2014 MacBook Air, the Mac Pro, and several Apple accessories.

The deals on Macs aren't as significant as they have been in past weeks, but Apple's back to school program is still ongoing until September 9, offering EDU customers a gift card with the purchase of a Mac, iPad, or iPhone. Best Buy is also continuing to offer EDU customers $100 off all MacBooks and the iMac.

Retina MacBook Pro

There are a few deals 2014 Retina MacBook Pro this week, including the 13-inch 2.6Ghz/8GB/256GB model, which available for $1,379 from Adorama and B&H Photo. The high-end 2.5Ghz/16GB/512GB 15-inch Retina MacBook Pro is on sale for $2,374.99 from Best Buy, B&H Photo, and MacMall.

There are also some deals on remaining 2013 Retina MacBook Pros. The 2.4Ghz/8GB/256GB 13-inch model is available for $1,299 from Adorama and B&H Photo. The 2.0Ghz/8GB/256GB 15-inch model is available for $1,599 from Adorama and B&H Photo.

The non-Retina 13-inch MacBook Pro is also on sale for $999 from Best Buy, Adorama, and B&H Photo.

MacBook Air

B&H Photo is continuing to offer rock bottom prices on remaining inventory of the 2013 MacBook Air. The 1.3Ghz/4GB/128GB 11-inch MacBook Air is available for $779, while the 1.3Ghz/4GB/256GB 11-inch MacBook Air is available for $889 and the 1.3Ghz/4GB/256GB 13-inch MacBook Air is available for $949.

Mac Pro

Stock configurations of Apple's Mac Pro desktop computer are available at slightly discounted prices from several retailers this week. The 6-core 3.5Ghz/16GB/256GB machine can be purchased for $3,739.99 from Best Buy, Amazon, and B&H Photo, while the 4-core 3.7Ghz/12GB/256GB machine for $2,839.99 from Best Buy, Amazon, and B&H Photo.

B&H and Adorama, as always, are a good choice for buyers who live outside of New York and New Jersey, as the sites only charge sales tax in those states.

Apple Accessories

TextExpander 4 for Mac is available for $16.99 from StackSocial, a discount of $18 off of the regular $34.99 price. The Beats by Dre urBeats Earphones are available from Groupon for $74.99, down from $99.

The Griffin Survivor Case for the iPad mini or iPad Air is available from Groupon for $24.99 to $27.99, offering savings of 65 percent. Groupon is also offering the Belkin Stylus + pen for $9.99, a discount of $25 off the regular price. Finally, the MetaWatch Strata Smartwatch is available for $39.99 at Best Buy through DealMac, a savings of $40.

MacRumors is an affiliate partner with some of these vendors.

Ahead of the expected debut of Apple's wearable at Tuesday's media event, Jessica Lessin of The Information (via Business Insider) has shared some hints on what the device's battery life might be like. According to her report, employees familiar with the device have "set low expectations" for its battery life.

Lessin did not give details on how long the iWatch's battery might last, but past rumors have suggested that battery life was one of the main areas Apple was struggling with during the device's development.


2.5-inch iWatch concept from SET Solution with curved, rectangular display

In the build-up to the new Apple Watch, it is easy to get seduced by the rumored features. Curved screen! Wireless charging! Jony Ive thinks it's slick!

But--and I hate to burst everyone's bubble here--the appeal of the world's most highly anticipated wearable computer is going to come down to something a lot more mundane: battery life.

News of battery life issues first surfaced in March of 2013, suggesting iWatch prototypes had been seeing poor battery life, in the range of a day or two. At the time, Apple was said to be aiming for four to five days before charging, but it's unknown if the company managed to hit that goal.

In light of battery issues, Apple explored several different charging technologies for the device, including solar charging, motion charging, and wireless charging. Solar charging was a bust, but according to rumors, the final device will ship with wireless charging capabilities, which could help to reduce the burden of frequent charges.

With just four days to go until Apple's wearable device is unveiled, rumors have been picking up. Recent information for the iWatch points towards two display sizes, a curved OLED display, a range of band options, a multitude of high-quality sensors, and NFC support, in addition to the aforementioned wireless charging.

Though we expect to see the iWatch at Apple's upcoming iPhone 6 event, many reputable sources have suggested the device won't ship to consumers until early 2015.

Related Roundup: Apple Watch 10
Buyer's Guide: Apple Watch (Buy Now)

As the launch of the iPhone 6 approaches, Apple continues to hold its title as the number one handset manufacturer among consumers in the United States, making significant gains in share during the three month period ending in July.

According to ComScore's latest numbers, the iPhone had a 42.4 percent share of the market, up from 41.4 percent in April. Samsung also saw small gains, jumping to 28.4 percent from 27.7 percent in April. Meanwhile, LG, Motorola, and HTC lost share, a trend that's been ongoing for several months.

While Apple is the top handset maker, iOS has always fallen behind Android when it comes to operating system share, due to the large number of Android-based phones on the market. Apple did make headway during the July period, however, as Android lost share, dropping to 51.5 percent from 52.5 percent during the April period. iOS, meanwhile, jumped from 41.4 percent share to 42.4 percent share.

iOS is the only platform that continues to gain significant ground, with BlackBerry and Symbian losing share while Microsoft gained 0.3 percentage points.

It will be interesting to watch ComScore's numbers in the coming months, as Apple may see gains in both handset and operating system share. The company is preparing to launch the iPhone 6, which will offer larger displays of 4.7 and 5.5-inches. Display size has been one of the major features differentiating the iPhone from larger Android phones, and the increase in size may encourage a number of Android users to switch to Apple's platform.

Because ComScore's data tracks installed user base rather than new handset sales, it is more reflective of real-world usage but slower to respond to shifting market trends than some other studies.

Apple today seeded Mavericks 10.9.5 build 13F31 to developers, just over a week after seeding the fifth OS X 10.9.5 beta, build 13F24, and more than a month after releasing OS X 10.9.4 to the public.

The beta is available through the Software Update mechanism in the Mac App Store and through the Mac Developer Center.

It is unclear what improvements the 10.9.5 update will bring to Mavericks, but it is likely to include bug fixes and stability enhancements. Apple is asking developers to focus on USB, USB Smart Cards, Graphics, Safari, and Thunderbolt.

Along with working on improvements to Mavericks, Apple is also beta testing OS X Yosemite, which is due to be released in the fall. The last Mavericks update, 10.9.4, added several Wi-Fi fixes and improved wake from sleep reliability.

Following in the footsteps of China Mobile, Chinese carrier China Telecom has also begun taking preorders for the iPhone 6 ahead of the device's official launch in order to drum up interest with customers. As noted by TechCrunch, the site has a preorder page that sports rendered images of the iPhone 6, along with several suspect specifics about the device that have undoubtedly come from unconfirmed rumors.

The preorder page depicts the 4.7-inch iPhone, which China Telecom suggests has a pixel density of 416, which would be in line with a 1704 x 960 resolution. While that resolution has been rumored for the iPhone 6, recent images of a supposedly functional device have leaned towards a 1334 x 750 resolution with a 326 ppi first proposed by Apple pundit John Gruber.

An A8 processor and a Touch ID fingerprint sensor are highlighted in the image, which are two likely inclusions for the iPhone 6, but the image also points towards a 2,100 mAh battery. While that capacity has been rumored, there have also been several photos of an 1,810 mAh battery bearing an Apple logo and regulatory text. Finally, China Telecom's image suggest a 3-megapixel front-facing camera, another unsubstantiated rumor.

According to TechCrunch, the graphic originally included a non-blurred version of the word "iPhone", but it was later updated by China Telecom, likely at Apple's request.

Earlier this week, China Mobile began accepting preorders for the iPhone 6 and garnered more than 33,000 orders in just hours, pointing towards strong interest in the iPhone 6. Analyst predictions have suggested the iPhone 6 launch could bring a in more upgraders and Android switchers than normal, due to its larger display and redesigned body.

Apple is expected to introduce the iPhone 6 at a September 9 media event, which is now just under four days away. Rumors and part leaks have suggested the device will have an A8 processor, NFC support, and an upgraded camera. It's expected in two sizes -- 4.7 and 5.5 inches -- but it is unknown if both versions of the phone will ship to consumers at the same time due to production difficulties with the larger model.

Related Forum: iPhone