MacRumors has partnered with Casely today for a new exclusive sale on the retailer's cases for the iPhone and AirPods. To take part in this sale, shop for any product across Casely's website and enter the code RUMORS30 at the checkout screen to take 30 percent off your order.
Note: MacRumors is an affiliate partner with Casely. When you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small payment, which helps us keep the site running.
This code can only be used once per customer, and Casely already offers free shipping on all orders in the United States over $20 (over $50 outside U.S.). Regular cases run for around $25, while MagSafe versions are priced around $45. Some cases can also be upgraded to a "Power 2.0" version that includes an attached battery pack (up to 5,000 mAh) for $75.
Below you'll find a few examples of discounts you can obtain during our exclusive sale with Casely, which also includes discounts on AirPods cases. These have many of the same colorful designs as the iPhone collection, offering protection to charging cases for the AirPods and AirPods Pro. Of course, Casely also makes accessories for Android devices as well.
Shoppers should note that there appears to be a shortage of MagSafe compatible Casely cases for the iPhone 12 Pro Max. However, the company does have plenty of stock for the other iPhone 12 models. You can shop all Magsafe compatible cases on Casely's website.
Monday February 3, 2025 1:15 pm PST by Juli Clover
Apple does not approve of the "Hot Tub" pornography app that was released for the iPhone in the EU using alternative app distribution, Apple said in a statement to MacRumors. Further, Apple is concerned about the potential user safety risks with a pornography app, and says that it undermines consumer trust in the Apple ecosystem.
We are deeply concerned about the safety risks that hardcore...
Tuesday February 4, 2025 8:00 am PST by Juli Clover
Apple today announced the launch of a new app called "Invites," which is designed to allow users to plan events like birthday parties, graduations, vacations, baby showers, and more.
"With Apple Invites, an event comes to life from the moment the invitation is created, and users can share lasting memories even after they get together," said Brent Chiu-Watson, Apple's senior director of...
Sunday February 2, 2025 6:15 am PST by Joe Rossignol
Apple previously teased that Powerbeats Pro 2 would be released in 2025, and now an announcement date has leaked. Bloomberg's Mark Gurman today said Apple plans to unveil the wireless earbuds on Tuesday, February 11.
Powerbeats Pro 2 will be priced at $250 in the U.S., he said.
Powerbeats Pro are a sportier, fitness-focused alternative to AirPods Pro with built-in, adjustable ear hooks...
Sunday February 2, 2025 8:34 am PST by Joe Rossignol
Starting next week, Apple's retail stores will no longer offer AppleCare+ plans as a one-time purchase, according to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman.
Instead, he said the stores will only offer AppleCare+ as a subscription. For example, AppleCare+ for the iPhone 16 Pro Max costs $9.99 per month, or $199 upfront for two years. The latter option would no longer be available at Apple's stores....
Tuesday February 4, 2025 9:35 am PST by Juli Clover
Apple this week increased the prices for its monthly AppleCare+ subscription prices for the iPhone, raising the cost by 50 cents for all models in the United States.
Standard AppleCare+ for the iPhone 16 models is now priced at $10.49 per month, for example, up from the prior $9.99 per month price. The 50 cent price increase applies to all available AppleCare+ plans for Apple's current...
Sunday February 2, 2025 6:42 am PST by Joe Rossignol
As early as this week, Apple plans to introduce a new iCloud-based service for event invites, according to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman.
In his Power On newsletter, Gurman said the new service is codenamed "Confetti" within Apple. He said the service will offer users a "new way to invite people to parties, functions, and meetings." He did not say if this functionality would be available through a ...
Tuesday January 28, 2025 11:48 am PST by Joe Rossignol
While the iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max are not expected to launch until September, there are already plenty of rumors about the devices.
iPhone 17 Pro concept based on rumors
Below, we recap key changes rumored for the iPhone 17 Pro models as of January 2025:
More aluminum: iPhone 17 Pro models are rumored to have an aluminum frame, whereas the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro models ...
Tuesday February 4, 2025 7:11 am PST by Joe Rossignol
Update: The new Apple Invites app has officially been announced.
The main page has seemingly confirmed Apple's rumored invites tool, which has yet to be officially announced by the company.
The page says "Apple Invites" will be an iCloud+ feature:Upgrade to iCloud+ to get more storage, plan events with Apple Invites, and have peace of mind with privacy features like iCloud...