Apple Announces New AI and Machine Learning Residency Program

Apple's Machine Learning Reseach group has launched a new residency program inviting experts in various fields to apply their expertise to build new ML and AI-powered products and experiences.

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Apple AI/ML research in academia lead Michael Rennaker announced the new residency program on Twitter, encouraging experts in fields outside of AI who can code and want to "dip their toe" into the world of machine learning to apply.

Apple's Machine Learning Research website explains that the year-long program aims to invest in the resident's technical and theoretical machine learning development, and help advance their professional careers.

The program is open to residents with STEM graduate degrees "or equivalent industry experience, software development backgrounds, and niche expertise — like design, linguistics, neuroscience, or psychology."

Residents will have the opportunity to attend personalized machine learning and AI courses, learn from an Apple mentor closely involved in their program, collaborate with fellow multi-talented residents, and gain hands-on experience working on high-impact projects with our machine learning teams.

To learn more about the fields of study that qualify, and other job requirements for the residency program, interested readers should check out Apple's list of job postings, which begin in the summer of 2021.

(Via iMore.)

Top Rated Comments

Schizoid Avatar
59 months ago
Has Miles Dyson applied yet?
Score: 2 Votes (Like | Disagree)
The Don Onez Avatar
59 months ago
Is that Phil Jackson?
Score: 1 Votes (Like | Disagree)