Evernote today updated its iOS app to version 7.3.0, adding several new home screen customization options including three new color themes in light, dark, and classic green.
Users have also gained the option to rearrange and hide unnecessary sections on the home screen, add a sync status bar, and display recently viewed items in Notes, Notebooks, Shortcuts, and Tags.
Along with customization options, the app has been made both snappier and more responsive. Frequently used features in the note editor are easier to find and titling and retitling notes, for example, is now quicker.
Business card scanning has also been improved, with scanned cards able to be added directly to contacts, and several bug fixes and performance enhancements have been added. Earlier this week, Evernote improved its synchronization platform, allowing its iOS and desktop apps to sync four times faster.
Evernote can be downloaded from the App Store for free. [Direct Link]
Top Rated Comments
I can clip web pages and articles directly into a notebook
I can organize all my notes in notebooks and stacks
I can share notebooks with my wife or coworkers
And have all of it available in one place on any device, any OS, any where, any time
I keep everything I need in Evernote and it works insanely great for me
I can't tell you times someone has asked me about something and I was able to pull out my phone, pull it up on Evernote and either answer them or send it to them
Sure, there are other apps that do these things
But this one is the best for what I do all in one
If it doesn't work for you... no big deal... don't force it
But I wouldn't want to be without it
Evernote + Dropbox = happy Dawg
Here Here. No need to justify.
I use Evernote a lot. I hand write notes on my ipad mini during meetings and save them in Evernote. They are even serchable - yet another and unmentioned feature that keeps me using Evernote - the notes are searchable.
....and on a side note, cool handle.. username I wish I had thought of that!!
+1 somehow I don't see this as WOW factor.