Popular Twitter iPhone application Tweetie received a major upgrade today with the release of Tweetie 2 [App Store, $2.99], completely rebuilt from the ground up to bring significant speed improvements and several new features. The extensive list of features in the application's App Store description includes:
- Seamlessly handle multiple Twitter accounts
- Explore all of Twitter, from your own timeline and mentions, to the favorite tweets of your followers and friends
- Full persistence: more than just caching tweets, Tweetie 2 restores your entire UI if you quit or get a phone call
- Fantastic new offline mode. Read, tweet, favorite, follow, save to Instapaper and more even when you don't have a connection. Your actions will be synced as soon as you go back online
- Full landscape support (configurable of course)
- Live-filter your tweet stream
- Post photos and videos, even configure your own custom image host
- Vastly improved compose screen with recent hashtags, @people picker, URL shortening and more
- Compose screen multiple-attachments manager
- Drafts manager ensures you never lose a tweet (and you can even send drafts to Birdhouse)
- Link Twitter contacts to Address Book contacts
- Follow, unfollow, block and unblock from multiple accounts simultaneously
- Saved searches sync with Twitter.com and the upcoming Tweetie 2 for Mac
- Autocomplete recent searches and Go-to-user
- Threaded Direct Messages and improved conversation navigation
- TextExpander integration
- Rich integration with Follow Cost, Tweet Blocker, Favstar.fm and more
- Edit your own Twitter profile
- Specify custom API roots on a per-account basis
- Nearby map view
- Translate tweets
- Preview short URLs
- Safari bookmarklet support for easily sharing links
- In-app rich text email composition
- Tons of little things, including improved avatar caching, auto-refresh, refresh-all, seamless Twitlonger support, hashtag definitions and more
- This is just the beginning. Tweetie 2 is already built to take advantage of great new features coming from Twitter, so expect updates turning them on soon!
Users of the original Tweetie application should note that the new version is a separate app and will require users to again shell out $3, but indications seem to be that the new version is already worth the fresh cash outlay, with more features to come in the future.