iPhoneDevCamp ended a while ago, and ever since, Ive been playing with all the apps pretty much non-stop. All of them are so neat and useful, but there are a few that I especially love.Gas App
Gas App will lead you to the cheapest, closest gas station. The thing I love most about this is Google maps integration.
This app is another reason I wish the iPhone had GPS. The only situation I can see myself using this in is if I'm sitting at home and decide that I need to go buy gas. If I'm out, I probably don't know what zip code I'm in, so this app would be of little-to-no help. Maybe Houston just needs "Entering 77005" signs...
City Explorer
The next one I really like is City Explorer. Even though I've lived in Houston my whole life, I can miss out on awesome restaurants because they're off my beaten path or brand new.
Put in a city, then choose from a tag. A list of places will be brought up, click on one, and BAM!
Google Maps intgeration! While the lack of GPS bothers me in relation to the gas app, this one doesn't bother me so much. It's pointing me to a destination, and so long as I can get myself to a freeway, I'm OK. 610, 59, 45, I-10: The loves of my life. (Not so much 290. He's too far away. There's a great little manicure place right off 290 near 610, so I see him sometimes.)
I absolutely love Fluther. It's so fun! iPhone-based questions, advice, and curiosity. You submit a question and other users answer it for you. I don't know why, but I'm so beyond in love with this app. It's got to be my favourite, by far.
It looks as great in portrait mode as it does in landscape, and look at how cute the little octopus/jellyfish nerd is.
The Pool
And the last app, The Pool is strangely fascinating. It's like putting your fingers in a pool, causing ripples. Sometimes there's a cute little fishie to catch. When I'm stuck in a doctor's office waiting room, I will fire this up and click away. This app makes me very happy.
It's just calming, I suppose.