We get a lot of unconfirmed and outright fake rumor submissions here at MacRumors.com. We are unable to verify many of our submissions and so they go unpublished. Here's a collection of rejected/unconfirmed rumors in the days leading up to Macworld:
MWSF Releases: iPhone, iMac Quad Core, true video iPod, something related to iTunes
Cingular Technical Support mentioned they just had a large influx of Mac qualified technical support people over the last few weeks. They have increased their Mac Support team by 10x more than it was just 2 weeks ago.
A friend has seen the Video iPod... full screen with touch bezel.
Apple Phone at Macworld: CDMA, Dual Battery Power, Bluetooth 2.0 + Wifi, 4GB ($275) and 8GB ($335), Sync - same content as .Mac (.Mac compatible), Compatible with Tiger - enhancements with Leopard, LAN line phones also in development
New Displays announced: HDMI and iSight built in. 17" is introduced. All displays are $75 more than previous generation.
New iPod at Macworld. 3.5 Inch screen, Bluetooth. NOT a touch-screen. Controlled through invisible "touchstrip" on the top side of the iPod that corresponds to symbols that appear on the upper portion of the iPod screen. 30GB $300, 80GB $400