G4scott wrote in the forums:
- According to Mac Minute, Apple has bought a spot for a TV commercial during the oscars on March 24th. Now, think of the date, the 24th...
*Original Macintosh was released on the 24th
*Mac OS X was released on the 24th
*According to someone's post, Jobs's birthday is on the 24th of some month (if you know, please reply!)
*Apple has kinda had a history for doing special things on the 24th
If you could think of any other "famous" Apple releases on the 24th of any month, please reply to this post! I just wonder if it is an iMac commercial, or a commercial for something new... I hope not one of those funny iMac commercials, but a different one would be nice, one with a little more umph...
ed note: Steve Jobs' Birthday is on Feb 24th.