If you follow Slashdot or the Linux community in general, you've likely heard of the Netpliance i-opener, a "web-only" machine that was revealed to be "hackable" into a functional Linux (or Win95/98/NT, BeOS, etc.) machine by clever fellow Ken Segler, on his Linux-Hacker site. Well, it looks like he's found new prey.
The WebSurfer Pro from Innovator, available for $50. Instructions on how to hack the unit are on his page and apparently there are no Terms-Of-Service questions asked--yet (I believe it can be found at CompUSA). Not the most directly Mac-related item, but I worked the i-opener hack and for a little over $99 have a Win98 machine that takes almost no deskspace away from my G3, and is there to use if I absolutely need to stoop to Windows to get some PC-specific work-related item done. ...evil grin...