
Apple Pay is expected to be available in 60 percent of retail locations in the United States by the end of the year, Apple's VP of Apple Pay Jennifer Bailey told Fortune today in an interview at the company's Brainstorm Reinvent Conference.

Since Apple Pay's 2014 introduction, Apple has worked to bring it to 24 countries around the world. Apple has to negotiate deals with each and every country where Apple Pay expands, so it's been a slow process, but growth is strong even outside of the United States.

apple pay duo
Apple has recently been focusing on expanding the usefulness of the Apple Wallet, which houses Apple Pay credit and debit cards. Apple Wallet is now being used for purposes like public transit, customer loyalty programs, student IDs (launching next week), and may soon expand to corporate access and hotel key cards. Apple's own campus permits employees to enter using Apple Wallet.

"It's a tremendous new area for us to focus on, which is really access," Bailey said.

According to Bailey, when Apple Pay was first introduced, Apple didn't approach the launch with the aim of disrupting the credit card industry. Instead, the goal was to work with credit card companies and introduce "great customer experiences."

Apple was uninterested in pursuing a bank charter, necessary for introducing Apple Pay as a credit card replacement option, because it didn't want to face regulation.

"When we thought about Apple Pay, we thought, there are a lot of payments out there that our customers already love and trust," Jennifer Bailey, Apple VP of internet services and Apple Pay, said Tuesday morning during Fortune's Brainstorm Reinvent conference in Chicago. "We don't sit around and think about, 'what industry should we disrupt?'--we think about, 'what great customer experiences can we develop?'"

When asked if Apple makes money from Apple Pay transactions, Bailey answered the question with a "perhaps," but said that other features in the Apple Wallet are about bringing more utility to customers and making sure people "love their iPhones."

Related Roundup: Apple Pay

Compared to the iPhone X, the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max offer up an upgraded wide-angle camera with a larger sensor and new features like Smart HDR and Depth Control, all of which bring quite a few changes to photo quality on Apple's newest iPhones.

We did an in-depth comparison between the iPhone X camera and the camera in the iPhone XS Max to highlight the feature updates and what you can expect to see in your images when upgrading from iPhone X to iPhone XS or XS Max.

Both the iPhone X and iPhone XS Max feature dual-lens camera systems with an f/1.8 12-megapixel wide-angle lens paired with an f/2.8 12-megapixel telephoto lens that enables 2x optical zoom, but there are some notable differences between the two.

The wide-angle camera on the iPhone XS Max is just a bit wider with a 26mm focal length equivalent vs. the 28mm focal length equivalent on the iPhone X, and Apple has introduced a new image sensor that's twice as fast and 32 percent larger with bigger, deeper pixels that bring out more detail in your photos.

iphonexsmaxportraitmode 1
Both iPhones use a TrueDepth camera system with a 7-megapixel front-facing camera for selfies, but the iPhone XS features a faster A12 chip with an upgraded Neural Engine and a new image signal processor, enabling several new features for both the front and rear-facing cameras.

A Smart HDR option offers better dynamic range, bringing out more detail in the highlights and shadows of your images, while a new Depth Control option for Portrait Mode lets you adjust the amount of background blur in your images after a photo is taken. Apple has also introduced improved bokeh, for more aesthetically pleasing blurring of the background details in a photo when using Portrait Mode.

In our experience, Portrait Mode with both the rear and front-facing cameras is improved in the iPhone XS Max compared to the iPhone X with the new features Apple has introduced. The camera is better able to distinguish between the foreground and the background of a photo so it doesn't blur out as much detail as the iPhone X. It's by no means perfect and there are still issues with some images, but it's a definite improvement.

Apple's Smart HDR feature brings out more detail in iPhone XS Max photos when compared to photos taken with the iPhone X. For example, in images of the sky, the iPhone X will blow out the details due to the variance in lighting, while the iPhone XS Max is able to provide a better photo with the Smart HDR. Smart HDR kicks in often, and paired with the larger sensor, it offers up images with more detail in most photos with low lighting.

Almost all iPhone X photos in low light or with areas where there's a lot of difference between brightness and darkness overexpose photos or feature too much overcompensation for shadows, a problem that the iPhone XS Max does not have.

Unfortunately, in some situations, Apple's Smart HDR and/or some heavy-handed noise reduction blurs or smooths out images, something that's especially noticeable with the front-facing camera in lower light. There is, for example, an entire thread on Reddit filled with users complaining about the ultra smoothing Apple has introduced for the selfie camera.

The strange smoothing effect is primarily noticeable with the front-facing camera when lighting is not great, but it does also affect the rear-facing camera and can sometimes result in soft images that lose their crispness. The iPhone X, which does not use Smart HDR or the same noise reduction algorithms, does not seem to have this issue.

When it comes to capturing video, the experience is nearly the same, though we did feel stabilization was a bit better. The iPhone XS Max continues to be able to record 4K video at up to 60 frames per second, but audio is improved due to new stereo recording functionality.

All in all, iPhone XS Max photos are better than iPhone X photos with a noticeable difference between the two cameras, but there are quirks to be aware of, such as the Smart HDR and heavy noise reduction.

The images featured in the video and in the article can be found in a higher resolution in an Imgur album for clearer comparisons. What do you think of the camera in the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max? Let us know in the comments.

Related Forum: iPhone

A rare fully operational Apple-1 computer auctioned off by RR Auction at WeWorks in Boston today fetched a total of $375,000.

The Apple-1 came from a person who purchased the machine from The Byte Shop, the store where Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak originally sold the computers for $666.66. The seller used the Apple-1 to learn BASIC and wrote small programs before he decided to hold onto it because it "could one day be a piece of computing history."

apple 1 sept 2018 auction
Bobby Livingston, Executive VP of RR Auction said that the company was "thrilled" with the price that the Apple-1 earned.

"We are thrilled at the price achieved and that's why we thought it fitting that the Apple 1 should headline our annual Rare and Remarkable auction-- it's a museum-quality piece that has earned a special place in history."

Apple-1 expert Corey Cohn restored the machine to its original, operational state in June 2018, and the auction included a comprehensive technical condition report prepared by Cohen. Cohen rated the condition of the computer at 8.5/10 after it worked without fault for eight hours during a comprehensive test.

Over the course of the last few years, several Apple-1 computers have surfaced at auction and have sold for $130,000 to $815,000. The Apple-1 that fetched the highest price as known as the "Celebration" Apple-1 and was ultra rare due to its black "green" PCB board that was not sold to the public and was not part of a known production run.

There are an estimated 60 to 70 Apple-1 computers still remaining of the original 200 machines that were designed and built by Jobs and Wozniak.

The iPhone XS Max with 256GB of storage costs an estimated $443 to make, according to estimates shared by TechInsights in a teardown of the new device. At $443, the iPhone XS Max components are nearly $50 more expensive than the estimated $395.44 component cost of the 64GB iPhone X.

TechInsight's component cost breakdown suggests the iPhone XS Max display is the most expensive component in the device at $80.50, while the A12 chip and modems are the second most expensive, at $72.

ifixit teardown iphone xs iphone xs max

iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max internals, via iFixit

Storage, priced at $64 is the third most expensive component, while other expensive parts include the cameras at $44 and the housing and mechanical components at $55.

The iPhone XS Max housing, display, battery, and memory are all more expensive than similar components in the iPhone X, largely due to the size increase in the new 6.5-inch device. The housing, for example, is larger and heavier, while the display is also larger.

According to TechInsights, Apple cut down on display cost in the iPhone XS Max by removing some 3D Touch components that were previously included in the iPhone X, but that does not appear to have affected 3D Touch functionality in the new iPhone XS Max.

In a statement provided to Reuters, Al Cowsky, who oversees the cost analysis at TechInsights, said Apple took out components worth up to $10, cutting the cost of the iPhone XS Max display to $80.


TechInsights' component cost estimates, click to enlarge

Apple is charging $100 more for the iPhone XS Max than it did for the iPhone X, with the device priced starting at $1,099, while the iPhone X, like the new iPhone XS, started at $999.

Component cost estimates from companies like TechInsights only took at the pricing of raw components and do not take into account other iPhone manufacturing expenses like research and development, software creation, advertising, and distribution.

TechInsights itself warns that its cost estimates are compiled using the information available at the time of the initial teardown, with "some assumptions" made where concrete data is not yet available. The company plans to continue to refine its estimate over time.

Last year, when the iPhone X was first released, TechInsights estimated the component cost at $357.50, a number that has now gone up to an estimated $395.44, so there can be quite a bit of variance in these early guesses.

While interesting, device cost estimates are not an accurate measurement of Apple's overall profit margin for the iPhone XS Max, nor do they offer a clear picture of the overall cost of creating a new smartphone.

Back in 2015, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that cost breakdowns for devices are not reflective of actual costs. "I've never seen one that is anywhere close to being accurate," he said.

Update: According to TechInsights, its analysis of the iPhone XS Max parts was inaccurate because Apple has not removed any 3D Touch components from the iPhone's display. The estimated cost of the iPhone XS Max is now $453 rather than $443.

We have revised our initial estimates of the component cost of the iPhone Xs Max from $443.00 to $453.00, based on new information about the 3D touch system. Our initial review of the phone indicated that some of the 3D components that were included in last year’s iPhone X had been removed, but further investigation revealed this not to be the case. We can confirm that the iPhone Xs Max includes the same Broadcom BCM15951 3D touch controller used in the iPhone X.

This increases the Display cost from $80.50 to $90.50, for a total cost of $453.00.

The title of the post has been updated to reflect TechInsights' new pricing estimate.

Related Forum: iPhone

Apple today seeded the first beta of an upcoming macOS Mojave 10.14.1 update to developers, just one day after releasing the macOS Mojave update.

macOS Mojave introduces a new method of installing software updates, so after the initial beta has been installed using the appropriate profile from the Developer Center, additional betas can be downloaded through opening up System Preferences and choosing the "Software Update" option.

It's not yet clear what improvements the first update to macOS Mojave will bring, but it likely includes performance improvements and bug fixes for issues that weren't addressed in the first release of macOS Mojave. It also likely re-introduces support for Group FaceTime, a feature that was removed during the beta testing period. Group FaceTime, which lets you chat with up to 32 people at once, is also present in the iOS 12.1 beta.

macOS Mojave is a major update that brings features like a systemwide Dark Mode, stacks for organizing messy desktops, new Finder capabilities, new tools for taking screenshots, a Continuity Camera option for easily transferring photo scans and documents from iPhone to Mac, and more.

Should we find new notable features in the first beta of macOS 10.14.1, we'll update this post.

Related Forum: macOS Mojave

Earlier this week, iFixit completed a teardown of an Apple Watch Series 4 that said the 44mm model has roughly four percent more battery capacity, but that was compared to a 38mm-sized Apple Watch Series 3 model.

apple s4
An eagle-eyed MacRumors reader has since pointed us towards Apple's Product Information Sheet, which contains battery capacities measured in watt-hours for several products, including Apple Watch Series 4 models. Apple appears to disclose this information for legal and safety reasons.

Based on Apple's document, Apple Watch Series 4 models actually have less battery capacity than the equivalent Series 3 models:

  • Apple Watch Series 3 (42mm): 1.34 watt-hours

  • Apple Watch Series 4 (44mm): 1.12 watt-hours

  • Apple Watch Series 3 (38mm): 1.07 watt-hours

  • Apple Watch Series 4 (40mm): 0.86 watt-hours

More specifically, the new 44mm Series 4 models have approximately 16.5 percent less battery capacity than the previous large-size 42mm Series 3 models. Likewise, 40mm Series 4 models have approximately 19.7 percent less battery capacity than the previous small-size 38mm Series 3 models.

Despite having smaller batteries, Apple says Series 4 models get the same all-day battery life of up to 18 hours that Series 3 models are rated for. We reached out to Apple in hopes of an explanation, but we have yet to receive a response.

What we do know is that Apple Watch Series 4 models use a new display technology named LTPO that improves power efficiency. The new Apple S4 system-in-a-package also has more efficient cores, so they presumably consume less power as well. Other components could be more efficient too.

In general, however, battery life is simply hard to predict. Different customers have different use cases. One user could be an athlete who is constantly working out with the Apple Watch, while another could be a more casual wearer who taps on a few notifications once in a while and not much else.

All in all, we wanted to clear up some confusion surrounding the Apple Watch Series 4 batteries. They pack less juice, not more, but seemingly without compromising battery life. Over time, we'll see if that's truly the case.

Related Roundup: Apple Watch 10
Buyer's Guide: Apple Watch (Neutral)

Apple is sending longtime employee and Vice President of Software Technology Bud Tribble to a Senate Commerce Committee hearing on Wednesday to offer support for federal privacy regulations, reports Axios.

According to Tribble's prepared statement obtained by Axios, he plans to "convey Apple's support for comprehensive federal privacy legislation that reflects Apple's long-held view that privacy is a fundamental human right."


"We want your device to know everything about you; we don't feel that we should," he'll say. "These concepts have guided our design process for years because privacy is a core value at Apple, not an obligation or an aftermarket add-on."

Tribble will echo sentiments that Apple executives have shared time and time again, explaining Apple's belief that customers have a right to keep their personal information private, a stance that differs from companies like Facebook and Google.

Back in June, Apple CEO Tim Cook said in an interview that privacy "from an American point of view" is one of the "key civil liberties" defining what it means to be American. Cook has also said multiple times that Apple's customers are not its product.

"We could make a ton of money if we monetized our customers," Cook said in March. "If our customers were our product. We've elected not to do that. We're not going to traffic in your personal life."

Tribble will be testifying before the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation alongside representatives from other tech and media companies that include Amazon, Twitter, Google, AT&T, and Charter Communications.

Ahead of the meeting, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, released a proposal for consumer data privacy protection and is seeking public comment. The NTIA is asking for feedback on certain desired outcomes for organizational practices:

  • Organizations should be transparent about how they collect, use, share, and store users' personal information.
  • Users should be able to exercise control over the personal information they provide to organizations.
  • The collection, use, storage and sharing of personal data should be reasonably minimized in a manner proportional to the scope of privacy risks.
  • Organizations should employ security safeguards to protect the data that they collect, store, use, or share.
  • Users should be able to reasonably access and correct personal data they have provided.
  • Organizations should take steps to manage the risk of disclosure or harmful uses of personal data.
  • Organizations should be accountable for the use of personal data that has been collected, maintained or used by its systems.

These are the same kind of topics that will be explored during the privacy-focused Senate hearing, which is designed to "examine the privacy policies of top technology and communication firms" as well as review the "current state of consumer data privacy."

Update: Tribble's prepared remarks are embedded below.

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

VMware has released Fusion 11, the latest version of its virtualization software, with full support for macOS Mojave and the latest Mac hardware, including the 18-core iMac Pro and the 2018 MacBook Pro with a six-core Intel Core i9.

vmw fusion mojave
VMware Fusion, like rival software Parallels Desktop, can run hundreds of operating systems, ranging from the latest Windows 10 versions to Linux distributions like Ubuntu, directly on the desktop of a Mac.

VMware says Fusion 11 delivers many new features and platform enhancements, including an updated user interface. A new Application Menu allows users to quickly switch between virtual machines, or create a new one; change view modes, settings, and snapshots; or launch Windows apps with a single click.

vmware application window
Fusion 11 and Fusion 11 Pro both default to Apple's Metal graphics rendering engine on supported hosts, with added DirectX 10.1 compatibility. The new version also allows for customizable Touch Bar controls on the latest MacBook Pro models.

vmware fusion 11 metal
There are also many under-the-hood performance improvements, particularly with Virtual NVMe devices. Users can change their virtual disk type to NVMe to increase performance on Macs equipped with SSD storage. Meanwhile, security fixes and architectural changes have been made to mitigate threats like Spectre and Meltdown.

VMware details other new features, including a new Finder integration at the top of the VM Window, on its website.

Fusion 11 and Fusion 11 Pro are available today for $79.99 and $159.99 respectively via VMware's website. Upgrade licenses for Fusion 11 and Fusion 11 Pro are available for $49.99 and $119.99 respectively for existing users of Fusion 10, Fusion 8, or Fusion 8.5. Prices and availability vary by region.

Tag: VMware
Related Forum: macOS Mojave

Qualcomm has accused Apple of stealing confidential information and trade secrets, and passing them on to rival chipmaker Intel, according to a court document filed Monday and reported by several media outlets.

qualcomm iphone
For background, Qualcomm agreed that Apple could have access to its source code and tools for LTE modems, but with limitations. Qualcomm believes that Apple proceeded to share the information with Intel to help improve its LTE modems, allowing Apple to stop using Qualcomm's modems in the latest iPhones.

Axios's Ina Fried shared an excerpt from Qualcomm's complaint:

Although discovery is ongoing, it is clear that Apple's conduct went far beyond simply breaching the contract originally sued on. Indeed, it is now apparent Apple engaged in a years-long campaign of false promises, stealth and subterfuge designed to steal Qualcomm's confidential information and trade secrets for the purpose of improving the performance of lower-quality modem chipsets, with the ultimate goal of eliminating Qualcomm's Apple-based business.

Qualcomm already sued Apple in November 2017 based on suspicions the iPhone maker was using the chipmaker's trade secrets in wrongful ways. Now, Qualcomm is more confident and direct about its accusation.

Don Rosenberg, General Counsel of Qualcomm, in a statement provided to MacRumors:

Once again Apple has flouted its contractual commitments and misappropriated Qualcomm's property rights in an effort to improve its performance and increase its profits.

The code, tools and design details of Qualcomm's modem technology which are the subjects of this litigation represent the genius and labors of our dedicated engineers. We have only the rule of law to protect them.

The lawsuit is scheduled to be heard in April 2019, but Qualcomm's proposed amendment could delay the trial, which is one of over a dozen lawsuits waged between the two companies. Apple initially sued Qualcomm in June 2017 for $1 billion in unpaid royalties, and later for patent infringement.

iFixit's teardown of the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max uncovered an Intel modem in both devices, a few months after Qualcomm said Apple was unlikely to use its own modems in the latest iPhones. Qualcomm was Apple's exclusive provider of modems until Intel was added as a second supplier for the iPhone 7 lineup.

Update: MacRumors has obtained a copy of Qualcomm's motion, embedded below.

Rachio today announced that it has added HomeKit support to its Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller, allowing the device to work with Siri and other HomeKit accessories to control sprinklers.

According to Rachio, its Smart Sprinkler Controller is the first sprinkler controller to offer HomeKit integration.

The Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller works with the Home app or through the Rachio app, and connected sprinklers can be controlled from any iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, HomePod, or Apple TV. With a HomePod or an Apple TV available for remote access, connected sprinklers can also be controlled when away from home.

"We are excited to bring HomeKit support to Rachio customers," said Chris Klein, CEO and co-founder of Rachio. "HomeKit users already have a smart home, and now they can have a smart yard, too. Rachio consumers have been asking for HomeKit integration, and we are excited to deliver it to them with our new Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller."

Rachio's Wi-Fi connected Smart Sprinkler Controller, priced at $229, offers up features that include easy installation, a Flow Meter for monitoring water usage, and Hyperlocal Weather Intelligence for turning on sprinklers only in appropriate weather.

The Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller can be purchased from the Rachio website.

About one year ago smart lock company August Home was acquired by Swedish lock manufacturer Assa Abloy, which also owns Yale and a few other lock brands. Today, Yale and August announced that they are teaming up for a new line of Keypad Smart Locks that combine Yale's secure lock hardware with August's app and cloud-based connected software.

The "Assure Locks - Connected by August" will let customers unlock their doors manually with August's app or an entry code, as well as automatically thanks to the Auto Unlock feature, which grants access as the user approaches with their smartphone. Existing Yale customers will be able to replace older deadbolt lock and keys with the smart keypads.

yale august locksThanks to August's integration, the Yale keypads also support Siri and HomeKit, so users can ask Siri to open the door or set automations that lock and unlock the door at certain times of the day. The keypads also work with Alexa and Google Assistant.

Additionally, customers can use the August app itself to control the new keypads, share virtual keys, see status updates of who comes and goes from their home, and ensure that the door is closed and locked. August CEO Jason Johnson says the new products are just the beginning of the Yale and August partnership.

“Yale and August share a deep commitment to making our customers’ doors smarter and more secure,” said Jason Johnson, CEO and co-founder of August. “This new Yale Connected by August lineup is simply the beginning of what we will accomplish together when it comes to innovating the lock industry.”

“When August became part of the ASSA ABLOY family, it made perfect sense for the two companies to combine one another’s expertise to build new and exciting products for our customers,” said Jason Williams, President of Yale’s Residential Group. “We’ve brought together our respective teams of engineers and designers to create products that seamlessly integrate our most trusted hardware with our smartest software.”

The Connected by August kit includes an August Connect Wi-Fi Bridge and DoorSense, enabling remote access of the keypad lock when not at home. There are two models: the Assure Lock SL with an edge-to-edge touchscreen keypad at $299 and the Assure Lock Touchscreen with a numeric touchscreen as well as traditional key access at $279. Existing Assure Locks can be upgraded by purchasing the Connected by August kit separately for $129.

You can purchase both new models on today, and the locks will launch on, Amazon, Lowes, and Best Buy in mid October.

Apple's Macs and iPads continue to have the highest customer satisfaction score among PC and tablet makers, according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index's new 2018 Household Appliance and Electronics Report.

Apple earned an ACSI score of 83 in 2018, the same score that it had last year, remaining in the lead over Amazon, Samsung, ASUS, HP, Lenovo, and more.

According to the ACSI, Apple's machines earned best-in-class ratings across "nearly every aspect of the customer experience" from device design to features and available apps.

Apple earned the highest score despite the fact that much of its Mac and iPad lineup has yet to be refreshed in 2018. We are awaiting refreshed iPad Pro models with major upgrades like an edge-to-edge design with slimmer bezels and Face ID, along with updates to the MacBook, Mac mini, and other machines.

Based on ASCI's numbers, Amazon is closing in on Apple with an ASCI score of 82, with customers satisfied with design, ease of operation, and sound/graphics quality on the company's line of tablets.

Samsung tied with Amazon, also earning a score of 82. Samsung also scores well across the customer experience, but can't match Apple on features that include operating system, preloaded apps, and data storage.

According to the American Customer Satisfaction Index, overall customer satisfaction with personal computers (a category that includes laptops, desktop machines, and tablets) continues to earn a score of 77 on the ACSI scale.

Smartphones outpaced personal computers in customer satisfaction back in 2014, and customers continue to be more satisfied with their handheld devices, using them for more tasks that had previously been limited to computers.

Among PC owners, desktop machines earned the highest overall satisfaction score, followed by tablets and then laptops. Just 17 percent of respondents to the ACSI survey purchased a desktop computer in the last year, but customer satisfaction grew 4 percent. Satisfaction with tablets also grew 4 percent, while laptop satisfaction declined.

To create its scoring system and compile device scores, the ACSI uses data from interviews with approximately 250,000 customers each year, analyzing customer satisfaction with more than 380 companies across 46 industries.


Tom's Guide has published the results of a battery comparison test pitting Apple's new iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max against a variety of smartphones, with some surprising results.

Both of Apple's latest flagship models failed to reach the heights of last year's first-generation iPhone X using the same battery endurance test, which involved surfing the web continuously over a 4G data connection. Displays were set to 150 nits of brightness, with both auto-brightness and TrueTone disabled.

The iPhone XS Max lasted 10 hours and 38 minutes, while the iPhone XS managed 9 hours and 41 minutes. Those figures compare unfavorably to the results of the original iPhone X, which lasted 10 hours and 49 minutes in the same test last year.

As far as rival phones go, the iPhone XS and XS Max outperformed the HTC U12+ (9 hours, 13 minutes) and the LG G7 ThinQ (8 hours, 35 minutes), however both Apple models were beaten by flagship devices in the Android category. Google's Pixel 2, for example, lasted 12 hours and 9 minutes, while Samsung's Galaxy Note 9 lasted 11 hours and 26 minutes. However, the overall winner was Huawei's P20 Pro, clocking in 14 hours and 13 minutes.

toms guide iphone xs xs max battery performance
Apple advertises that the iPhone XS can last up to 12 hours during internet use (the same figure given for last year's iPhone X) while the iPhone XS Max can last up to 13 hours on a single charge. However, battery performance can be affected by various factors, including OS version, hardware optimization, and even cellular reception, which is why Apple only offers approximate numbers.

Earlier this week, iFixit teardowns confirmed the existence of a new single-cell L-shaped battery in the iPhone XS, while the iPhone XS Max remains two cells. Chinese regulatory filings also earlier revealed the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max have battery capacities of 2,658 mAh at 3.81V and 3,174 mAh at 3.80V respectively.

Last year's iPhone X has a battery capacity of 2,716mAh at 3.81 V, yet Apple claims iPhone XS customers can expect a 30-minute increase in operating time over that device, while XS Max users can expect an hour and a half. If you're an iPhone XS or XS Max owner, let us know what kind of battery life you're seeing by using the comments below.

Related Forum: iPhone

Instagram co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger have left Facebook, explaining in a statement this week that they are taking some time off to "explore our curiosity and creativity again." According to people familiar with the matter speaking to Bloomberg, Systrom and Krieger are leaving due to growing tensions with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

instagram co founders

Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom at Instagram

In recent months, Zuckerberg is said to have become more involved in the day-to-day work going on at Instagram, and "more reliant on Instagram in planning for Facebook's future." Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012, and up until now Systrom and Krieger had been able to keep the photo-sharing app's brand independent from Facebook while using the larger social network's resources to expand.

With this year's Cambridge Analytica scandal, it's believed that Zuckerberg and Facebook are now leaning into Instagram's success as Facebook faces ongoing struggles. Facebook has even started talking about Instagram more often in its earning calls, with Zuckerberg recently stating that Instagram grew twice as fast being in the Facebook family as it could have on its own. Internally, Instagram employees said this was "unnecessary and unprovable."

Adam Mosseri, who came from Facebook's news feed team to be head of product for Instagram in early 2018, is the most likely successor for Systrom and Krieger. Through all of this, Facebook is predicted to "more tightly integrate" Instagram into the larger company, making Instagram less independent than it is now.

Without the founders around, Instagram is likely to become more tightly integrated with Facebook, making it more of a product division within the larger company than an independent operation, the people said.

For years, Systrom and Krieger were able to amicably resist certain Facebook product initiatives that they felt went against their vision, while leaning on Facebook for resources, infrastructure and engineering talent. A new leader may not be able to keep the same balance, or may be more willing to make changes that help the overall company at the expense of some of Instagram’s unique qualities.

As it stands now, Instagram has largely been able to avoid negative association with the Facebook brand after the data privacy scandal earlier this year. A few other apps under the Facebook umbrella have also faced departing executives in the wake of the scandal, with WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum leaving Facebook in April, reportedly clashing with Facebook executives over the messaging app's strategy and Facebook's attempts to use WhatsApp personal data in ways to monetize the service.

Apple Watch apps rarely misbehave, but if one becomes non-responsive or fails to refresh data, sometimes force-quitting the app and relaunching it can solve the issue.

Fortunately, it's a simple procedure. The following steps show you how it's done on Apple Watch models running watchOS 4 or later.

  1. Open the misbehaving app on your Apple Watch, either by tapping its complication or selecting it from the honeycomb-style app menu/list view, so that it takes over the display.
    force quit apple watch apps01

  2. Now, press and hold the Side button.
  3. Release the Side button once the power down menu appears.
    force quit apple watch apps02

  4. Next, press and hold the Digital Crown. You can release it once the app is whisked away from view and you're returned to the watch face.

And that's all there is to it. The next time you launch the app in question, it will load up as if for the first time, and hopefully play nice again.

If the problem you're having still persists, try restarting your Apple Watch from the power down screen, or consider re-installing the related app on your iPhone.

Related Roundup: Apple Watch 10
Buyer's Guide: Apple Watch (Neutral)

Apple is reportedly shifting around iPhone XR orders amongst its manufacturing partners to ensure production issues don't cause supply constraints when the smartphone officially launches late next month.

According to a Chinese-language Economic Daily News (EDN) report, Pegatron has lost up to half of its original iPhone XR orders to Foxconn, following delayed shipments of some key components and a shortage of workers at its plants in China.

iphone xr red
Apple had originally divvied up between 50 and 60 percent of total orders for the lower-cost LCD iPhone to Foxconn, with Pegatron taking about 30 percent of orders. However, Apple has recently lowered the portion of iPhone XR orders allocated to Pegatron to below 30 percent, while ramping up those to Foxconn substantially.

On top of that, the supply of LCD panels from Japan Display (JDI) for the production of the iPhone XR has not been steady, according to the report. Pegatron and Foxconn declined to comment.

Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty cautioned in July that Apple's 6.1-inch LCD iPhone would not launch until October because of issues with backlight leakage, although it's not clear whether the latest LCD supply constraints are down to the same problem.

The iPhone XR starts at $749 in the United States. The October launch means Apple will likely lose a few sales to customers this month who are interested in a new iPhone but don't want to pay several hundred dollars more for the iPhone XS and XS Max, which start at $999 and $1,099, respectively. Because of this, Huberty saw Apple delivering a "slightly weaker-than-consensus September quarter."

Global shipments of Apple's new iPhone lineup are expected to exceed 85 million units in the second half of the year, with the more budget-friendly iPhone XR expected to account for over half of all sales.

Apple's lower-spec iPhone XR features an edge-to-edge "Liquid Retina" LCD display with wide color and True Tone support, and the same all-screen design as the OLED-based iPhone Xs and Xs Max, but with an aluminum frame instead of stainless steel.

Other downgrades from the iPhone XS that make the XR cheaper include a single-lens rear facing camera instead of the dual lens on the XS, and a lack of 3D Touch support.

The lower-priced iPhone XR becomes available to order on Friday, October 19, with orders shipping the following Friday, October 26.

(Via DigiTimes.)

Related Forum: iPhone

Apple in macOS Mojave introduced Dynamic Desktops, which are wallpapers that shift with the time of day, changing the lighting and look of the wallpaper with the progress of the sun across the sky.

For example, in the afternoon, the lighting in the wallpaper is at its peak brightness and the image of the Mojave desert is depicted as it would be if you visited it in the daytime with well-lit sand dunes and a bright blue sky.

At night, the sky in the wallpaper shifts to darker blue to reflect that it's now evening. The shift between daytime and nighttime happens gradually over the course of the day, so you'll see subtle changes each time you look at your Mac's display.

Dynamic Desktop is simple to enable. Here's how:


  1. Open up System Preferences.
  2. Choose Desktop & Screensaver.
  3. Select one of the options from the "Dynamic Desktop" section under "Desktop."
  4. Using the dropdown menu underneath the wallpaper's name, make sure "Dynamic" is enabled.

There are two Dynamic Desktop options in macOS Mojave, which work with both Light and Dark Mode.

You can choose between the wallpaper that depicts the Mojave desert and a Solar Gradients wallpaper that shifts from a lighter sky blue in the daytime to a darker twilight blue. Apple is likely to add additional Dynamic Desktop options in the future.

Apple's Dynamic Desktop feature relies on your location to be able to match the lighting of the wallpaper with the lighting outside, so to use it, you will need to have Location Services enabled.

Related Forum: macOS Mojave

In macOS Mojave, Apple has introduced a range of new Finder Quick Actions that make it easier for you to perform quick edits to files without having to open the apps associated with them.

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To view available Quick Actions, you need to enable the Preview panel in Finder. To do this, open a Finder window and select the menu bar option View -> Show Preview, or press the keys Shift-Command-P.

Quick Actions for Images, Video, and Audio

Quick Actions are located in the bottom right of the Finder window, just under the preview of the selected file. These actions will change depending on the file: For images, clicking Rotate Left turns the image counterclockwise, while clicking Markup invokes an enhanced Quick Look window containing a set of markup tools.

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If two or more images are selected in Finder, the Markup button will change to Create PDF, allowing you to turn the images into a single portable document. If a QuickTime compatible video or audio file is selected, Markup will be replaced by Trim. Clicking this brings up a Quick Look window with an editing ribbon to trim the file.

How to Customize Quick Actions

You've probably noticed the More... button beside the default Quick Actions. Click this and then select Customize..., and you'll be taken to the Extensions pane in System Preferences, where you'll be able to select other actions to add to Finder's Preview pane.

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The actions available to you will depend on which applications you have installed and any pre-existing Apple scripts on your Mac. Apple is encouraging third-party developers to add support for more Quick Actions in their apps, but you can also create your own custom ones using the Automator app. For a useful example, check out our tutorial on how to quickly resize images using your very own Automator service.

Related Forum: macOS Mojave