
Last December, The Walt Disney Company outlined plans to acquire 21st Century Fox and a collection of its subsidiaries for $52.4 billion in stock. Those plans have been under regulatory scrutiny for months and have yet to be finalized, and now Comcast has confirmed it is in "advanced stages" of sending Fox a "superior" all-cash offer in hopes of besting Disney's all-share offer (via Bloomberg).

Previous reports about Comcast's potential bid also referenced an all-cash deal, and put an estimate above Disney's to as much as $60 billion in cash from Comcast for the designated Fox assets. Comcast's press release today does not disclose an offer amount, but the company says the structure and terms of any offer would be "at least as favorable to Fox shareholders as the Disney offer."

comcast logo
Comcast says that its work to finance the offer for some of Fox's assets is "well advanced," and the company has already prepared to file key regulatory statements. Of course, no final decision has yet been made, but analyst Daniel Ives notes that, "If Comcast won these assets from the arms of Disney, it would be a devastating blow to [Disney CEO] Bob Iger."

In view of the recent filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission by The Walt Disney Company (“Disney”) and Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc. (“Fox”) in preparation for their upcoming shareholder meetings to consider the acquisition of Fox by Disney, Comcast Corporation (“Comcast”) confirms that it is considering, and is in advanced stages of preparing, an offer for the businesses that Fox has agreed to sell to Disney (which do not include the Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, Fox Broadcasting Company and certain other assets).

Any offer for Fox would be all-cash and at a premium to the value of the current all-share offer from Disney. The structure and terms of any offer by Comcast, including with respect to both the spin-off of “New Fox” and the regulatory risk provisions and the related termination fee, would be at least as favorable to Fox shareholders as the Disney offer.

As of now, recent reports have stated that the Comcast/Fox offer's final fate may rely on the government's decision regarding AT&T's acquisition of Time Warner. Similar to AT&T owning DirecTV, Comcast owns NBCUniversal, and both companies are looking into purchasing large TV programming entities.

Because of this, it's believed Comcast will take a wait-and-see approach, and if a U.S. judge rules against AT&T on antitrust grounds in a trial coming next month, Comcast is expected to back off of Fox's assets. If AT&T wins the case and Comcast moves forward with a bid, Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Paul Sweeney says the Disney vs. Comcast bidding war would be intense: "Disney is likely to put up quite a fight."

Disney and Comcast are looking at Fox's entertainment assets in hopes of expanding their reach outside of the United States, as well as stocking their streaming back catalogs with a quick rush of content. Movie assets that either company could gain from 21st Century Fox include Fox Searchlight Pictures and Fox 2000, homes of movies like Avatar, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Deadpool, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Shape of Water, and Gone Girl.

For TV shows, Fox's TV production companies include Twentieth Century Fox Television, as well as FX Productions and Fox21, which bring viewers shows like The Simpsons, This Is Us, and The Americans. Notably, the winning bidder would gain Fox's 30 percent stake in Hulu, and if Disney acquires the company it would become a majority shareholder of the streaming service.

Apple has launched a new Data and Privacy website that enables users to request a copy of all of the data associated with their Apple ID accounts that the company maintains on its servers. The page also provides options to delete or deactivate an Apple ID by following the step-by-step instructions outlined below.

apple id account delete deactivate
While any customer anywhere can delete an Apple ID account, Apple says the ability to deactivate an Apple ID account is limited to accounts with locations set in the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. Apple intends to roll out the deactivation option around the world "in the coming months."

Keep in mind that deleting an Apple ID account and any associated data is a permanent, irreversible* action. After your account is deleted, Apple can't reopen or reactivate your account or restore any of your data, and you will no longer be able to access any of the content and services listed below.

➜ Click here to

Facebook today updated its mobile Marketplace to include home service professionals, such as house cleaners, plumbers, and contractors.

The company says that Marketplace will integrate with existing service professional marketplaces like Handy, HomeAdvisor, and Porch to provide users with an all-in-one location for finding help around the house. In total, there will be hundreds of thousands of top-rated professionals available across the United States to browse through.

facebook marketplace update
Similar to other Facebook pages, professionals will have ratings, reviews, credentials, and their location to ensure that they're nearby. When you find multiple people who might be a match for your project, you can describe the task and use Messenger to send it to multiple professionals at once and judge their responses.

According to Facebook, there have been an increasing number of users asking for recommendations related to home services, totaling "millions of people" since the beginning of 2018, leading to the launch of the new feature.

The updated Facebook Marketplace is starting to roll out today on iOS and Android, and the social network says that it will be available for all U.S. users in the coming weeks.

Apple supplier Foxconn Technology Group is making a shift in its expansion plans to Wisconsin in the United States, where it will now produce small to medium-size displays for Apple and other customers. This is a change from its original plan of having the Wisconsin plant produce large television displays, and the move to smaller displays is said to help lower initial costs at the factory (via Nikkei).

wisconsin foxconn
In total, Foxconn's Wisconsin plant will make displays for car infotainment systems, personal computers, tablets, smartphones, smaller televisions, and other "niche products." If the supplier kept on track with building large TV displays, the output would have required a "more complete" local supply chain lacking in the state, and a greater initial monetary investment for production equipment.

"Previously, Foxconn planned to build a 10.5th-generation display manufacturing factory, which is more suitable for large-sized displays," supply chain sources told Nikkei.

"But later they figured out that it might be more feasible and efficient to build a sixth-generation display plant or an 8.5th-generation factory from which they could move some equipment from Asia."

The incomplete local supply chain is believed to have been one of the bigger obstacles to Foxconn's large panel plans in Wisconsin. Sources speaking to Nikkei said, "It would require other companies like Corning to also set up a glass substrate facility nearby, as it's almost impossible to ship fragile, huge size glass materials from a distant place."

Foxconn has been open to building a facility in the U.S., with news becoming more frequent in late 2016 and the eventual Wisconsin home tipped by sources speaking with The Associated Press in June 2017. Foxconn confirmed the Wisconsin/TV display plant later in the summer, with plans of investing $10 billion into the location and initially employing 3,000 workers, with the potential to expand to as many as 13,000.

As Apple CEO Tim Cook pointed out in a recent interview, many parts of the iPhone are created in the U.S. (like the display glass and Face ID module), but the components manufactured in the U.S. are then shipped abroad, with devices assembled by suppliers like Foxconn in China. Because of this, Cook said: "It's not true that the iPhone is not made in the United States. We have always made the parts here. People just look at where the final product is assembled." In a global world, Cook explained, manufacturing and assembly needs to be done in a variety of places.

Tag: Foxconn

Apple has launched a new Data & Privacy website that includes an option for Apple users to download all the data associated with their Apple ID account that the company keeps on its servers.

The data download that users are able to request includes purchase and app usage history, calendars, reminders, photos, and documents stored in iCloud, Apple Music and Game Center statistics, marketing history, and AppleCare support history.

apple data and privacy website
The data download option arrives before the GDPR deadline and is currently limited to Apple accounts registered in the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland, but Apple says it will roll out the service worldwide "in the coming months".

We've compiled a separate how-to outlining the steps involved in requesting the data. If you live in a country or region that's not listed above, you can still contact Apple to request a copy of your data.

The new Data & Privacy site also includes links that customers can use to update their account details, temporarily deactivate their account, or delete it permanently.

Apple supplier TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) has started production on the next-generation 7-nanometer A12 chips that will be used in the 2018 iPhone lineup, reports Bloomberg.

TSMC in late April announced that its 7-nanometer process node has entered into high volume manufacturing, but did not specify that it was working on the Apple A12 processors set to be built into the iPhones that are expected in September.

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The new 7-nanometer chips will offer approximately 40 percent power and area benefit over the 10-nanometer process used for the A11 processors in the 2017 iPhones. As Bloomberg says, the chips will be smaller, faster, and more efficient.

TSMC is believed to be the sole partner Apple is working with on the A12 chip. TSMC was also Apple's only supplier for the A11 chips in the iPhone X, 8, and 8 Plus.

All three of Apple's 2018 iPhones are expected to adopt the A12 chips that are currently in development. Rumors suggest Apple is working on a second-generation 5.8-inch OLED iPhone that's a successor to the iPhone X, a larger 6.5-inch OLED iPhone that can be thought of as an "iPhone X Plus," and a lower-cost 6.1-inch LCD iPhone.

Along with A12 chips, all three are expected to include a TrueDepth camera system for Face ID capabilities and an edge-to-edge design with minimal bezels and no Home button.

Related Forum: iPhone

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation provided Congress with "grossly inflated" statistics on the number of electronic devices it has been been unable to access due to encryption, reports The Washington Post.

Last year, the FBI claimed to have been locked out of close to 7,800 devices that were connected to crimes, but the actual number of devices that were inaccessible is smaller, closer in scope to between 1,000 and 2,000. The FBI discovered an error in the method used for counting encrypted smartphones last month, and has not yet completed a full internal audit to determine the correct number.


"The FBI's initial assessment is that programming errors resulted in significant over-counting of mobile devices reported," the FBI said in a statement Tuesday. The bureau said the problem stemmed from the use of three distinct databases that led to repeated counting of the same phones. Tests of the methodology conducted in April 2016 failed to detect the flaw, according to people familiar with the work.

The FBI's inflated numbers are a problem because FBI director Christopher Wray has, at several points in time, used those statistics to warn of the dangers criminals using encryption to "go dark" and evade law enforcement oversight.

Back in October, for example, Wray said the inability to access such a large number of encrypted smartphones was a major problem. "To put it mildly, this is a huge, huge problem," said Wray. "It impacts investigations across the board - narcotics, human trafficking, counterterrorism, counterintelligence, gangs, organized crime, child exploitation."

In another such speech in January, Wray used the inflated figure to describe encryption as an "urgent public safety issue."

"While the FBI and law enforcement happen to be on the front lines of this problem, this is an urgent public safety issue for all of us. Because as horrifying as 7,800 in one year sounds, it's going to be a lot worse in just a couple of years if we don't find a responsible solution."

These kinds of statistics have also been used by the FBI to advocate for backdoors into encrypted devices like the iPhone.

In 2016, for example, Apple and the FBI had now-famous dispute over the iPhone 5c used by San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook. The FBI demanded that Apple create a tool to allow law enforcement officials to disable passcode security features so they could hack into the device, effectively weakening its protection.

Apple staunchly refused and argued that such a request could set a "dangerous precedent," a position the company has maintained since then as law enforcement officials have continued to advocate for backdoor device access.

Apple, as part of the Reform Government Surveillance coalition, recently released a statement condemning proposals for backdoors into electronic devices, and in March, Apple engineering chief Craig Federighi said that backdoor access would "inject new and dangerous weaknesses into product security."

"Weakening security makes no sense when you consider that customers rely on our products to keep their personal information safe, run their businesses or even manage vital infrastructure like power grids and transportation systems," Federighi said.

Despite the FBI's error counting the number of encrypted devices it has been unable to access during criminal investigations, the agency maintained that encryption is a "serious problem" in a statement to The Washington Post.

"Going Dark remains a serious problem for the FBI, as well as other federal, state, local and international law enforcement partners. ... The FBI will continue pursuing a solution that ensures law enforcement can access evidence of criminal activity with appropriate legal authority."

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Apple is planning to share news on APFS support for Fusion Drives "very soon," Apple software engineering chief Craig Federighi told MacRumors reader Jonathan in an email this afternoon.

Federighi shared the detail after Jonathan sent him an email asking whether or not APFS was still in the works for Fusion Drives, which combine a hard drive with flash storage to provide the speed of an SSD with the affordability of a standard hard drive. Fusion Drives are used in iMacs and Mac mini machines.

In response to Jonathan's question, Federighi gave a short but enticing answer, which we verified:

Hi Jonathan,

We intend to address this question very soon...


- craig

With the launch of macOS High Sierra, Apple introduced a new Apple File System for Macs that have all-flash built-in storage. At the time macOS High Sierra was introduced, Apple said that the initial release of the software would not allow Fusion Drives to be converted to APFS, but confirmed APFS support would be coming at a later date.

Since then, iMac and Mac mini owners who have Fusion Drives have been eagerly waiting for Apple to implement support for the feature, but in update after update, no APFS support for Fusion Drives has materialized.

Federighi's statement suggests that APFS will be added as a feature in an upcoming software update, perhaps the macOS 10.14 update that's expected to be unveiled at the Worldwide Developers Conference in June.

For those unfamiliar with the new Apple File System, it's a more modern file system than HFS+ and has been optimized for solid state drives. It is safe and secure, offering crash protection, safe document saves, stable snapshots, simplified backups, strong native encryption, and more.

Related Forum: macOS Mojave

Date-based note taking app Agenda, which we covered in one of our recent lists of top macOS apps, is expanding to iOS devices on May 29 and can be pre-ordered now.

Unlike other note taking apps on the market, Agenda's date-focused structure makes it ideal for project planning purposes because you can see a total picture of everything you've worked on and everything you need to do. There's a timeline organizational system for keeping track of progress on a project by date, with the option to attach a date to each note, and there's an option to link notes to your calendar.


Agenda is a date-focused note taking app for both planning and documenting your projects. With its unique timeline, Agenda gives you a complete picture of past, present and future.

Add notes for what is currently on your agenda, while also preparing notes for an upcoming meeting. Use older notes as breadcrumbs to remind yourself why and when you took the actions you did.

An "On the Agenda" feature highlights items that need to be dealt with right away, making them easier to search for and in a special group on the app's sidebar for higher visibility.

Additional features like saved searches, navigation history, a related notes list, cross linking between notes, and more, also set Agenda apart from traditional note taking apps.

The app includes a full text editor complete with styles, formatting and Markdown support, and notes can be added to categories and tagged for deeper organization. There are also detailed sharing options to make it simple to print and share notes, including a feature for sharing an entire project.

Agenda is a free app, but it offers unique 12-month premium feature packs that include all existing premium features as well as new features added in the 12 months following the purchase. Unlocking premium features for the iOS app alone costs $9.99, while unlocking premium features for both the iOS and Mac apps costs $24.99.

Agenda supports iCloud, so your notes sync across all of your Mac and iOS devices.

Agenda will be available for download on the iPhone and the iPad on May 29, but it can pre-ordered from the iOS App Store immediately. [Direct Link]

With the 2016 MacBook Pro, Apple introduced an all-new design that incorporates a Touch Bar, a small touch-sensitive OLED display that offers up contextual controls depending on what you're doing on your Mac.

Though the Touch Bar has been available, in our experience, many Mac owners don't take advantage of it, so in our latest YouTube video, we thought we'd share a few tips and tricks that might make the Touch Bar more appealing.

Customize Your Control Bar

Most MacBook Pro owners are probably aware that this feature exists, but may not have delved into the customization options. Customizing the control strip is the best way to get the most out of the Touch Bar because you can choose the features you use most.

To get to the Control Strip settings, open up System Preferences, choose "Keyboard" and then select the "Customize Control Strip" option at the bottom of the window.

You can choose options like quick access to taking a screenshot, Night Shift, Do not Disturb, Screen Lock, Sleep, AirPlay, Spotlight, Mission Control, and more.

Set the Function Keys as Your Default

Want your function keys back as the default option? There's a setting for that. Like the Control Strip settings, it is located under Keyboard in System Preferences.

You can choose to have the Touch Bar display App Controls with Control Strip, which will change the available Touch Bar options with each app you use, or you can set it to display the function keys, an Expanded Control Strip, or just App Controls.

If you go to the "Shortcuts" section of the Keyboard settings and select Function Keys, you can also choose to have the function keys display on a per-app basis.

You can also customize the shortcut the Fn key brings up -- if you set the Touch Bar to function keys, the Fn key on the keyboard can be set to expand the Control Strip or show app controls. With the Control Strip set as the default, you can always bring up your function keys with the Fn key.

Take a Screenshot of Your Touch Bar

Though it's not obvious, there's a way to take a screenshot of the Touch Bar on the MacBook Pro. Just hold down Shift + Command + 6 all at the same time, and the screenshot will be saved to your desktop.


Accessibility Options

There are several Accessibility-related options that can be enabled for the Touch Bar for those who need them, including VoiceOver, Zoom, and Switch Control to display the Touch Bar on the MacBook Pro's screen.

To check out and enable Touch Bar Accessibility options, open up System Preferences and choose the "Accessibility" icon. VoiceOver controls for Touch Bar are enabled automatically when VoiceOver is turned on, while the other options are under "Zoom" and "Switch Control."

For more information, make sure to check out Apple's Accessibility support document for the Touch Bar.

Improve Touch Bar with Third-Party Apps

There are a few ways to make the Touch Bar more useful through third-party apps.

With Better Touch Tool, you can create your own shortcuts for the Touch Bar. The possibilities are extensive, ranging from tools to empty the trash on your Mac to accessing apps to seeing the time, date, and your battery level. Check out Reddit for some suggestions on how to use this tool.

Similarly, the TouchSwitcher app for the Touch Bar is designed to let you launch and switch between apps by adding a list of your most recently used apps to the Touch Bar.

Do you use the Touch Bar on the MacBook Pro? What are your favorite use cases for the feature? Let us know in the comments.

Apple today added a new events page to its main website, confirming that the upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference keynote on June 4 will be live streamed and available to watch on the Apple website, through the WWDC app, and through the events app on the Apple TV.

Apple previously made it clear that the entire conference would be live streamed through the Developer website and in the WWDC app, but the new event page clarifies that the keynote will be available for all to watch even without a developer account, as it has been in past years.

At the 2018 Worldwide Developers Conference, we are expecting to see Apple unveil next-generation versions of iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS, with the software made available to developers later in the day for testing purposes ahead of a fall launch.

While we haven't heard specific details on hardware products coming at WWDC, there are multiple possibilities. Rumors have suggested we could potentially see new iPad Pro models and perhaps a new iPhone SE, and several Macs are due for a refresh, including the MacBook Pro, iMac, and 12-inch MacBook. Last year, these machines were refreshed at WWDC.

We're also waiting on the AirPower, Apple's promised charging mat that's designed to charge the newest iPhones, the AirPods, and the Apple Watch all at once, and alongside the AirPower, we're expecting a new wireless AirPods charging case. These could see a launch following WWDC.

We'll have more detail on what we can expect to see unveiled at WWDC next week.

For the June 4 keynote event, MacRumors will provide a live blog both here on and on our MacRumorsLive Twitter account, along with detailed coverage of everything Apple announces during the week.

Apple plans to introduce the next-generation version of iOS, iOS 12, on June 4 at its Worldwide Developers Conference. Rumors have suggested this is going to be a bug fix and performance improvement update, with Apple delaying some features until iOS 13 to focus on these internal changes.

There are, however, rumors that we may see updates that include cross-platform apps for Mac and iOS devices, new Animoji, Animoji support for FaceTime, updated parental controls, and an enhanced version of Do Not Disturb. Rumors never cover all of the features that we see in new versions of iOS, though, so there could be additional changes in the works.

With that in mind, we've taken a look at some of the most-desired features MacRumors readers are hoping for in iOS 12, pulled from our forums.

User Interface Changes

  • Dark mode - Unsurprisingly, a system wide dark mode for iOS is one of the most hoped for features for iOS 12, just as it was for iOS 11 and iOS 10. Apple users have wanted a true dark mode for years, but there's no word that it's coming in iOS 12.


    A dark mode concept from iHelpBR
  • Split Screen mode for iPhone - The option to run two apps side by side on the iPhone would be useful on larger iPhones, especially with rumors pointing towards a 6.5-inch iPhone in 2018.
  • More customization - MacRumors reader Breezygirl would like to see Apple add more Android-like customization options, such as the ability to change the background in messages, adjust the SMS bubble colors, or add a theme to the OS to shift the colors.
  • Desktop mode - On some Android devices, there's a feature where you can dock a smartphone to use it as a desktop machine replacement, attaching it to a larger display, a keyboard, and a mouse. It's a long shot, but MacRumors reader Marrakas would like to see Apple implement similar functionality.
  • Volume redesign - The design of the indicator when you adjust the volume on the iPhone has always been a point of contention with iOS users, and so it's no surprise that in iOS 12, MacRumors readers are hoping for a new, less intrusive volume interface that takes up less screen space.


  • Improved battery widget - The battery widget could be improved by allowing all of a user's devices to be displayed for quick cross-device battery checks.
  • No more shake to undo - Several MacRumors readers are tired of the shake to undo/redo feature in the iPhone, which can be activated accidentally. Some readers would like to see an undo feature enabled through a different gesture.

App Improvements

  • Camera controls in the Camera app - On a lot of Android devices, the camera app provides manual controls for photo taking. Apple has no similar feature for full manual control, and it would be nice if it were an option, even one that had to be toggled on in Settings. Other settings are hidden in the Settings app, and users would like to see these more readily accessible.
  • Aspect Ratio in Camera app - Multiple MacRumors readers would like to see an option to set a default aspect ratio for photos.
  • FaceTime - Several MacRumors readers are hoping for group FaceTime. Rumors suggest Apple's working on it, but it might not come in iOS 12. Animoji are expected to come to FaceTime, though, so you can converse with friends and family as an Animoji character.


  • App Store wishlists - The revamped App Store in iOS 11 removed app wishlists that some users took advantage of often. This is a feature that quite a few people miss.
  • Photos improvements - MacRumors reader kirky29 is hoping for a major overhaul to the Photos app with a lot more functionality for doing things like viewing and editing metadata, changing grid size, altering the order of the photos, and more.
  • Music app overhaul - MacRumors reader GermanSuplex has several suggestions for ways Apple could improve the Music app, including the ability to turn iCloud purchases off if desired, improved playcount syncing across devices, the ability to sort songs within playlists by different parameters, refinements and improvements to cloud services and the way the app handles metadata, more control over which devices playlists sync to, and better syncing of music content in general.
  • Messages search and archive - A more robust search feature for the Messages app would be a welcome change, as would an option to archive messages and snooze messages, as Joseph H points out.


  • Mouse support on iPad - This one is a long shot, but MacRumors reader boston04and07 wants to see Apple add mouse support for the iPad for navigating through apps.
  • iPhone apps for iPad - Multiple iPhone apps, including Weather, Calculator, Health, and Activity are missing from the iPad and have been exclusive to the iPhone for years.

Settings and Systemwide Features

  • Revamped Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Toggles - With iOS 11, Apple changed the functionality of the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth toggles in the Control Center. These buttons no longer permanently turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and instead just disable the features for a set amount of time. In iOS 12, MacRumors readers would like to see the on/off functionality returned or enabled through another gesture, such as a longer press.


  • Do Not Disturb improvements - Do Not Disturb functionality on the iPhone is fairly basic, and that is actually one of the features Apple's rumored to be working on for iOS 12. The ability to toggle DND on and off for specific apps would be useful, as boston04and07 points out, and being able to set schedules for different days of the week would also be useful. An option to hide notifications entirely would be a welcome change for those who want to use their devices in peace.
  • Biometric locking for specific apps - Third-party apps can require you to use a fingerprint, Face ID, or a password to access sensitive data, but as MacRumors reader TimFL1 says, this isn't available for first-party apps like Photos, nor for specific parts of apps, like individual photo albums.
  • iCloud notifications - If you have multiple devices and get a notification from an app like Apple News, it goes to all of your devices instead of just one, and viewing the notification on just one device doesn't clear it from all of them. If Apple implemented iCloud notifications, notifications would work more smoothly across devices, appearing on just one device and clearing on all.

iPhone X

  • Always-on display for iPhone X - Some Android smartphones offer an always-on display, something that Apple could perhaps theoretically enable thanks to the OLED display on the iPhone X, which eats up less battery life. MacRumors readers would like to see an always-on display on the iPhone X for things like the time and incoming notifications, even though it's probably a long shot at this point in time.


  • Siri - Improvements to Siri was one of the most frequent requests, with specifics that include Spotify integration, multi-lingual query support, and, in general, just features to make Siri smarter and more like Alexa or Google Assistant.

More than anything, most of our readers are hoping that Apple is going to hunker down and focus on bug fixes and performance improvements to make existing features operate smoothly and without issues.

Apple is said to be planning to address stability and performance concerns in this update, and has gone as far as delaying planned features in favor of underlying fixes.

Do you have other features you're hoping to see in iOS 12 that didn't make our list? Let us know in the comments.

Related Forum: iOS 12

Graphic designer Álvaro Pabesio shared his vision for an updated, enhanced Apple Music on Behance earlier today, and it's an impressively detailed look at UI tweaks and changes that Apple could make to fix a few user gripes with its streaming music app. As you look at Pabesio's designs, remember that this is a concept and in no way indicates or confirms what we'll see with Apple Music in iOS 12 later this year.

To start off, Pabesio revamped the Library tab, removing the vertical list for Playlists, Artists, Albums, and Songs, and introducing a horizontal tab bar that you can scroll through. With more space afforded from this change, new daily suggestions pop up right in Library for playlists, stations, artists, and personal mixes the app thinks you'll like.

pabasioi apple music concept 3
Pabesio nixed "For You" completely by introducing features from this tab into other parts of the app, so the second tab is now Browse. Here you can perform the usual artist and album searches, and find the latest songs and new releases, but Pabesio added in a few details to truly expand browsing on Apple Music.

More information is now displayed on the screen at once, thanks to the reduction of the current app's large image banner carousel and the same horizontal scrolling bar from Pabesio's Library tab. Pabesio highlights a much smaller new album/song carousel at the top of his concept, "Trending now" tracks, and places your personal mixes on this page as well.

Pabasio apple music concept 2
In the graphic designer's imagining of Apple Music, you can provide even more granular feedback into mood playlists by filling out a prompt, like "I'm [happy] and feeling like [going out]." Pabesio's description says depending on your response Apple Music will take into account the music in your Library, the mood you chose, and find "up to 5 hours of selected music" for you to listen to.

One of Pabesio's biggest overhauls is a new "Social" tab, taking the rudimentary features Apple added in iOS 11 last September and greatly expanding upon them. When you open the tab you see a similar horizontal tab bar like the one found in Library, and it houses Stats, Friends, Rankings, and more. Apple Music can now show your plays broken down weekly, monthly, yearly, and all time, and even lets you know if you did above or below average in terms of music listening each week.

pabasio apple music concept 5
Each user's page now shows their song play counts, following and follower counts, and when you visit someone it'll provide a taste comparison graph, similar to music social network Underneath that, Apple Music profiles now show individually played songs, instead of just displaying the latest albums or playlists the user listened to.

Pabasio apple music concept 6
These can still be seen too, however, with even more displayed on profiles like playlists, top artists, custom playlists, and more. For Apple's curated playlists, these also show follower counts, as well as up and down arrows to show when songs change position on charted playlists. All of these ideas extend to official artist pages as well.

Pabasio apple music concept 4
Expanding even further on the social features is a new group playlist ability, so you can create public or private playlists with up to 50 friends. Pabesio also notes tiny fixes like "relevant notifications," a "revamped album view," and the return of double-tapping artwork to love a song.

Overall, Pabesio's Apple Music concept is an interesting look into ideas that Apple could incorporate into the Music app down the line, and there's much more to check out on his Behance page, including his tweaks to Apple Music on Mac. We should be hearing about any updates coming to Apple Music very soon, with the reveal of iOS 12 and much more at WWDC just two weeks away.

eBay shoppers this week have the chance to save 15 percent off their purchases thanks to the online marketplace's new Memorial Day coupon. While the coupon is limited to certain sellers, it provides savings on select top brands like Apple, DJI, Dyson, and more.

Similar to some previous eBay coupons, the discount applies to the purchase price (excluding shipping, handling, and taxes) of an order priced at $50 or more, and the code can only be used once within a single transaction. Likewise, the discount will be capped at a value of $50, so any cart that totals around $330 will gain the full $50 discount. Note that the coupon expires Friday, May 25 at 11:59 p.m. PT.

ebay memorial day couponNote: MacRumors is an affiliate partner with these vendors. When you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small payment, which helps us keep the site running.

Unlike past codes the Memorial Day coupon is more limited, with a list of specific sellers that are partaking in the event. There are still plenty of notable shops to browse through, including AnkerDirect, Daily Steals, Overstock, Tech Rabbit, and many more. For the full list, visit this page and scroll all the way to the bottom, or you can delve straight into the electronics sale items compatible with the coupon.

Over on Amazon, Apple accessory makers Anker and Koogeek have a few discount codes for products going on through the end of May. The items range from Anker's dependable battery packs and USB cables, to a collection of Koogeek's low-price HomeKit products. Check out the full list below:

Anker (Need Codes)

anker may 2018 codes

Anker (Don't Need Codes)

koogeek new image

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Related Roundup: Apple Deals

One of Apple's upcoming original television shows is a reboot of Steven Spielberg's "Amazing Stories," a science fiction and horror series that originally ran from 1985 to 1987.

For the new version of "Amazing Stories," Apple has inked a deal with "Once Upon a Time" co-creators Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis, who are set to serve as executive producers and show runners on the series.

Horowitz and Kitsis are joining "Amazing Stories" following the February departure of Bryan Fuller, the original showrunner. Fuller reportedly left the project due to creative differences with Apple. While he wanted to turn "Amazing Stories" into a Black Mirror-style show, Apple is aiming for something more family friendly.

The two producers have previously worked on shows that include "Popular," "Felicity," "Lost," and "Once Upon a Time," and they have been involved with "Tron: Legacy." "Once Upon a Time," which they created in 2011, is perhaps the most well-known series the two have collaborated on.

"Amazing Stories" is a show that's similar to series like "Tales From the Crypt" and "Twilight Zone," with a new topic explored during each episode. Apple has ordered 10 episodes of "Amazing Stories," but as with all of the company's original television shows, it's not entirely clear when we'll see a debut. Rumors have suggested the first of the shows could launch in 2019.

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Apple today sent press invites to a variety of news and media sites for the upcoming 2018 Worldwide Developers Conference, confirming the company's plans to hold a keynote event on Monday, June 4 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. MacRumors will be in attendance at the keynote.

It is tradition for Apple to hold a keynote event on the first day of the Worldwide Developers Conference to introduce new software and hardware products. This year, we expect to see new versions of iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS at the conference, and it's possible Apple will also use the event to unveil new iPad Pro models and new Macs.

Apple is rumored to be working on an updated iPad Pro that features an iPhone X-style edge-to-edge display with no Home button and support for Face ID. It's not clear, however, if this device will be ready to debut at WWDC as rumors have said that it may not come until later in the year. Apple often introduces refreshed Macs, and the iMac, MacBook Pro, and MacBook are all awaiting 2018 refreshes.

It's also possible Apple will use the WWDC event to launch the long-awaited AirPower, a charging mat that's designed to charge iPhone X, 8 and 8 Plus models at the same time as the AirPods (with a new charging case) and the Apple Watch Series 3.

Apple in March announced that this year's Worldwide Developers Conference will once again be held at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, California. This is the second year that Apple has hosted the event in San Jose, a location that's closer to its two Cupertino campuses and the myriad other office buildings the company occupies in the South Bay. Past conferences were held at Moscone West in San Francisco.

WWDC tickets, which were priced at $1,599, were distributed to developers by random selection back in March. Apple also provided 350 scholarships to students and STEM organization members, which include a free ticket to WWDC as well as free lodging at San Jose State University.

Approximately 5,000 developers attend the Worldwide Developers Conference to interface with hundreds of Apple engineers who are available to answer questions and host development sessions. Developers who are not able to attend the event will be able to watch the sessions through Apple's WWDC 2018 website or the WWDC app for iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV.

For Apple's June 4 keynote event, MacRumors will provide live coverage, both here on and on our MacRumorsLive Twitter account. We'll also have detailed coverage of the new software Apple debuts as well as anything else Apple announces during the week.

Belkin today introduced a certified Lightning to 3.5mm audio cable, and announced that pre-orders will begin on its website today.

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The cable has a male Lightning connector on one end and a 3.5mm output on the other, allowing iPhone models that lack a headphone jack to be connected to a car stereo via the AUX port without the need for any adapters.

The cable can also be used to connect an iPhone to other products with 3.5mm inputs, ranging from home speaker systems to over-ear headphones. This is possible because the cable has a built-in digital-to-analog converter.

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Lightning to 3.5mm audio cables have been available for several years, but Belkin's edition is certified by Apple under its MFi Program, which was recently expanded to include specifications for this type of cable.

Belkin's cable will be available in a three-foot length for $29.99 or in a six-foot length for $34.99 in the United States, with prices varying elsewhere. In addition to pre-orders on, the cables will available in the coming weeks at Apple Stores, Best Buy, Target, and select other retailers worldwide.

For a pricing comparison, Master & Dynamic recently released an Apple-certified Lightning to 3.5mm audio cable with an in-line microphone for $69.

Instagram today announced the ability for you to mute accounts in your feed, so that you can hide posts from people or brands you may not want to see anymore without needing to unfollow them completely. Instagram says that the change is another update to make your feed "even more personalized to what matters to you."

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Account muting will be in the ellipsis menu at the top right of each post, and you can choose to "Mute Posts" or "Mute Posts and Story," to also prevent that account's stories from appearing at the top of the Instagram app. You can also mute accounts by pressing and holding on a story in the story tray, or from a user's profile.

After you mute someone you can still navigate to their profile page to look at their posts, and if you're tagged by them the app will still send you a push notification. Instagram says that people will not be made aware that you muted them, and you can unmute people whenever you like. Facebook has a similar muting feature, allowing users to unfollow other people without directly unfriending them.

Instagram is routinely working on new additions for its photo-sharing social network, with new digital health features like "Time Spent" usage and "You're All Caught Up" notifications said to be coming soon. In March, the company updated its feed algorithm to focus on newer posts, although many users frequently request an option to return to the simple, reverse chronological feed.

Instagram says that the mute feature will be rolling out to its users "over the coming weeks."