Rubicon Consulting published data from an online survey of 460 "randomly" selected iPhone users. Full PDF of results is available from Rubicon. They claim there's a 3.8% margin of error with a 90% confidence interval, but the validity of the data depends on how truly random their sampling was.
Summary of results:
- Email is the #1 function.
- iPhone increases mobile browsing with 75% of iPhone users saying it has led to more mobile browsing
- 50% of iPhone owners replaced conventional (non-smartphones) mobile phones.
- 1/3 of iPhone users carry a 2nd phone
- 1/4 of iPhone users say its displacing a notebook computer.
- 40% of iPhone users said "strongly" that they want to add new software apps.
- 40% if iPhone users said the browser has trouble with some web pages they want to visit
A few interesting graphs:Satisfaction

Though iPhone users were mostly satisfied with their units, the two aspects that garnered the least satisfied responses were Battery Life and Wireless data speed.
Own a Mac or iPod Before?

The most interesting statistic from my perspective is that only 25% of iPhone owners owned a Mac before buying the iPhone.
Have you added Apps Already?

This graph shows that over 50% of iPhone owners have added software applications to their iPhone, which implies jailbreaking, but the question doesn't seem to explicit.
How old are you?

Age distribution of iPhone owners
Most desired features?

Requested features in order of most desired to least (left to right).