With Apple's 2012 September Media event kicking off on Wednesday, some users are interested in avoiding all of the announcements and waiting until Apple posts the recorded video of the event so as to experience it without already knowing the outcome.
For those individuals, we've posted this news story, which will be updated with the link to the presentation once it becomes available from Apple. No other news stories or announcements will be displayed alongside this story.
Users waiting for the video to be posted are welcome to gather in the thread associated with this news story, and we ask that those who follow the events refrain from making any posts in the thread about tomorrow's announcements.
Update: The video has been posted here: http://www.apple.com/apple-events/september-2012/
Once you have watched it, make sure to check the full roundup of all our coverage for anything you've missed.
Top Rated Comments
What are you talking about? I've started threads like this for every media for the past 3 years on this site:
Get over yourself. It's just a simple thread to have fun before the Keynote. Stop acting like a tool.
I do apologize. I posted that before I'd had my first cup of coffee and was feeling like an a$$hole (which, coincidentally, is what I came off as).
Carry on. :cool:
Thanks to everybody for participating!
Hi all, come here for a spoiler-free experience of the September 12th, 2012 iPhone Event! This post will contain the official live keynote stream (when one is available). Please don't post any rumors/speculation. Until then, feel free to pass the time here.
Keynote Checker (Courtesy of Voidness): http://insightview.com/keynotechecker/
- Do not mention any current rumors/new rumors
- Do not talk about Fight Club
- Do not mention Apple's stock price
- Do assume everyone in this thread has heard nothing about iPhone Event
- Use common sense when posting
- Do not say what was not in the Keynote (ex. "They didn't update the AppleTVs!!")
- Be Patient! ;)
Purpose of This Thread
The purpose is that people can bookmark this thread, and check in periodically to see if a link to the Keynote is posted (instead of being spoiled by seeing pictures on the MacRumors' homepage :p). It's like we've all seen trailers for a movie (like the part leaks), but we want to watch the movie (the Keynote) without knowing the ending. ;)
Also if someone does post spoilers please report them via the button located on the left of each post. Please do not quote the offending post.
For people that dont "get" it, the point of these is to bookmark them before the event and then after the live announcement you just go straight to them and then you're able to watch the keynote unspoiled without having to go to the main page and seeing the news. It's like a safe bunker from the apocalypse.
Where I live, the keynote is 3am so I just wake up around 7am and refresh these threads until the keynote is live and avoid the rest of the internet in the meantime. Then once I've watched the keynote, go to the Apple website and look at the porn shots and full specs.
Then go onto the forums and read all the reactions and salty Fandroid tears
http://images.apple.com/apple-events/september-2012/images/september_2012_title.gif (http://images.apple.com/apple-events/september-2012/images/september_2012_title.gif)
I guess they are working on it!