In typical Apple fashion, the iPhone SDK program and App Store application process has been clouded in some uncertainty about launch dates and details of the approval process. Today, Apple finally gave developers a firm deadline of July 7th as the last date they would be considered for inclusion on launch day of the App Store.
To ensure your application can be considered for the exciting launch of the App Store, submit your application by 12 PM PDT, on July 7, 2008. We will continue to accept applications after this time, however your application may not be available until after the launch of the App Store.
Of course, developers can continue to submit their applications beyond the deadline, but may not make the actual App Store launch. The App Store is expected to launch on July 11th, alongside the iPhone 3G.
The App Store is thought to be a huge opportunity amongst developers, and inclusion on the first day of launch would provide a significant amount of free publicity. Developers interested in additional MacRumors coverage on launch day and beyond should contact us.