Forum user villanova329 posted a large collection of unboxing photos as well as a brief review of the Apple Bluetooth Headset which has just started shipping.
villanova329's first impressions are as follows:

- I re-did my voicemail using the earpiece, and the playback quality was great
- The foam earbud covers are back, the set comes with two
- It uses the standard "0000" code to pair
- Volume is controlled via the iPhone or handset used
- First call made: Friend told me he did not know I was using an earpiece, did hear some background, but said it sound just like how I usually sound without using an earpiece
- I shook my head from side to side (almost felt like passing out), and it stayed put. It moved around but it still stayed in my ear. To further test it, I did one set of skipping a rope (my favorite cardio workout) while wearing it, and it stayed in my ear. So far, impressed with the fit, but this thing is too light, I might forget I even have it on.
- The fit feels just like the stock headphones, and a little smoother than the old generation iPod headphones
- The magsafe feature is not as strong as you would expect from the MacBook/MBP kind. Rather you just feel a tiny pull but its not strong enough to yank it from your hand like the original magsafe
- I'm wishing Apple would have included an optional earloop to add more security to your ear, but hey we can't have everything we want.
- This thing is tiny
- I love now having 3 charging methods for my iPhone: standard cable, travel cable, and now iPhone/earpiece dock
- I have a pretty chubby face, and that is an obstacle for a lot of earpieces I've tried because it increases the distance. This earpiece catches my voice despite the distance from my mouth and the earpiece
- I did not have to raise my voice to be heard
- When receiving a call, the ringtone inside the earpiece is just some funky digital sound ring, like your typical bluetooth earpiece ringtone, nothing fancy
- Feels much lighter, almost to the point you'll forget its there
- What I hear sounds pretty much the same
- Of course, Jawbone has noise cancelling feature, this does not
- Made two calls, so far my friends can't even tell I'm on an earpiece; sounds just like I'm just using the handset
- Apple one cost $10 more
- Jawbone automatically sets volume, but you can also change it through the handset. With Apple earpiece, no mix up... all volume is controlled through the handset/iPhone